Wie kann ich in a0poster Kreise als Hintergrund fixieren und im Vordergrund Text schreiben und Figuren einfügen?

Wie kann ich in a0poster Kreise als Hintergrund fixieren und im Vordergrund Text schreiben und Figuren einfügen?

Bitte finden Sie das MWE unten und helfen Sie mir, meine Probleme zu beheben.

\documentclass[portrait,a0b,posterdraft]{a0poster} %% posterdraft is for printing the poster on a4 size.

\usepackage{MyriadPro} % one has to run Xelatex when pdflatex is creating trouble.
\usepackage{lmodern} % necessary to get the san serif font family.

\def\vhrulefill#1{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule\@height#1\hfill \kern\z@}
\makeatother %% this patch is to change the thickness of the \hrule width.

\definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{116,185,41} %% define the green color according to your need.
\definecolor{myblue}{RGB}{0,110,174}%% define blue color for your need
\definecolor{circleblue}{RGB}{131,173,211} %% define different shades of blue
\definecolor{myorange}{RGB}{226,125,50} %% for circle outline..


%   \begin{center}
        {\fontsize{60pt}{30pt}\selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{Synthesis and XXX}}\\[1cm]
        {\fontsize{40pt}{30pt} \selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{\underline{Author1}\textsuperscript{1} and Author2\textsuperscript{1}}}\\[1cm]
        {\fontsize{36pt}{30pt} \selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{\textsuperscript{1}Affiliation}}\\[0.5cm]
        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [anchor=north east, inner sep=2cm]  at (current page.north east)
\noindent\color{mygreen}{\vhrulefill{20pt}} % \vhrulefill patch is necessary to change thickness of the line here. 

\node at (-25,38) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,fill=circleblue]{}; 
\node at (20,38) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,fill=circleblue]{}; %% second circle
\node at (-25,-1) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=circleblue]{};
\node at (13.15,-1) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=circleblue]{};



Vielleicht interpretiere ich die Frage falsch, aber dadurch werden Texte und Grafiken in den Vordergrund gestellt.

\documentclass[portrait,a0b,posterdraft]{a0poster} %% posterdraft is for printing the poster on a4 size.

%\usepackage{MyriadPro} % one has to run Xelatex when pdflatex is creating trouble.

\def\vhrulefill#1{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule\@height#1\hfill \kern\z@}
\makeatother %% this patch is to change the thickness of the \hrule width.

\definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{116,185,41} %% define the green color according to your need.
\definecolor{myblue}{RGB}{0,110,174}%% define blue color for your need
\definecolor{circleblue}{RGB}{131,173,211} %% define different shades of blue
\definecolor{myorange}{RGB}{226,125,50} %% for circle outline..


%   \begin{center}
        {\fontsize{60pt}{30pt}\selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{Synthesis and XXX}}\\[1cm]
        {\fontsize{40pt}{30pt} \selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{\underline{Author1}\textsuperscript{1} and Author2\textsuperscript{1}}}\\[1cm]
        {\fontsize{36pt}{30pt} \selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{\textsuperscript{1}Affiliation}}\\[0.5cm]
        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [anchor=north east, inner sep=2cm]  at (current page.north east)
\noindent\color{mygreen}{\vhrulefill{20pt}} % \vhrulefill patch is necessary to change thickness of the line here. 

\node (TL) at (-25,38) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,fill=circleblue]{}; 
\node (TR) at (20,38) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,fill=circleblue]{}; %% second circle
\node (BL) at (-25,-1) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=circleblue]{};
\node (BR) at (13.15,-1) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=circleblue]{};
\node[text width=20cm,align=center,fill=white,font=\sffamily\Huge,
draw,fill=white,text=black,inner ysep=1cm] at (TL) {Hello world};
\node at (TR) {\includegraphics[width=20cm]{example-image-a}};


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