Ausrichtungsproblem bei Bildunterschriften mit sechs nebeneinander stehenden Abbildungen

Ausrichtungsproblem bei Bildunterschriften mit sechs nebeneinander stehenden Abbildungen

Wie kann ich die Ausrichtung der Beschriftung und die allgemeine Ästhetik der folgenden TikZ-Abbildung verbessern?

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size
            % BLOCK - NORMAL (Unloaded)
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
                (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - TENSION
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!blue,bottom color=metalcol!80!blue!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
                (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
              \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - COMPRESSION
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!red,bottom color=metalcol!78!red!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
                (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
              \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - BENDING (flexion)
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
              \draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
                (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
                (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
                (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - TORSION
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
              \draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
                (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
              \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
              \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - SHEAR
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
                (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
              \draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
        \caption{Most common types of material deformations}

Dieser Code führte tatsächlich zu folgendem hässlichen Ergebnis:

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Ich finde egregs Lösung ziemlich elegant, aber da ich meine Lösung bereits fertiggestellt habe, poste ich sie einfach auch. Sie verwendet nur eine TikZ-Umgebung, platziert aber jeden Block in einem Bereich, sodass ich nicht viele Koordinaten anpassen musste. Außerdem habe ich die Breite geschätzt, indem ich den Bereich um 1/6 verschoben habe \textwidth. Mit dem gegebenen MWE führt dies (ohne Skalierung des TikZ-Bilds) zu einer überfüllten Hbox, aber da das MWE selbst eine überfüllte Hbox hat, vermute ich, dass die tatsächliche textwidthUmgebung dies ohne Skalierung ermöglicht.

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size


    \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
        % BLOCK - NORMAL (Unloaded)
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
                (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
        \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Unloaded\vphantom{p}};
        % BLOCK - TENSION
                \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
            \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!blue,bottom color=metalcol!80!blue!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
                    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
                    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
            \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Tension\vphantom{p}};

                \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
                \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!red,bottom color=metalcol!78!red!80!black]
                    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
                    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
                    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
            \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Compression};
        % BLOCK - BENDING (flexion)
            \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
                \draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
                \draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
            \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
                    (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
                    (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
                    (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Bending};
        % BLOCK - TORSION
            \def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
            \draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
            \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                    (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
                \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
                (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
                \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
                \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
            \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Torsion\vphantom{p}};
        % BLOCK - SHEAR
            \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
            \draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black]
                    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
                    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
                    (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
                \draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2+\dw/2,\W/2,-1.2){Shear\vphantom{p}};
    \caption{Most common types of material deformations}

Diese Lösung ist wahrscheinlich viel weniger elegant, verteilt die Strahlen jedoch im gleichen Abstand, anstatt die Zwischenräume gleichmäßig zu verteilen, falls dies vorzuziehen wäre.

Ein Vorher und Nachher mit dem MWE: Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Ich schlage vor, ein äußeres zu verwenden tabular*, damit Sie die Breiten nicht schätzen müssen. Jedes Bild befindet sich in seiner eigenen tabularUmgebung, sodass sie vertikal ausgerichtet sind.

Ich habe \footnotesizees so verwendet, dass die Textbreite nicht überschritten wird. Vielleicht können Sie, abhängig von der tatsächlichen Textbreite Ihres Dokuments, \smallauch gar nichts verwenden oder nichts.

Beachten Sie, dass dies \tikzstylebereits vor mehreren Jahren veraltet ist.


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size
    rounded corners=0.1,
    top color=metalcol,
    bottom color=metalcol!80!black,
    shading angle=10,



  % BLOCK - NORMAL (Unloaded)
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
      (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!blue,bottom color=metalcol!80!blue!80!black]
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
      (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!red,bottom color=metalcol!78!red!80!black]
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
      (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
  % BLOCK - BENDING (flexion)
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
    \draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
      (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
      (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
      (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
      (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
      (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black]
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
      (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
Unloaded & Tension & Compression & Bending & Torsion & Shear

\caption{Most common types of material deformations}



Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Erster Schritt: Abbildungscode deutlich kürzer machen, Untertitel durch Verwendung des subfigureod- subcaptionPakets vertikal ausrichten:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size

    >=Straight Barb,
    metal/.style args = {#1/#2}{draw=metalcol!30!black, rounded corners=0.1,
            top color=metalcol!#1, bottom color=metalcol!#2,
            shading angle=10},
    force/.style = {->,red!65!black}
\def\W{0.7}     % side width
\def\H{1.6}     % total height
\def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[metal=1/80!black]  %top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black  
    (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
    (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
\node[below,left] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
\node[below,left] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
\node[below,left] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
\node[below,left] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
            % BLOCK - BENDING (flexion)
\draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
\node[below,left] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
\node[below,left] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
\draw[metal=70!orange/70!orange!80!black]%top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
    (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
    (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
    (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
            % BLOCK - TORSION
\def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
    (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
    (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            % BLOCK - SHEAR
\def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[metal=78!purple/78!purple!80!black]%,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
    (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\caption{Most common types of material deformations}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Zweiter Schritt: vertikales Ausrichten von Bildern durch Verwendung baseline=(current bounding Einfügen tikzpicturevon s in tvlrdie Tabelle. Mit dieser Abbildung wird der Code weiter verkürzt. Wahrscheinlich das, was Sie suchen:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size

    >=Straight Barb,
    metal/.style args = {#1/#2}{draw=metalcol!30!black, rounded corners=0.1,
            top color=metalcol!#1, bottom color=metalcol!#2,
            shading angle=10},
    force/.style = {->,red!65!black},
    baseline=(current bounding
\def\W{0.7}     % side width
\def\H{1.6}     % total height
\def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude

    \begin{tblr}{colspec = {@{} *{6}{X[c]} @{}}}
    (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
    (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
\node[below,left] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
\node[below,left] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
\node[below,left] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
\node[below,left] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
\draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
\node[below,left] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
\node[below,left] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
\draw[metal=70!orange/70!orange!80!black]%top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
    (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
    (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
    (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
\def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
    (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
    (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[metal=78!purple/78!purple!80!black]%,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
    (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
\node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \end{tikzpicture}       \\
Unloaded & Tension & Compression & Bending & Torsion & Shear
\caption{Most common types of material deformations}

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben


Eine TikZ-Matrix:

  • between originsum den verformten Block gleichmäßig über die Breite zu verteilen (das funktioniert natürlich nur gut, wenn sie ungefähr gleich breit sind).

  • Ein Beschnitt, der die linke Seite (zentriert um die visuelle Mitte) so breit macht wie die rechte Seite (dieScherenDiagramm ragt im Vergleich sehr weit nach rechts).

  • Aus diesem Grund werden die Knoten im Scherdiagramm weiter innen platziert als andere.

  • Sie können so etwas verwenden, column sep = 2\tabcolsepum den horizontalen Abstand einer tabularUmgebung zu simulieren.

    Dann ist es wichtig, dass die Knoten in der zweiten Reihe keine Lücken aufweisen, damit sie eng in ihrer Spalte liegen.

  • Beachten Sie, dass ich dieselben forcePfade verwendet habe fürKompressionwie fürSpannungsondern nur die Pfeilspitzen umgedreht.

  • Das geometryPaket wird verwendet, um den Textbereich anzuzeigen.


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc} % for arrow size
  tight matrix/.style={
    matrix, every outer matrix/.append style={
      inner sep=+0pt, outer sep=+0pt, shape=rectangle, path only}},
  material deformations diagrams/.style={
      \def\W{0.7}%     side width
      \def\H{1.6}%     total height
      \def\F{0.28*\H},%force magnitude
      rounded corners=0.1, draw=metalcol!30!black, shading angle=10,
      top color=metalcol!##1, bottom color=metalcol!##1!80!black},
    force/.style={>=Latex, ->, draw=red!65!black},
    x={(0.72cm,-0.08cm)}, y={(0.40cm,0.30cm)}, z={(0,1cm)}}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[material deformations diagrams,
  % to make the left side as wide as the right side
  % centered around the middle of subfigures
  trim left=($(current bounding box.east)!2!($(n3)!.5!(n4)$)$),
  % this does the same visually but doesn't warn about overfull hboxes:
  % trim left=(n1), trim right=(n6)
  tight matrix, row sep=+.7em,
  % I'd suggest between origins for distributing the figures equally
  % for this, we name the nodes and use them
  % to trim the picture so that it is centered
  % we actually subtract a bit from the available width
  % because the Shear picture extrudes very much to the right
  column sep={\linewidth/6,between origins},
  % The middle of the defomred blocks are roughly centered above the text:
  row 1/.append code=\tikzset{shift={(-\W/2,-\W/2)}},
  % anchor = base: for vertical alignment of nodes
  % no seps:       for as tight as possible (when not *between origins*)
  % node names:    for trimming
  row 2/.append style={inner sep=+0pt, outer sep=+0pt, anchor=base,
\draw[metal, top color=metalcol]
  (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
  (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F) node[below]{$\vec{\sigma}$};
  (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
  (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F) node[above]{$\vec{\sigma}$};
\draw[force, <-] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F) node[below]{$\vec{\sigma}$};
  (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
  (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force, <-] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F) node[above]{$\vec{\sigma}$};
\def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F) node[left]{$\vec{M}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F) node[left]{$\vec{M}$};
  (0,0,\dh)    -- (\W,0,-\dh)  to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh)  -- (0,0,\H-\dh)  to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
  (\W,0,-\dh)  -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
  (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
\def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0) node[left]{$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0) node[left]{$\vec{\tau}$};
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
  (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
  (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
  (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0) node[right]{$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0) node[right]{$\vec{\tau}$};
\def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0) node[above right]{$\vec{\tau}$};
  (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
  (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0) node[below left]{$\vec{\tau}$};
\node{Unloaded}; & \node{Tension}; & \node{Compression}; & \node{Bending}; & \node{Torsion}; & \node{Shear};
\caption{Most common types of material deformations}


Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

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