¿Cuál es la forma más confiable de registrar los tiempos de inicio/apagado en una PC con Vista?

¿Cuál es la forma más confiable de registrar los tiempos de inicio/apagado en una PC con Vista?

A similar question titled How do I log startup and shut-down times in Windows 7? mentioned that PC startup and shutdown times can be recorded in the event viewer.

Events logged in the viewer are only recorded from August 2011 (despite the fact the computer has been used since 2008). The raw data is also difficult to visualise without exporting it and viewing the data in another program such as Excel.

I've searched Google for software but I can only find search items related to desktop assistance and parental security.


The logs have size limits after which older events start getting deleted. These limits can be increased. In the Event Viewer you can setup a custom view to show only the startup/shutdown events (event IDs 12 and 13). Create one with a name like "Startup and Shutdown Events" and properties like:

Imagen del cuadro de diálogo Propiedades de vista personalizada

Cuando esta vista personalizada está abierta en el visor de eventos, cambiar qué columnas son visibles y el orden en que se muestran se guardará en la vista personalizada, lo que facilita la personalización de cómo se presenta la lista.

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