Perl-obtener entrada, verificar condiciones

Perl-obtener entrada, verificar condiciones

entrada de gato1.txt

##gff-version 2
##source-version geneious 5.6.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     1       168     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     169     334     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     335     628     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     629     901     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     902     985     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     986     1165    .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     1166    1350    .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     1351    1504    .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        BLAST Hit       169     334     .       +       .       
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        extracted region        1       168     .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443098|gb|JH556762.1|;Extracted interval="351297 -> 351464"
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        extracted region        169     334     .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443098|gb|JH556762.1|;Extracted interval="371785 -> 371950"
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        extracted region        335     628     .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443098|gb|JH556762.1|;Extracted interval="372554 -> 372847"
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        extracted region        629     901     .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443098|gb|JH556762.1|;Extracted interval="374760 -> 375032"
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        extracted region        902     985     .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443098|gb|JH556762.1|;Extracted interval="375230 -> 375313"
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        extracted region        986     1165    .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443098|gb|JH556762.1|;Extracted interval="375992 -> 376171"
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        extracted region        1166    1350    .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443098|gb|JH556762.1|;Extracted interval="376575 -> 376759"
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        extracted region        1351    1504    .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443098|gb|JH556762.1|;Extracted interval="376914 -> 377067"

Verifique input1.txt, la columna CDS y la región extraída tienen el mismo número de filas. Si son iguales, obtenga los valores de la columna $14 de la región extraída (351297, 351464,371785,371950) y reemplace estos valores en las filas CDS $4 y $5 (por ejemplo, en CDS 1.ª fila 1 con 351297, 168 con 351464, 169 con 371785 , 334 con 371950 y así sucesivamente). Imprima las únicas filas de CDS reemplazadas de la siguiente manera

salida de gato1.txt

##gff-version 2
##source-version geneious 5.6.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     351297     351464     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     371785     371950     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     372554     372847     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     374760     375032     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     375230     375313     .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     375992     376171    .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     376575     376759    .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4
Xm_ABL1 Geneious        CDS     376914     377067    .       +       .       Name=Xm_ABL1;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=w0IVHutPuN4H4FVDCg4sFVRaJjQ.1340919460469.4

Tengo otro archivo de entrada, input2.txt

entrada de gato2.txt

##gff-version 2
##source-version geneious 5.6.3
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        CDS     1043    1132    .       +       .       Name=Xm ITGB3;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=Pa0FVoXpt/GgL1I/VO7LY0UlFAc.1341246976743.1
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        CDS     2063    2260    .       +       .       Name=Xm ITGB3;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=Pa0FVoXpt/GgL1I/VO7LY0UlFAc.1341246976743.1
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        CDS     2336    2593    .       +       .       Name=Xm ITGB3;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=Pa0FVoXpt/GgL1I/VO7LY0UlFAc.1341246976743.1
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        CDS     3474    3633    .       +       .       Name=Xm ITGB3;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=Pa0FVoXpt/GgL1I/VO7LY0UlFAc.1341246976743.1
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        extracted region        1       13933   .       +       .       Name=Extracted region from gi|371443188|gb|JH556672.1|;Extracted interval="2010140 <- 2024072"

Quiero tomar $14 de la última línea (interval="1960862) solo agregar el número (2010140) a la columna de $4 (1043,1132,2063..3633), es decir, (1043+2010140=2011183, 2063+2010140=2012203, ) y a la columna $5 (1132+2010140=2011272,2260+2010140=2012400 ), ignore la última línea.

La salida debería verse así:

salida de gato2.txt

##gff-version 2
##source-version geneious 5.6.3
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        CDS     2011183    2011272    .       +       .       Name=Xm ITGB3;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=Pa0FVoXpt/GgL1I/VO7LY0UlFAc.1341246976743.1
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        CDS     2012203    2012400    .       +       .       Name=Xm ITGB3;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=Pa0FVoXpt/GgL1I/VO7LY0UlFAc.1341246976743.1
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        CDS     2012476    2012733    .       +       .       Name=Xm ITGB3;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=Pa0FVoXpt/GgL1I/VO7LY0UlFAc.1341246976743.1
gi371443188gbJH5566721_extraction_reversed      Geneious        CDS     2013614    2013773    .       +       .       Name=Xm ITGB3;created by=User;modified by=User;ID=Pa0FVoXpt/GgL1I/VO7LY0UlFAc.1341246976743.1

Pero necesito un script en Perl, basado en la entrada del usuario (puede ser input1.txt o input2.txt), verifica las condiciones que dan el resultado1.txt o el resultado2.txt.


Supuse que las líneas de la región extraída siguen las líneas CDS para cada alineación.

Copie este código en

use strict;
use warnings;

my $input = 1;
my @field = ('CDS','extracted region');
my (%data);
my (%counter);

while ( <> ) { 

    ## Omit header.
    next if $. == 1;
    next if $. == 2;

    ## Remove last '\n'.

    ## Split line in tabs.
    my @f = split /\t/;

    ## Is loop over?
    if ( $f[2] =~ /$field[0]/ && $counter{$field[1]} > 1 )

    ## Count number of $field[0] and $field[1] line

    ## Storing data
    @{$data{$f[2]}[$counter{$f[2]}]} = @f;


sub zero {
    $data{$field[0]} = [];
    $data{$field[1]} = [];
    $counter{$field[0]} = 0;
    $counter{$field[1]} = 0;

sub comparing {
    ## Is same line ($field[0] and $field[1])? if ( $input == 1 )
    if ( $counter{$field[0]} ==  $counter{$field[1]} || $input == 2 )

sub recover {
    my $pos = &input2(0,0)  if ( $input == 2 );
    for my $i ( 1 .. $#{ $data{$field[0]} } ) {
    &input1($i) if ( $input == 1 );
    &input2($i,$pos) if ( $input == 2 );

sub input1 {
    #;Extracted interval="376914 -> 377067"
    $data{$field[1]}[$_[0]][8] =~ m/;Extracted interval="(\d+) /;
    $data{$field[0]}[$_[0]][3] = $1;
    $data{$field[1]}[$_[0]][8] =~ m/;Extracted interval="\d+ -> (\d+)"/;
    $data{$field[0]}[$_[0]][4] = $1;

sub input2 {
    if ( $_[0] == 0 )
    #;Extracted interval="2010140 <- 2024072"
    $data{$field[1]}[1][8] =~ m/;Extracted interval="(\d+) /;
    $data{$field[0]}[$_[0]][3] = $_[1] + $data{$field[0]}[$_[0]][3];
    $data{$field[0]}[$_[0]][4] = $_[1] + $data{$field[0]}[$_[0]][4];

sub stamp {
    for my $i ( 1 .. $#{ $data{$field[0]} } ) {
    for my $j ( 0 .. $#{ $data{$field[0]}[$i] } ) {
        print "$data{$field[0]}[$i][$j]\t";
    print "\n";

Podrías ejecutar el script perl con input1.txt:

perl input1.txt > output1.txt

si modifica la línea:

my $input = 1;


my $input = 2;

podrías ejecutar el script perl con input2.txt:

perl input2.txt > output2.txt

El script Perl también podría obtener dos argumentos: archivo de entrada y tipo [12].


En algunos métodos para obtener argumentos.

Si modifica la línea:

my $input = 1;


my $input = 1;
$input = $ARGV[1] if defined $ARGV[1];

podrías ejecutar el script perl con input1.txt:

perl input1.txt > output1.txt


perl input1.txt 1 > output1.txt

y podrías ejecutar el script perl con input2.txt:

perl input2.txt 2 > output2.txt

información relacionada