Tengo dos estados colocados horizontalmente y necesito conectarlos, es decir, A -> B y A <- B, ¿cómo puedo colocar los bordes de manera que no se superpongan y mi diagrama no se convierta en A <-> B? pero en cambio se ve que uno puede navegar entre sí y poder colocar el mensaje de entrada arriba y abajo.
(APPEND_COL) edge[???] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
(DELETE_COL) edge[???] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
¿He intentado configurar ??? arriba, abajo, doblar a la izquierda = 20, doblar a la derecha = 20 pero ninguno de estos produce el comportamiento deseado ...
ACTUALIZACIÓN: ok, aquí el código completo, y otra cosa, ¿cómo puedo hacer que los bucles de izquierda y derecha no sean tan grandes?
% State: FULL_QR
\node[initial above,state,anchor=north] (FULL_QR)
Recompute QR \\
% State: Append column update
\node[state, % layout (defined above)
below left of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
node distance=5.0cm, % distance to FULL_QR
anchor=south] (APPEND_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
\begin{tabular}{l} % content
Append column \\
\ \ QR update
% State: Delete column update
\node[state, % layout (defined above)
below right of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
node distance=5.0cm, % distance to FULL_QR
anchor=south] (DELETE_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
\begin{tabular}{l} % content
Delete column \\
\ \ QR update
% State: Append column update
\node[state, % layout (defined above)
below right of=APPEND_COL, % Position is to the bottom of APPEND_COL
node distance=5.0cm, % distance to APPEND_COL
anchor=south] (APPEND_ROW) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
\begin{tabular}{l} % content
Append row \\
\ \ QR update
% draw the paths and and print some Text below/above the graph
\path (FULL_QR) edge[bend right=20] node[anchor=west,above,xshift=-3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
(FULL_QR) edge[bend left=20] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete
column} (DELETE_COL)
(APPEND_COL) edge[bend right=20]
node[anchor=west,below,xshift=-3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
(DELETE_COL) edge[bend left=20]
node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
(APPEND_COL) edge[above]
node[anchor=west,above,xshift=+0.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
(DELETE_COL) edge[below]
node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+0.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
(APPEND_COL) edge[loop left] node[anchor=west,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=+2.0em]{append column}
(APPEND_COL) (DELETE_COL) edge[loop right] node[anchor=east,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=-2.0em]{delete column}
Como las líneas que las conectan tienen direcciones opuestas, tendrás que usar bend left=<value>
para ambas líneas, no bend left
para una y bend right
para la otra:
% State: FULL_QR
\node[initial above,state,anchor=north] (FULL_QR)
Recompute QR \\
% State: Append column update
\node[state, % layout (defined above)
below left of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
node distance=5.0cm, % distance to FULL_QR
anchor=south] (APPEND_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
\begin{tabular}{l} % content
Append column \\
\ \ QR update
% State: Delete column update
\node[state, % layout (defined above)
below right of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
node distance=5.0cm, % distance to FULL_QR
anchor=south] (DELETE_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
\begin{tabular}{l} % content
Delete column \\
\ \ QR update
% State: Append column update
\node[state, % layout (defined above)
below right of=APPEND_COL, % Position is to the bottom of APPEND_COL
node distance=5.0cm, % distance to APPEND_COL
anchor=south] (APPEND_ROW) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
\begin{tabular}{l} % content
Append row \\
\ \ QR update
% draw the paths and and print some Text below/above the graph
\path (FULL_QR) edge[bend right=20] node[anchor=west,above,xshift=-3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
(FULL_QR) edge[bend left=20] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete
column} (DELETE_COL)
(APPEND_COL) edge[bend right=20]
node[anchor=west,below,xshift=-3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
(DELETE_COL) edge[bend left=20]
node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
(APPEND_COL) edge[above, bend left=5]
node[anchor=west,above,xshift=+0.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
(DELETE_COL) edge[below, bend left=5]
node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+0.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
(APPEND_COL) edge[loop left] node[anchor=west,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=+2.0em]{append column}
(APPEND_COL) (DELETE_COL) edge[loop right] node[anchor=east,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=-2.0em]{delete column}