Alineación derecha de dos líneas irregulares izquierdas

Alineación derecha de dos líneas irregulares izquierdas

Tengo dos pequeñas líneas de texto con diferente ancho. Quiero enjuagarlos a la derecha manteniendo su justificación izquierda y la altura de línea del texto anterior.




I was yet young in life, which I had begun early; but my intimacy with him was of a recent date: we had been educated at the same schools and university; but his progress through these had preceded mine, and he had been deeply initiated into what is called the world while I was in noviciate noviciate noviciate.



ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


Puede utilizar una alineación tabularcon [t]operación.




I was yet young in life, which I had begun early; but my intimacy with him was of a recent date: we had been educated at the same schools and university; but his progress through these had preceded mine, and he had been deeply initiated into what is called the world while I was in noviciate noviciate noviciate.



ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


La solución más sencilla es poner un \strutambos al final del texto anterior y dentro de \hbox:




I was yet young in life, which I had begun early; but my intimacy with him
was of a recent date: we had been educated at the same schools and
university; but his progress through these had preceded mine, and he had
been deeply initiated into what is called the world while I was in
noviciate noviciate noviciate.\strut

\hfill\vbox{\hbox{\strut Foo}


Pero no se recomienda utilizar comandos de boxeo primitivos en LaTeX.

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