¿Alguien ha dibujado alguna vez un campo de fútbol en látex?

¿Alguien ha dibujado alguna vez un campo de fútbol en látex?

¿Alguien ha dibujado alguna vez un campo de fútbol en látex? Sé que podría parecer una petición extraña. Pero estoy buscando un paquete que me permita dibujar un campo de fútbol.

campo de fútbol


Solo por diversión:

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, ducks}

\begin{scope}[shift={#3}, xscale=-.4, yscale=.4]
\path[preaction={fill=red}, pattern=checkerboard, pattern color=white] \duckpathjacket;
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at ([xshift=5mm]wing) {#1};
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (1.1,-.22) {#2};

\begin{scope}[shift={#3}, scale=.4]
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at ([xshift=5mm]wing) {#1};
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (1.1,-.22) {#2};


\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5); 
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
   every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},
\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

%\draw (contour.south west) grid (contour.north east);

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw (contour.center) circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] (contour.center) circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);



Algunos comentarios:

El código del campo de fútbol es deAlenanno.

He copiado nombres de jugadores (y posiciones) de periódicos españoles que no muestran la ortografía correcta para jugadores croatas/franceses. Por favor complete gratis para corregirlos o déjeme saber la ortografía correcta.

Actualizar: marmotsugirió una tikzmarmotsversión. Aquí lo tienes.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


\newcommand{\croacia}[3]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#3}, scale=.5] \marmot \path[preaction={fill=red}, pattern=checkerboard, pattern color=white] (1.35,0.71) .. controls (1.35,0.41) and (1.17,0.37) .. (0.92,0.37) .. controls (0.69,0.37) and (0.48,0.41) .. (0.48,0.71) .. controls (0.48,1.01) and (0.67,1.26) .. (0.91,1.26) .. controls (1.15,1.26) and (1.3 5,1.01) .. (1.35,0.71) -- cycle; \node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (0.95,0.82) {#1}; \node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (1.1,-.22) {#2}; \end{scope} }

\newcommand{\france}[3]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#3}, scale=.5] \marmot[body=brown!80!yellow] \path[fill=blue] (1.35,0.71) .. controls (1.35,0.41) and (1.17,0.37) .. (0.92,0.37) .. controls (0.69,0.37) and (0.48,0.41) .. (0.48,0.71) .. controls (0.48,1.01) and (0.67,1.26) .. (0.91,1.26) .. controls (1.15,1.26) and (1.3 5,1.01) .. (1.35,0.71) -- cycle; \node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (0.95,0.82) {#1}; \node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (1.1,-.22) {#2}; \end{scope} }

\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5); 
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
   every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},
\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

%\draw (contour.south west) grid (contour.north east);

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw (contour.center) circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] (contour.center) circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);



2da actualización: Casi lo olvido tikzpeople.

No he podido personalizar la camiseta croata. Si sabe cómo hacerlo, hágamelo saber o no dude en editar el código.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí



\begin{scope}[font=\small\sffamily, text=black!70!red]
    \node[person, minimum size=.8cm, anchor=center, shirt=red, #1] (#3) at #4 {#3};
    \path (#3.center)--(#3.south) node[midway]{#2};

\begin{scope}[font=\small\sffamily, text=black!70!red]
    \node[person, minimum size=.8cm, anchor=center, mirrored, shirt=blue, #1] (#3) at #4 {#3};
    \path (#3.center)--(#3.south) node[midway]{#2};


\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5); 
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
   every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},
\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

%\draw[yellow,thin] (contour.south west) grid (contour.north east);

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw (contour.center) circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] (contour.center) circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);




Esta es mi versión. Usé las medidas oficiales, luego las dividí por 10 y cambié de metros a centímetros (de lo contrario, necesitarías unenormepedazo de papel para imprimirlo).

He incluido un comando \showmeasuresque imprimirá las medidas (las reales).



ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Con medidas

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc}


    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
    every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},

\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5); 
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    \tikzset{every node/.style={draw=none,fill=field, inner sep=2pt, sloped}}
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(contour.north west)+(0,.5)$) -- ($(contour.north east)+(0,.5)$) node[midway] {\textbf{Sideline:} min 90m - max 120m};
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(contour.south west)+(-.6,0)$) -- ($(contour.north west)+(-.6,0)$) node[midway] {\textbf{Goal line:} min 45m - max 90m};
    \draw[black, -{Latex}] (penalty0) --++ (-15:0.915cm) node[midway, above, font=\scriptsize, fill=none, yshift=2pt] {r = 9.15m};
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(small0.south east)+(-.2,0)$) -- ($(small0.north east)+(-.2,0)$) node[midway,above, fill=none,font=\scriptsize] {18.32m};
    \draw[black] ($(small0.north west)+(0,.2)$) -- ($(small0.north east)+(0,.2)$) node[midway, above, font=\scriptsize, fill=none, xshift=3pt] {5.50m};
    \draw[black] (contour.south east) --++ (135:1mm) node[anchor=south east] {r = 1m};
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(big180.south east)+(-.5,0)$) -- ($(big180.north east)+(-.5,0)$) node[midway,above, rotate=180,fill=none,font=\scriptsize] {40.32m};
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(big180.south west)+(0,.2)$) -- ($(big180.south east)+(0,.2)$) node[midway,above,fill=none,font=\scriptsize] {16.50m};
    \draw[black] (contour.east) --++ (-11mm,0) node[midway,above, fill=none,font=\scriptsize] {11m};
    \node[font=\small, rotate=-90, yshift=5mm] at (goal180) {\textbf{Goal:} 7.32m $\times$ 2.44m};
    \draw[black, -{Latex}] (contour.center) --++ (0:0.915cm) node[midway, above, fill=none,font=\scriptsize, yshift=2pt] {r = 9.15m};

\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw (contour.center) circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] (contour.center) circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);



Ajuste el siguiente código para corregir las dimensiones:

![ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí



\draw (0,0) rectangle (5,6);
\draw (0,1.5) rectangle ++(1.75,3);
\draw (0,2) rectangle ++(0.5,2);
\draw (0,2.5) rectangle ++(-0.1,1);
\draw (0.1,0) arc (0:90:.1);
\draw (0.1,6) arc (0:-90:.1);
\draw[fill] (1.25,3) circle (1pt);
\draw (5,3.8) arc (90:270:.8);
\clip (1.75,0) rectangle ++(2,6);
\draw (1.25,3) circle (1cm);

\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=green}, show background rectangle]

\begin{scope}[xshift=10cm, xscale=-1]
\draw[fill] (5,3) circle (1pt);



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