Cómo excluir la punta de flecha de tikzpicture

Cómo excluir la punta de flecha de tikzpicture

Estoy intentando cortar la punta de flecha de esta imagen pero sin éxito. En segundo lugar, ¿hay alguna forma de dejar el texto justificado?

\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} %border for tikzpicture



matrix of nodes,
row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
nodes={rectangle,text width=2cm,align=center},
text depth=1.25ex,
text height=2.5ex,
nodes in empty cells

\newcommand{\cbox}[1]{\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering #1}}

%\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,scale=0.85, framed]
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,scale=0.84, every node/.style={scale=0.84}, framed]
\matrix (mat) [table] {
|[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|
& |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|  &   \\
|[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|
& |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|  &   \\
|[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|
& |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   \\
|[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]|
& |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| \\
|[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
& |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=colone]|   \\
|[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
& |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=colone]|   \\
|[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
& |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   &   \\
|[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
& |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   &   \\

% horizontal rules
\foreach \row in {2,3,4}
\draw[white] (mat-\row-1.north west) -- (mat-\row-6.north east);
\draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-1-6.north east);
\draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-5-1.north west) -- (mat-5-6.north east);

% vertical rules
\foreach \col in {2,3,4,5}
\draw[white] (mat-5-\col.north west) -- (mat-8-\col.south west);

% The labels
\node[fill=colfour] at (mat-1-3) {First row text required to be left justified };
\node[fill=colfive] at (mat-2-3) {Second row text includes (required left justified)};
\node[fill=colsix] at (mat-3-3) {This is third line in this image(required left justified)};
\node[fill=colseven] at (mat-4-3) {Fourth row (required left justified)};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-1) {\cbox{abcde}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-2) {\cbox{fghi\\\mbox{}}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-3) {\cbox{this is cbox}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-4) {\cbox{this is another cbox}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-5) {\cbox{this is cbox \\\mbox{}}};
\node[rotate = 90] at ([xshift=-52pt]mat-3-1.north)
\node at ([yshift=-19pt, xshift=-0.5cm]mat-8-3.south)
{\textsc{Trying to produce this picture excluding arrowhead }};
% Erase some visible lines outside the arrow
\fill[white] (mat-1-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
-- (mat-1-6.north east) -- cycle;
\fill[white] (mat-8-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
-- (mat-8-6.north east) -- cycle;

% Draw the arrow tip
\shade[top color=colfour!70, bottom color=colfour!70,
middle color=colseven, draw=white, ultra thick] 
(mat-1-5.north) -- (mat-5-6.north) -- (mat-8-5.south) -- 
(mat-8-5.south east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-8-5.south east) -- 
(mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-5.north east) -- cycle;

% The slanted "Margin" labels
mark=at position .5 with \node[transform shape] {Exclude this arrowhead};}]
( $ (mat-1-5.north)!0.5!(mat-1-5.north east) $ )
-- ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ );
( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ )
-- ( $ (mat-8-5.south)!0.5!(mat-8-5.south east) $ );

% The braces
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
(mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-5-1.north west);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
(mat-8-1.south west) -- (mat-8-5.south);

\caption{This is a caption}
\caption*{Source: using tikzlibrary}



  • Para empezar, comente/elimine los tres bloques del código que los comentarios identifican como parte de la flecha.
  • En \matrix, elimine la última celda de cada fila. Eso es eliminar el último &y todo lo que esté entre él y \\.
  • En el bloque de código que dibuja reglas horizontales, reemplace el número de columna 6con 5.
  • Para los nodos, agréguelos righta las opciones y colóquelos at (mat-rowno-1.west)en lugar de (mat-rowno-3).

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} %border for tikzpicture



matrix of nodes,
row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
nodes={rectangle,text width=2cm,align=center},
text depth=1.25ex,
text height=2.5ex,
nodes in empty cells

\newcommand{\cbox}[1]{\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering #1}}

%\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,scale=0.85, framed]
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,scale=0.84, every node/.style={scale=0.84}, framed]
\matrix (mat) [table] {
|[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]| & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|    \\
|[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]| & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|    \\
|[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|  & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|     \\
|[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]|& |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]|   \\
|[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|& |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|     \\
|[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|& |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|     \\
|[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|& |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|     \\
|[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|& |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|     \\

% horizontal rules
\foreach \row in {2,3,4}
   \draw[white] (mat-\row-1.north west) -- (mat-\row-5.north east);  % changed from 6 to 5 in this line
\draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-1-5.north east);  % changed from 6 to 5 in this line
\draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-5-1.north west) -- (mat-5-5.north east);  % changed from 6 to 5 in this line

% vertical rules
\foreach \col in {2,3,4,5}
\draw[white] (mat-5-\col.north west) -- (mat-8-\col.south west);

% The labels
% added right, and changed coordinate for the following four lines
\node[fill=colfour,right] at (mat-1-1.west) {First row text required to be left justified }; 
\node[fill=colfive,right] at (mat-2-1.west) {Second row text includes (required left justified)};
\node[fill=colsix,right] at (mat-3-1.west) {This is third line in this image(required left justified)};
\node[fill=colseven,right] at (mat-4-1.west) {Fourth row (required left justified)};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-1) {\cbox{abcde}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-2) {\cbox{fghi\\\mbox{}}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-3) {\cbox{this is cbox}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-4) {\cbox{this is another cbox}};
\node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-5) {\cbox{this is cbox \\\mbox{}}};
\node[rotate = 90] at ([xshift=-52pt]mat-3-1.north)
\node at ([yshift=-19pt, xshift=-0.5cm]mat-8-3.south)
{\textsc{Trying to produce this picture excluding arrowhead }};

% Erase some visible lines outside the arrow
%\fill[] (mat-1-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
%-- (mat-1-6.north east) -- cycle;
%\fill[white] (mat-8-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
%-- (mat-8-6.north east) -- cycle;

%% Draw the arrow tip
%\shade[top color=colfour!70, bottom color=colfour!70,
%middle color=colseven, draw=white, ultra thick] 
%(mat-1-5.north) -- (mat-5-6.north) -- (mat-8-5.south) -- 
%(mat-8-5.south east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-8-5.south east) -- 
%(mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-5.north east) -- cycle;
%% The slanted "Margin" labels
%mark=at position .5 with \node[transform shape] {Exclude this arrowhead};}]
%( $ (mat-1-5.north)!0.5!(mat-1-5.north east) $ )
%-- ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ );
%( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ )
%-- ( $ (mat-8-5.south)!0.5!(mat-8-5.south east) $ );

% The braces
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
(mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-5-1.north west);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
(mat-8-1.south west) -- (mat-8-5.south east);

\caption{This is a caption}
\caption*{Source: using tikzlibrary}

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