¿Es posible crear un espacio vertical a mitad de frase?

¿Es posible crear un espacio vertical a mitad de frase?

Me gustaría centrar los enlaces en medio del título (Pomodoro, Duelr). ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de hacer esto? Mi código se ve así:

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X r}
    \hspace{-0.2em}\large\textbf{\textsc{Pomodoro} \vspace{0.5em} \href{https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Pomodoro}{\fontsize{7}{8.4}\selectfont - https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Pomodoro}} & \textit{May 2017}
    \item A productivity-oriented web application which incentivizes the Pomodoro Technique via a reward system
    \item Features a dynamic leaderboard, responsive design, and user authentication with support for social accounts
    \item Deployed onto Heroku and built using Django/Python, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X r}
    \hspace{-0.2em}\large\textbf{\textsc{Duelr} \href{https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Duelr}{\fontsize{7}{8.4}\selectfont - https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Duelr}} & \textit{Jun. 2017}
    \item Duelr is an online multiplayer 1v1 fighting game which uses web sockets to deliver real-time interactions
    \item Features fluid character animations, intuitive controls, and fully functional collision mechanisms
    \item Hosted on Microsoft Azure and built with JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Socket.io, HTML5, CSS, and Phaser



Si entiendo correctamente, solo desea generar la URL como se muestra a continuación.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí





\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X r}
\midl{\href{https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Pomodoro}{\fontsize{7}{8.4}\selectfont - https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Pomodoro}}} & \textit{May 2017}
    \item A productivity-oriented web application which incentivizes the Pomodoro Technique via a reward system
    \item Features a dynamic leaderboard, responsive design, and user authentication with support for social accounts
    \item Deployed onto Heroku and built using Django/Python, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X r}
\midl{\href{https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Duelr}{\fontsize{7}{8.4}\selectfont - https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Duelr}}} & \textit{Jun. 2017}
    \item Duelr is an online multiplayer 1v1 fighting game which uses web sockets to deliver real-time interactions
    \item Features fluid character animations, intuitive controls, and fully functional collision mechanisms
    \item Hosted on Microsoft Azure and built with JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Socket.io, HTML5, CSS, and Phaser



Podrías utilizar \raiseboxy calcular la altura a la que hay que elevarlo:



    \setbox0\hbox{\textbf{\href{#2}{\fontsize{7}{8.4}\selectfont - #2}}}%
    \advance\mytitlehtONE by -\mytitlehtTWO\relax%

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X r}
    \mytitle{Pomodoro}{https://www.GitHub.com/AllanMukundi/Pomodoro} & \textit{May 2017}

En resultado de: ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Esto \fboxes sólo para mostrar que realmente está en el medio de la línea. Sin él el comando es:

    \setbox0\hbox{\textbf{\href{#2}{\fontsize{7}{8.4}\selectfont - #2}}}%
    \advance\mytitlehtONE by -\mytitlehtTWO\relax%


Otra posibilidad: centrar a lo largo del eje matemático. Esto tiene la ventaja de que se escala automáticamente a diferentes tamaños sin necesidad de medir una caja temporal; tiene la desventaja de que necesita un poco de codificación TeX de bajo nivel.

Salida del siguiente código

El código fuente sigue. También lo limpié en varios puntos.

% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.



    {\noindent \parfillskip\z@skip
        \rule{0pt}{17pt}% <-- !!! (But why this rule?)
        % \hspace{-0.2em} % no longer necessary, I guess! ;-)
                % \scshape % not supported
            ~$\m@th \vcenter{\hbox{\scriptsize - \url{#2}}}$%
        \nobreak\hfill \textit{#3}\@@par
    % \vspace{-1.60em} % specify "nosep" instead of "noitemsep"




        {May 2017}

        A productivity-oriented web application which incentivizes the Pomodoro
        Technique via a reward system.

        Features a dynamic leaderboard, responsive design, and user
        authentication with support for social accounts.

        Deployed onto Heroku and built using Django/Python, HTML5, CSS\@,
        Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX\@. %"\@" for precaution

        {Jun. 2017}

        Duelr is an online multiplayer 1v1 fighting game which uses web sockets
        to deliver real-time interactions.

        Features fluid character animations, intuitive controls, and fully
        functional collision mechanisms.

        Hosted on Microsoft Azure and built with JavaScript, Node.js,
        Express.js, Socket.io, HTML5, CSS\@, and Phaser.


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