Obteniendo un punto de intersección incorrecto en TikZ

Obteniendo un punto de intersección incorrecto en TikZ

El objetivo es dibujar las tres bisectrices de un triángulo. Aquí ABC es un triángulo. Los pares (a1,a2), (b1,b2) y (c1,c2) ​​representan el punto inicial y el punto final del arco en los vértices A, B y C respectivamente. Lo que estoy tratando de hacer es tomar las líneas A - ($(a1)!0.5!(a2)$) y el lado correspondiente BC y obtener su punto de intersección (digamos k1). Luego dibujaré la bisectriz del ángulo usando el vértice y el punto de intersección k1. Y repitiéndolo para los dos vértices restantes. Pero mi problema es que cuando intento obtener el punto de intersección de las líneas obtengo el punto c1.

Aquí está mi código:





% vertices of the triangle
\coordinate[label=below:{$A(x_1,y_1)$}] (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below:{$B(x_2,y_2)$}] (B) at (4.5cm, 0);
\coordinate[label=above:{$C(x_3,y_3)$}] (C) at (6cm, 5cm);

% drawing triangle
\draw[name path=trg] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;

% circle at each vertex A, B and C to get intersection
% points with triangle
\path[name path=circa] (A) circle (6mm);
\path[name path=circb] (B) circle (6mm);
\path[name path=circc] (C) circle (6mm);

% labeling intersections of circles and each vertex angle
\path [name intersections={of=trg and circa, by={a1,a2}}]; % at vertex A
\path [name intersections={of=trg and circb, by={b1,b2}}]; % at vertex B
\path [name intersections={of=trg and circc, by={c1,c2}}]; % at vertex C

% drawing arc at each vertex
\draw[bend right] (a1) to (a2);
\draw[bend right] (b2) to (b1);
\draw[bend right] (c2) to (c1);

\path[name path=AB] (A) -- (B);
\path[name path=BC] (B) -- (C);
\path[name path=CA] (C) -- (A);

% determining intersection of angle bisector and 
% corresponding side of the triangles
\path[name path=abs1] (A) -- ($(a1)!0.5!(a2)$);
\path[name intersections={of=abs1 and BC, by={k1}}];
\fill[red] (k1) circle [radius=2pt];

\path[name path=abs2] (B) -- ($(b1)!0.5!(b2)$);
\path[name intersections={of=abs2 and CA, by={k2}}];
\fill[red] (k2) circle [radius=2pt];

\path[name path=abs3] (C) -- ($(c1)!0.5!(c2)$);
\path[name intersections={of=abs3 and AB, by={k3}}];
\fill[red] (k3) circle [radius=2pt];

% drawing angle bisectors
% the problem is that k1, k2, and k3 are at the same place
\draw [red] (A) -- (k1); 
\draw [red] (B) -- (k2);
\draw [red] (C) -- (k3);



El segmento abs1y el segmento BCno tienen intersección... Puedes ampliar tu abs1segmento de la siguiente manera:

\path[overlay,name path=abs1] (A) -- ($(A)!20!($(a1)!0.5!(a2)$)$);

Elijo arbitrariamente el valor 20y agrego la overlayopción para no interferir con el cálculo del cuadro delimitador.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí




% vertices of the triangle
\coordinate[label=below:{$A(x_1,y_1)$}] (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below:{$B(x_2,y_2)$}] (B) at (4.5cm, 0);
\coordinate[label=above:{$C(x_3,y_3)$}] (C) at (6cm, 5cm);

% drawing triangle
\draw[name path=trg] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;

% circle at each vertex A, B and C to get intersection
% points with triangle
\path[name path=circa] (A) circle (6mm);
\path[name path=circb] (B) circle (6mm);
\path[name path=circc] (C) circle (6mm);

% labeling intersections of circles and each vertex angle
\path [name intersections={of=trg and circa, by={a1,a2}}]; % at vertex A
\path [name intersections={of=trg and circb, by={b1,b2}}]; % at vertex B
\path [name intersections={of=trg and circc, by={c1,c2}}]; % at vertex C

% drawing arc at each vertex
\draw[bend right] (a1) to (a2);
\draw[bend right] (b2) to (b1);
\draw[bend right] (c2) to (c1);

\path[name path=AB] (A) -- (B);
\path[name path=BC] (B) -- (C);
\path[name path=CA] (C) -- (A);

% determining intersection of angle bisector and 
% corresponding side of the triangles
\path[overlay,name path=abs1] (A) -- ($(A)!20!($(a1)!0.5!(a2)$)$);
\path[name intersections={of=abs1 and BC, by={k1}}];
\fill[red] (k1) circle [radius=2pt];

\path[overlay,name path=abs2] (B) -- ($(B)!20!($(b1)!0.5!(b2)$)$);
\path[name intersections={of=abs2 and CA, by={k2}}];
\fill[red] (k2) circle [radius=2pt];

\path[overlay,name path=abs3] (C) -- ($(C)!15!($(c1)!0.5!(c2)$)$);
\path[name intersections={of=abs3 and AB, by={k3}}];
\fill[red] (k3) circle [radius=2pt];

% drawing angle bisectors
% the problem is that k1, k2, and k3 are at the same place
\draw [red] (A) -- (k1); 
\draw [red] (B) -- (k2);
\draw [red] (C) -- (k3);


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