Ilustrando el efecto Seebeck en TikZ

Ilustrando el efecto Seebeck en TikZ

Estoy intentando reproducir esta imagen (fuente) en TikZ.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Tengo unos comienzos humildes, pero estoy un poco intimidado por los objetos 3D que vendrían a continuación. ¿Podría un asistente de TikZ aconsejarme sobre cómo hacer o abordar esto?



    mark=at position 0.05 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
    mark=at position 0.4 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
    mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
    mark=at position 0.95 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};}}]
    \draw[postaction={draw,decorate}] (3,0) to (5,0) to (5,-5) to[resistor] (-5,-5) to (-5,0) to (-3,0);


Rectángulos usados ​​para hacer cuboides.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

    mark=at position 0.05 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
    mark=at position 0.4 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
    mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
    mark=at position 0.95 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};}},
vert/.style ={bottom color=blue!50, top color=red},
  pic a/.style={code={
      \node [fill=orange, shape=circle, inner sep=0pt] (pc) {+};
      \draw[thick,->] (pc)--++(0,-0.5);

% heat sink 1
\draw[fill=blue] (0,0,0) rectangle ++(6,1.5,0)node[midway,color=white]{heat sink};
\draw[fill=blue] (6,0,0) -- ++(0,1.5,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(0,-1.5,0) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=blue] (0,1.5,0) -- ++(6,0,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(-6,0,0) -- cycle;

\draw[vert,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(0,10,0);
\draw[vert,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(5,0,0);
\draw[vert,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(0,0,2.6);
\fill[vert,opacity=0.7] (0.5,1.5,-0.2) rectangle ++(5,10,0);
\fill[vert,opacity=0.7] (5.5,1.5,-0.2) -- ++(0,10,0) -- ++(0,0,-2.6) -- ++(0,-10,0) -- cycle;

% heat sink 2
\draw[fill=blue] (0,0,0) rectangle ++(6,1.5,0)node[midway,color=white]{heat sink};
\draw[fill=blue] (6,0,0) -- ++(0,1.5,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(0,-1.5,0) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=blue] (0,1.5,0) -- ++(6,0,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(-6,0,0) -- cycle;

\draw[vert,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(0,10,0);
\draw[vert,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(5,0,0);
\draw[vert,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(0,0,2.6);
\fill[vert,opacity=0.7] (0.5,1.5,-0.2) rectangle ++(5,10,0)node[midway](P){};
\fill[vert,opacity=0.7] (5.5,1.5,-0.2) -- ++(0,10,0) -- ++(0,0,-2.6) -- ++(0,-10,0) -- cycle;

% heat source
\draw[fill=red] (0,11.5,0) rectangle ++(21,1.5,0)node[midway]{$J\rightarrow$};
\draw[fill=red] (21,11.5,0) -- ++(0,1.5,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(0,-1.5,0) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=red] (0,13,0) -- ++(21,0,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(-21,0,0) -- cycle;

% resistor
\draw[postaction={decorate}] (21,0.75,-1.5) -- ++ (3,0,0) -- ++(0,-3,0) to[R] ++ (-27,0,0) |- (0,0.75,0);

\draw[thick,-stealth] (5.5,10,-1.5) node[right=3mm]{+} -- ++(0,-7,0)node[right=3mm]{-};

\draw (P) node[draw,circle]{P};
\pic[below left=5mm] at (P) {pic a};
\pic[below right=5mm] at (P) {pic a};


Esta es una propuesta escrita rápidamente que apunta a dibujar los cuboides con sombreado degradado de manera un poco más sistemática. La mayoría de los aspectos están controlados por claves pgf y pido disculpas si sus nombres no se explican por sí solos. Para la decoración en zig-zag no es necesario necesariamente circuitikz, por lo que creo que debería ser bastante sencillo agregar el circuito.

\tikzset{get projections/.style={insert path={%
let \p1=(1,0,0),\p2=(0,1,0)  in 
 \path[get projections];
 % bottom face
 \draw let \p1=($(1,0,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} 
  in [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/bottom face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
     (0,-\cubey/2,0) -- ++(\cubex,0,0) -- ++(0,\cubey,0) --
     ++(-\cubex,0,0) -- cycle;
  \draw let \p1=($(0,1,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} 
  in [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/yz face] 
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
  (0,-\cubey/2,0) -- ++(0,0,\cubez) -- ++(0,\cubey,0) -- ++(0,0,-\cubez) -- cycle;
  \draw let \p1=($(0,1,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)}  
  in [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/yz face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
  (0+\cubex,-\cubey/2,0) -- ++(0,0,\cubez) -- ++(0,\cubey,0) -- ++(0,0,-\cubez) -- cycle;
  \draw let \p1=($(1,0,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)+180} 
  in [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/xz face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
     (0,\cubey/2,0) -- ++(\cubex,0,0) -- ++(0,0,\cubez) -- ++(-\cubex,0,0) -- cycle;
  \draw let \p1=($(1,0,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)+180} 
  in  [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/xz face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
     (0,-\cubey/2,0) -- ++(\cubex,0,0) -- ++(0,0,\cubez) -- ++(-\cubex,0,0) -- cycle;
  \draw let \p1=($(0,1,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} 
  in [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/yz face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi 
  (0,-\cubey/2,0) -- ++(0,0,\cubez) -- ++(0,\cubey,0) -- ++(0,0,-\cubez) -- cycle;
  \draw let \p1=($(0,1,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)}  
  in [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/yz face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
  (0+\cubex,-\cubey/2,0) -- ++(0,0,\cubez) -- ++(0,\cubey,0) -- ++(0,0,-\cubez) -- cycle;
  \draw let \p1=($(1,0,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)+180} 
  in [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/xz face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
     (0,\cubey/2,0) -- ++(\cubex,0,0) -- ++(0,0,\cubez) -- ++(-\cubex,0,0) -- cycle;
  \draw let \p1=($(1,0,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)+180} 
  in  [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/xz face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
     (0,-\cubey/2,0) -- ++(\cubex,0,0) -- ++(0,0,\cubez) -- ++(-\cubex,0,0) -- cycle;
 \draw let \p1=($(1,0,0)-(0,0,0)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} 
  in [/tikz/cuboid/every face,/tikz/cuboid/top face]
  \ifcuboidshaded [shading angle=\n1] \fi
     (0,-\cubey/2,\cubez) -- ++(\cubex,0,0) -- ++(0,\cubey,0) --
     ++(-\cubex,0,0) -- cycle;}},
 cuboid/.cd,x/.estore in=\cubex,y/.estore in=\cubey,z/.estore
 in=\cubez,rounding/.estore in=\rounding,rounding=0.2pt,
 every face/.style={fill=blue},bottom face/.style={},top face/.style={},
 xz face/.style={},yz face/.style={},shaded/.code=\cuboidshadedtrue  


  every face/.style={fill=blue}] 
  (0,-\cubedist,-1) pic{cuboid} 
  (0,\cubedist,-1) pic{cuboid};  
  \path[fill opacity=0.3,cuboid/.cd,shaded,x=2,y=4,z=4,xz face/.style={top color=orange,bottom color=blue},
   yz face/.style={top color=red,bottom color=blue},
   bottom face/.style={fill=blue},top face/.style={fill=red}] 
   (0,-\cubedist,0) pic{cuboid} (0,\cubedist,0) pic{cuboid};  
  \path[cuboid/.cd,x=2.5,y=12.4,z=1,every face/.style={fill=red}] 
  (0,0,4) pic{cuboid};

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí


Gracias a la gran ayuda de nidhin y el usuario121799, esto es con lo que terminé.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí



  mark=at position 0.05 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
  mark=at position 0.4 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
  mark=at position 0.6 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};},%
  mark=at position 0.95 with {\arrow[black]{stealth};}},
gradient/.style ={bottom color=blue!50, top color=red},
  p charge/.style={code={
      \node [fill=orange, shape=circle, inner sep=0pt] (pc) {+};
      \draw[thick,->] (pc)--++(0,-0.5);
  n charge/.style={code={
      \node [fill=cyan, shape=circle, inner sep=1pt, scale=1.2] (nc) {-};
      \draw[thick,->] (nc)--++(0,-0.5);

  \draw[fill=blue] (0,0,0) rectangle ++(6,1.5,0)node[midway,color=white]{heat sink};
  \draw[fill=blue] (6,0,0) -- ++(0,1.5,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(0,-1.5,0) -- cycle;
  \draw[fill=blue] (0,1.5,0) -- ++(6,0,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(-6,0,0) -- cycle;

  \draw[gradient,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(0,10,0);
  \draw[gradient,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(5,0,0);


  % heat sink 1
  \draw[gradient,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(0,0,2.6);
  \fill[gradient,opacity=0.7] (5.5,1.5,-0.2) -- ++(0,10,0) -- ++(0,0,-2.6) -- ++(0,-10,0) -- cycle;
  \fill[gradient,opacity=0.7] (0.5,1.5,-0.2) rectangle ++(5,10,0)node[midway,draw,circle,white](N){N};
  \pic[below left=8mm and 3mm] at (N) {n charge};
  \pic[below right=7mm and 6mm] at (N) {n charge};
  \pic[above left=1cm and 3mm] at (N) {n charge};
  \pic[above right=1cm and 5mm] at (N) {n charge};

  % heat sink 2
  \draw[gradient,opacity=0.5] (0.5,1.5,-2.8) -- ++(0,0,2.6);
  \fill[gradient,opacity=0.7] (5.5,1.5,-0.2) -- ++(0,10,0) -- ++(0,0,-2.6) -- ++(0,-10,0) -- cycle;
  \fill[gradient,opacity=0.7] (0.5,1.5,-0.2) rectangle ++(5,10,0)node[midway,draw,circle,white](P){P};
  \pic[below left=8mm and 3mm] at (P) {p charge};
  \pic[below right=7mm and 6mm] at (P) {p charge};
  \pic[above left=1cm and 3mm] at (P) {p charge};
  \pic[above right=1cm and 5mm] at (P) {p charge};

  % heat source
  \draw[fill=red] (0,11.5,0) rectangle ++(21,1.5,0) node[midway,white] (J) {$J\longrightarrow$};
  \draw[fill=red] (21,11.5,0) -- ++(0,1.5,0) -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(0,-1.5,0) -- cycle;
  \draw[fill=red] (0,13,0) -- ++(21,0,0) node[color=white,anchor=south,pos=0.5]{heat source} -- ++(0,0,-3) -- ++(-21,0,0) -- cycle;

  % electric field
  \node[below=1cm,scale=1.3] at (11,10) {electric field};
  \draw[thick,-stealth] (6.8,10,-1.5) node[below right=1mm]{+} -- ++(0,-7,0)node[above right=1mm,scale=1.2]{--};
  \draw[thick,-stealth] (14.1,3,-1.5) node[above left=1mm]{+} -- ++(0,7,0)node[below left=1mm,scale=1.2]{--};

  % resistor
  \draw[postaction={decorate}] (21,0.75,-1.5) -- ++ (3,0,0) -- ++(0,-3,0) to[R] ++ (-27,0,0) |- (0,0.75,0);


información relacionada