prueba de concepto

prueba de concepto

Me gustaría saber si puedo usarlo l3keyspara procesar múltiples submódulos como lo puede hacer pgfoption.

Aquí hay un MWE para ilustrar mi pregunta:

  • un archivo de paquete mypkg.sty(que contiene en el comentario el error que aparece cuando intento compilar el archivo LaTeX):
\ProvidesExplPackage{mypkg}{2024/01/01}{v0.0.0}{mypkg test}

\keys_define:nn { mypkg / title }
    title .choice:,
    title .usage:n = { general },
    title .default:n = { regular },
    title / regular .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~regular~title!}
    title / smallcaps .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~smallcaps~title!}
    title / unknown .code:n = { \PackageWarning {mypkg} {unknown~title~option!} },

\keys_define:nn { mypkg / font }
    font .choice:,
    font .usage:n = { general },
    font .default:n = { regular },
    font / regular .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~regular~font!}
    font / bold .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~bold~font!}
    font / unknown .code:n = { \PackageWarning {mypkg} {unknown~font~option!} },

% \ProcessKeyOptions % -> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'title' for package mypkg.
\ProcessKeyOptions[mypkg/title, mypkg/font] % -> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'title' for package mypkg.
% \ProcessKeyOptions[mypkg/title] % -> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'font' for package mypkg.
% \ProcessKeyOptions[mypkg/font] % -> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'title' for package mypkg.
  • un archivo LaTeX test.tex,:
\usepackage[title=smallcaps, font=regular]{mypkg}



Lo siguiente utiliza un controlador desconocido de otro submódulo más para cargar las claves de sus submódulos. Esto rompe las claves globales (por lo que las opciones dadas a \documentclass) pero por lo demás funciona razonablemente bien.

\ProvidesExplPackage{mypkg}{2024/01/01}{v0.0.0}{mypkg test}

\seq_const_from_clist:Nn \c__mypkg_load_submodules_seq { title, font }
\keys_define:nn { mypkg / load }
    unknown .code:n =
      \__mypkg_keymodules:Vn \l_keys_key_str {#1}
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__mypkg_keymodules:nn #1#2
    \seq_map_inline:Nn \c__mypkg_load_submodules_seq
        \keys_if_exist:nnT { mypkg / ##1 } {#1}
            % missing feature in l3keys, we have no better way to detect an
            % omitted value, so we have to guess that all empty values are in
            % fact omitted values.
            \tl_if_empty:nTF {#2}
              { \keys_set:nn { mypkg / ##1 } { #1 } }
              { \keys_set:nn { mypkg / ##1 } { #1 = {#2} } }
    \msg_error:nnn { mypkg } { unknown-key } {#1}
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__mypkg_keymodules:nn { Vn }
\msg_new:nnn { mypkg } { unknown-key } { Unknown~ key~ #1~ encountered. }

\keys_define:nn { mypkg / title }
    title .choice:,
    title .usage:n = { general },
    title .default:n = { regular },
    title / regular .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~regular~title!}
    title / smallcaps .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~smallcaps~title!}
    title / unknown .code:n = { \PackageWarning {mypkg} {unknown~title~option!} },

\keys_define:nn { mypkg / font }
    font .choice:,
    font .usage:n = { general },
    font .default:n = { regular },
    font / regular .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~regular~font!}
    font / bold .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~bold~font!}
    font / unknown .code:n = { \PackageWarning {mypkg} {unknown~font~option!} },

\ProcessKeyOptions[mypkg/load] % -> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'title' for package mypkg.

prueba de concepto

Esta es una PoC para analizar las opciones iniciales a través de los submódulos (para que las opciones globales funcionen), pero cualquier opción futura a través de nuestro loadsubmódulo actúa con un controlador de clave desconocida, todo eso mientras se analiza cada opción solo una vez.

Es cierto que esto es un poco complicado.

\ProvidesExplPackage{mypkg}{2024/01/01}{v0.0.0}{mypkg test}

\seq_const_from_clist:Nn \c__mypkg_load_submodules_seq { title, font }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__mypkg_keymodules:nn #1#2
    \seq_map_inline:Nn \c__mypkg_load_submodules_seq
        \keys_if_exist:nnT { mypkg / ##1 } {#1}
            % missing feature in l3keys, we have no better way to detect an
            % omitted value, so we have to guess that all empty values are in
            % fact omitted values.
            \tl_if_empty:nTF {#2}
              { \keys_set:nn { mypkg / ##1 } { #1 } }
              { \keys_set:nn { mypkg / ##1 } { #1 = {#2} } }
    \msg_error:nnn { mypkg } { unknown-key } {#1}
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__mypkg_keymodules:nn { Vn }
\msg_new:nnn { mypkg } { unknown-key } { Unknown~ key~ #1~ encountered. }

\keys_define:nn { mypkg / title }
    title .choice:,
    title .usage:n = { general },
    title .default:n = { regular },
    title / regular .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~regular~title!}
    title / smallcaps .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~smallcaps~title!}
    title / unknown .code:n = { \PackageWarning {mypkg} {unknown~title~option!} },
    unknown .code:n = {}

\keys_define:nn { mypkg / font }
    font .choice:,
    font .usage:n = { general },
    font .default:n = { regular },
    font / regular .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~regular~font!}
    font / bold .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~bold~font!}
    font / unknown .code:n = { \PackageWarning {mypkg} {unknown~font~option!} },
    unknown .code:n = {}


\keys_define:nn { mypkg / load }
    unknown .code:n = {}
\ProcessKeyOptions[mypkg/load] % -> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'title' for package mypkg.

\keys_define:nn { mypkg / load }
     unknown .code:n =
      \__mypkg_keymodules:Vn \l_keys_key_str {#1}
\clist_map_inline:nn { title, font }
    \keys_define:nn { mypkg / #1 }
        \unknown .code:n =
          \msg_error:nne { mypkg } { unknown-key } \l_keys_key_str


No estoy seguro de por qué querrías definir claves de esta manera. Pero puedes simplemente agregar administración de claves desconocidas en cada módulo.

\ProvidesExplPackage{mypkg}{2024/01/01}{v0.0.0}{mypkg test}

\keys_define:nn { mypkg/title }
    title .choice:,
    title .usage:n = { general },
    title .default:n = { regular },
    title / regular .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~regular~title!}
    title / smallcaps .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~smallcaps~title!}
    title / unknown .code:n = { \PackageWarning {mypkg} {unknown~title~option!} },
    unknown .code:n = {},
\keys_define:nn { mypkg/font }
    font .choice:,
    font .usage:n = { general },
    font .default:n = { regular },
    font / regular .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~regular~font!}
    font / bold .code:n = 
        \PackageWarning {mypkg} {We~use~bold~font!}
    font / unknown .code:n = { \PackageWarning {mypkg} {unknown~font~option!} },
    unknown .code:n = {},


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