Mi tesis incluye varias tablas y me resulta difícil administrarlas en LaTeX, ya que mi experiencia con las tablas LaTeX es limitada. Agradecería mucho su ayuda en este asunto.
Especificamente paratabla 1,Tabla 2, yTabla 3, como se muestra en las imágenes a continuación, el tamaño de fuente dentro de la tabla es notablemente pequeño. Este problema no es exclusivo de esta tabla, sino que es un problema recurrente en todas las tablas de mi tesis.
tabla 1
Tabla 2
Tabla 3
Los códigos para estas tablas se encuentran a continuación (Tabla 1):
\caption[Fabrication techniques of sensing materials and their attributes]{Common sensing materials fabrication techniques with their general benefits and limitations.}
\begin{tabular}[!htb]{@{} llcc @{}}
Method & Description & Benefits & Limitations \\
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Wet synthesis methods}} \\
Sol-gel & A chemical process that involves the transition of a solution to a gel for material preparation under mild condition. & - Controlled composition\newline
- Good homogeneity\newline
- Low processing temperature\newline
- Versatility\newline & - Long processing time\newline
- Size reduction upon drying\newline
- Requires careful control of parameters\newline
- Often require post-synthesis treatments \\
Hydrothermal / solvothermal & Uses high temperature and pressure in aqueous (hydrothermal) or non-aqueous solutions (solvothermal). & - High purity\newline
- Crystallinity control\newline
- low to moderate temperatures\newline
- Scalable & - High pressure equipment\newline
- Limited range of particle size\newline
- Energy-intensive\newline
- Time-consuming \\
Electrodeposition & Electrochemical process for depositing a layer/coating of material by means of electric current. & - Cost-effective\newline
- Good control over thickness\newline
- Can coat complex shapes\newline
- Uniform deposition & - Limited to conductive substrates\newline
- May require post-treatment\newline
- Thickness limitations\newline
- Environmental concerns \\
Coprecipitation & Precipitation of a solid from a solution containing multiple ions under controlled aqueous solutions and environments. & - Simple process\newline
- Low cost\newline
- Good control over composition & - Requires washing and filtration\newline
- Agglomeration issues\newline
- Poor impurity control\newline
- Poor particle size control \\
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Dry synthesis methods}} \\
Atomic layer deposition & Thin film deposition technique based on the sequential use of a gas phase. & - Excellent control over thickness\newline
- High uniformity\newline
- Good conformality\newline
- High-quality films & - Slow deposition rate\newline
- Limited to certain materials\newline
- Expensive equipment\newline
- Temperature sensitivity \\
Sputtering & Physical vapor deposition technique for thin film creation using suitable energy of a plasma. & - Versatile materials
- Good adhesion\newline
- Scalable\newline
- Uniform thickness\newline
- Good control of film thickness & - Costly equipment\newline
- May require high vacuum\newline
- Limited substrate size\newline
- Limit of precursor penetration depth \\
Chemical vapor deposition & Depositing solid material from a vapor by a chemical reaction under controlled atmospheres. & - High purity and quality\newline
- Direct electrode assembly\newline
- Scalable\newline
- Wide material choice & - High temperatures\newline
- Complex equipment\newline
- Safety concerns with gases\newline
- Uniformity challenges\newline
- Low production rate \\
Spray pyrolysis & Atomization of a precursor solution into droplets, followed by the evaporation of solvents and decomposition of the metal source in a heated reactor to generate particles. & - Simple setup\newline
- Cost-effective\newline
- Versatile materials\newline
- Large area deposition & - Poor particle size control\newline
- Requires heat/high-temperature management\newline
- May produce rough surfaces\newline
- Limited film thickness \\
Flame spray pyrolysis & Atomization of a precursor solution into droplets, followed by the combustion of solvents and decomposition of a precursor(s) to create nuclei then form nanoparticles. & - High production rate\newline
- Good control of particle composition\newline
- Scalable\newline
- Versatile & - High temperatures\newline
- Health \& safety concerns\newline
- Equipment cost\newline
- Particle agglomeration \\
Tabla 2:
\caption[Recent studies on room temperature VOC sensors.]{Comparison of recent studies of room temperature VOC sensors.}
Material & Temperature (\textdegree C) & External Catalyst & EtOH concentration (ppm) & Responsivity (I\textsubscript{EtOH}/I\textsubscript{air} -1) & Limit of Detection (ppm) & Response/Recovery times (sec) & Ref. \\
Thick Porous \ce{ZnO} fractals & RT & Solar light & 0.05, 1 & 2.22, 10.41 & 0.01 & 448/505, 300/360 & This work \\
\ce{ZnO-NiO} nanoheterjunctions & RT & Solar light & 0.1 & 0.77 & 0.01 & N/A & [9b] \\
\ce{ZnO} nanorods & RT & UV light & 200 & 4.24\textsuperscript{a)} & N/A & 52/192 & [18] \\
\ce{Cr2O3} functionalized \ce{ZnO} & RT & UV light & 200 & 10.95\textsuperscript{a)} & N/A & 26/110 & [18] \\
\ce{$\alpha$-Fe2O3}/\ce{ZnO} nanowires & RT & N/A & 100 & 9.1\% & 100 & N/A & [30a] \\
Au-modified \ce{ZnO} nanowire & RT & N/A & 20 & ~10\textsuperscript{b)} & N/A & -/5 & [30b] \\
\ce{ZnO} nano disks & RT & Thermally and UV activated & 100 & 0.17 & 20 & 11/15 & [39] \\
Au-\ce{ZnO} nanofibers & RT & UV & 100 & 1.18\textsuperscript{c)} & N/A & N/A & [40] \\
\ce{ZnO} nanotubes & RT & N/A & 10 & 30.91\textsuperscript{d)} & N/A & 263/80 & [41] \\
\multicolumn{8}{l}{\small \textsuperscript{a)} I\textsubscript{ethanol}/I\textsubscript{air} *100; \textsuperscript{b)} 1-I\textsubscript{ethanol}/I\textsubscript{air} * 100; \textsuperscript{c)} I\textsubscript{ethanol}/I\textsubscript{air}; \textsuperscript{d)} 1-I\textsubscript{air}/I\textsubscript{ethanol} * 100}\\
Tabla 3:
\caption[Recent ethanol sensors with oxygen defects.]{Comparison of recently developed ethanol sensors with oxygen defects.}
Material & Sensing Temp. (\textdegree C) & Oxygen Vacancy Introduction & EtOH Concentration (ppm) & Responsivity (I\textsubscript{EtOH}/I\textsubscript{air} -1) & Limit of Detection (ppm) & Response/Recovery Times (sec) & Ref. \\
Thick Porous \ce{ZnO} fractals & RT & DUV Photoactivation at 200 \textdegree C & 0.05, 1 & 2.22, 10.41 & 0.01 & 448/505, 300/360 & This work \\
Thick Porous \ce{ZnO} fractals & 150 & DUV Photoactivation at 200 \textdegree C & 0.05, 1 & 0.97, 15.9 & 0.005 & 371/486, 260/312 & This work \\
\ce{ZnO} nanorod arrays & 400 & \ce{H2O2} thermal treatment at 400 \textdegree C & 3 & ~70\textsuperscript{a)} & 1 & N/A & [35a] \\
Rutile \ce{SnO2} nanostructures & 190 & Reduction by \ce{NaBH4} & 20 & 37.2\textsuperscript{a)} & N/A & 42/17 & [43] \\
\ce{SnO2} nano-columns & RT & Reducing environment (Argon) & 400 & 1.27 & N/A & N/A & [42] \\
\ce{In2O3} octahedral particles & 200 & Phase transformation process from \ce{In(OH)3} at 300 \textdegree C & 1000 & 610\textsuperscript{a)} & N/A & 1-2/15-20 & [15] \\
\ce{ZnO} nanosheets & 330 & Preferential [0001] growth direction at 500 \textdegree C & 50 & 80\textsuperscript{a)} & N/A & N/A & [44] \\
Co-doped \ce{ZnO} microspheres & 220 & Co doping at 400 \textdegree C & 5 & 3.3\textsuperscript{a)} & N/A & N/A & [45] \\
Ce-doped \ce{ZnO} nanostructures & 300 & Ce-doping at 450 \textdegree C & 100 & 72.6\textsuperscript{a)} & N/A & 9/3 & [46] \\
\ce{ZnO}/\ce{SnO2} composite hollow spheres & 225 & Hydrothermal process, calcination at 400 \textdegree C & 30 & 34.8\textsuperscript{a)} & 0.5 & 1/- & [47] \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{\small \textsuperscript{a)} I\textsubscript{ethanol}/I\textsubscript{air}} \\
Tengo un problema conTabla 4como se presenta a continuación. Cada vez que intento compilar el documento que incluye esta tabla, el proceso de compilación continúa indefinidamente y no se completa. Incluso después de disminuir el uso de \ce
comandos dentro de la tabla, el problema persiste. Además, agradecería cualquier ayuda para formatear esta tabla para que abarque varias páginas.
\caption{Summary of materials, precursors, solvents, and morphologies for various sensing applications.} \label{table:materials}
Material & Precursor & Solvent & Nanostructure Morphology & Sensing Application & Ref. \\
La-doped \ce{WO3} & La(NO\textsubscript{3})\textsubscript{3}.6H\textsubscript{2}O & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Zhang_2022} \\
\ce{WO3} & (NH\textsubscript{4})\textsubscript{6}H\textsubscript{2}OW\textsubscript{12}.xH\textsubscript{2}O & ethanol & nano particles (crystals) & gas sensing & \cite{Wu_2022} \\
Zn\textsubscript{2}SnO\textsubscript{4} & ZTO & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Karthick_2023} \\
ZnO & zinc naphthenate & m-xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Nasiri2015} \\
\ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoate & xylene & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Keskinen_2009} \\
\ce{SnO2} & ethylhexanoate & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Sahm_2004} \\
Pt-loaded WO\textsubscript{3} & tungsten ethoxide & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Samerjai2011} \\
Nb-ZnO & & zinc naphthenate & toluene/methanol (70/30) Vol.\% & gas sensing & \cite{Kruefu_2011} \\
Nb-doped \ce{TiO2} & titanium isopropoxide & xylene/acetonitrile & nano powders & gas sensing & \cite{Phanichphant_2011} \\
\ce{TiO2} & titanium tetra isopropoxide & Xylene/acetonitrile & nano particles and films & gas sensing & \cite{Teleki_2006} \\
\ce{WO3} & ammonium tungsten hydrate & glycol/ethanol & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Wang_2008} \\
\ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoate & xylene & nano powder & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran_2012} \\
Ru-\ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoate & xylene & Nano powders/thick films & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran_2009} \\
Pt/ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & Nano powder/thick films & gas sensing & \cite{Tamaekong2009} \\
Pt-loaded ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & Nano particles/thick films & gas sensing & \cite{Tamaekong_2011} \\
Pd-ZnO & zinc naphthenate & toluene/acetonitrile (80/20) Vol.\% & nano particles/thick films & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran_2008} \\
Nb- and Cu-doped \ce{TiO2} & titanium tetra isopropoxide & xylene & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{TELEKI_2008} \\
Bi\textsubscript{2}WO\textsubscript{6} & bismuth nitrate pentahydrate, tungsten ethoxide & ethanol, acetic acid & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Punginsang_2019} \\
PdO\textsubscript{x} doped \ce{In2O3} & indium nitrate hydrate, palladium acetylacetonate & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Inyawilert_2019} \\
Pt doped \ce{In2O3} & indium nitrate & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Inyawilert_2016} \\
Pd doped \ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoate & xylene/acetonitrile (80/20) Vol.\% & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran_2013} \\
rGO doped ZnO & Au and Pd & de-ionized water & nano fibers & gas sensing & \cite{Abideen2018} \\
ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Nasiri2016} \\
\ce{SnO2} & tin chloride & ammonia solution & nano powder & gas sensing & \cite{Xu1991} \\
Pd-ZnO & zinc nephthanate and palladium acetylacetonate & toluene and acetonitrile & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran2007} \\
\ce{SnO2} and ZnO & tin oxide & nitric acid & nano powder & gas sensing & \cite{Yamazoe1983} \\
\ce{WO3} & ammonium metatungstate hydrate, polyvinylpyroolidone & dimethylformamide & nano fibers & gas sensing & \cite{Yang2021a} \\
\ce{TiO2} & titanium isopropoxide & ethanolamine & nano wires & gas sensing & \cite{Shooshtari2021} \\
Zn doped \ce{Fe2O3} & zinc nitrate hexahydrate, iron nitrate nanohydrate & de-ionized water & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Kim2011} \\
graphene loaded \ce{SnO2} & graphene, tin chloride dihydrate, polyvinyl acetate & ethanol, dimethylformamide & nano fibers & gas sensing & \cite{Abideen2017} \\
Au-ZnO & HAuCl\textsubscript{4} & Aqueous ammonia solution & nano wires & gas sensing & \cite{Wang2013} \\
\ce{SnO2} & tin chloride dihydrate & ethanol, dimethylformamide & nano fibers & gas sensing & \cite{Kim2016} \\
Ti doped ZnO & zinc ethylhexanoate, titanium tetraisopropoxide & xylene & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Guntner2016} \\
Pt/SnO\textsubscript{2} & tin ethylhexanoic acid, platinum acetylacetonate & toluene, & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Maedler2006} \\
NiO-ZnO & zinc nephthanate & xylene & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Chen2018} \\
Ag doped \ce{TiO2} & titanium isopropoxide, silver nitrate & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Yildirim2021} \\
Au & HAuCl\textsubscript{4} & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Thimsen2011} \\
MoO\textsubscript{3} & Mo Solid rod & de-ionized water & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Shafieyan2019} \\
Au & HAuCl\textsubscript{4} & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Fusco2019} \\
Au-\ce{TiO2} & HAuCl\textsubscript{4}, titanium isopropoxide & ethanol, xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Fusco2018a} \\
AgO-\ce{TiO2} & titanium isopropoxide, silver acetate & acetonitrile, ethyl hexanoic acid & nanohybrids & bio sensing & \cite{Guntner2023} \\
graphene Cu & copper naphthenate & xylene & nano particles/films & bio sensing & \cite{DiBernardo2020} \\
Au & gold chloride trihydrate & ethanol & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Dastidar2022} \\
Ag-\ce{SiO2} & silver nitrate, hexamethyldisiloxane & ethanol & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Sotiriou2013} \\
CuO & copper nitrate & - & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Yang2021} \\
Au & HAuCl\textsubscript{4} & ethanol & nano islands & bio sensing & \cite{Mondal2023} \\
CaP:Eu & calcium acetate hydrate, europium nitrate, tributyl phosphate & propionic acid & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Merkl2021} \\
\ce{SiO2}-coated \ce{Y2O3}:Tb\textsuperscript{3+} & yttrium nitrate, hexamethyl disiloxane & ethyl hexanoic acid, ethanol & nano particles & bio sensing and photo detection & \cite{Sotiriou2012} \\
enzyme minetic luminescent & cerium 2-ethylhexanoate, Eu-nitrate & methanol & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Pratsinis2017} \\
CuO-Cu\textsubscript{2}O & copper nitrate trihydrate & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Zhu2017} \\
nano silver \ce{SiO2} coating & Ag-benzoate, hexamethyl disiloxane & ethylhexanoic acid, benzonitrile & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Sotiriou2010} \\
ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Fang2017} \\
ZnO, \ce{SiO2}, \ce{TiO2} & zinc naphthenate, hexamethyldisiloxane, titanium isopropoxide & xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Nasiri2016a} \\
ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & Nano particle film & photo detection & \cite{Nasiri2017} \\
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el paquete. Aquí están las partes relevantes del código de ClassicThesis.tex
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\PassOptionsToPackage{fleqn}{amsmath} % math environments and more by the AMS
\usepackage{tabularx} % better tables
- En lugar de fragmentos de código, debería mostrarnos MWE (ejemplo de trabajo mínimo) con sus tablas.
- El formato de las tablas tiene una gran influencia en el diseño de las páginas, especialmente en su caso, donde las tablas parecen ser bastante grandes.
- Una forma de considerar el comentario @Mico y usar
el paquete para tablas de diseño,enumitem
el paquete para listas en celdas yraged2e
el paquete para formatear texto en celdas es:
\documentclass[11pt]{book} % which document class you use?
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\caption[Fabrication techniques of sensing materials and their attributes]{Common sensing materials fabrication techniques with their general benefits and limitations.}
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stretch = -1,
rowsep = 3pt,
measure = vbox,
Method & Description
& Benefits
& Limitations \\
\SetCell[c=4]{c, font=\bfseries} Wet synthesis methods
& & & \\
Sol-gel & A chemical process that involves the transition of a solution to a gel for material preparation under mild condition.
& \begin{itemize}
\item Controlled composition
\item Good homogeneity
\item Low processing temperature
\item Versatility
& \begin{itemize}
\item Long processing time
\item Size reduction upon drying
\item Requires careful control of parameters
\item Often require post-synthesis treatments
Hydrothermal / solvothermal
& Uses high temperature and pressure in aqueous (hydrothermal) or non-aqueous solutions (solvothermal).
& \begin{itemize}
\item High purity
\item Crystallinity control
\item low to moderate temperatures
\item Scalable
& \begin{itemize}
\item High pressure equipment
\item Limited range of particle size
\item Energy-intensive
\item Time-consuming
& Electrochemical process for depositing a layer/coating of material by means of electric current.
& \begin{itemize}
\item Cost-effective
\item Good control over thickness
\item an coat complex shapes
\item Uniform deposition
& \begin{itemize}
\item Limited to conductive substrates
\item May require post-treatment
\item Thickness limitations
\item Environmental concerns
& Precipitation of a solid from a solution containing multiple ions under controlled aqueous solutions and environments.
& \begin{itemize}
\item Simple process
\item Scalable
\item Low cost
\item Good control over composition
& \begin{itemize}
\item Requires washing and filtration
\item Agglomeration issues
\item Poor impurity control
\item Poor particle size control
\SetCell[c=4]{c, font=\bfseries} Dry synthesis methods
& & & \\
Atomic layer deposition
& Thin film deposition technique based on the sequential use of a gas phase.
& \begin{itemize}
\item Excellent control over thickness
\item High uniformity
\item Good conformality
\item High-quality films
& \begin{itemize}
\item Slow deposition rate
\item Limited to certain materials
\item Expensive equipment
\item Temperature sensitivity
& Physical vapor deposition technique for thin film creation using suitable energy of a plasma.
& \begin{itemize}
\item Versatile materials
\item Good adhesion
\item Scalable
\item Uniform thickness
\item Good control of film thickness
& \begin{itemize}
\item Costly equipment
\item May require high vacuum
\item Limited substrate size
\item Limit of precursor penetration depth
Chemical vapor deposition
& Depositing solid material from a vapor by a chemical reaction under controlled atmospheres.
& \begin{itemize}
\item High purity and quality
\item Direct electrode assembly
\item Scalable
\item Wide material choice
& \begin{itemize}
\item High temperatures
\item Complex equipment
\item Safety concerns with gases
\item Uniformity challenges
\item Low production rate
Spray pyrolysis
& Atomization of a precursor solution into droplets, followed by the evaporation of solvents and decomposition of the metal source in a heated reactor to generate particles.
& \begin{itemize}
\item Simple setup
\item Cost-effective
\item Versatile materials
\item Large area deposition
& \begin{itemize}
\item Poor particle size control
\item Requires heat/high-temperature management
\item May produce rough surfaces
\item Limited film thickness
Flame spray pyrolysis
& Atomization of a precursor solution into droplets, followed by the combustion of solvents and decomposition of a precursor(s) to create nuclei then form nanoparticles.
& \begin{itemize}
\item High production rate
\item Good control of particle composition
\item Scalable
\item Versatile
& \begin{itemize}
\item High temperatures
\item Health \& safety concerns
\item Equipment cost
\item Particle agglomeration
En el caso de que sus páginas tengan márgenes más amplios, puede considerar escribir un paquete en landscape
la página o utilizar una tabla larga que se pueda dividir en dos o más páginas. Más sobre esto cuando extienda sus fragmentos de código a MWE.
La solución anterior es para el primer fragmento de código. Para otros, puede hacerlo usted mismo de manera similar (un problema por pregunta, por favor).
- Gracias por proporcionar un fragmento de código del preámbulo de su documento.
- lamentablemente no funciona (ver comentario de @Mico)
- Además de lo mencionado anteriormente, es (en comparación con cómo la gente suele escribir los preámbulos) bastante extraño (innecesariamente complicado). Por ejemplo
puedes escribir simplemente
- Como ahora se define el diseño de la página, su primera tabla no puede caber en una sola página. Las posibles soluciones son el uso
paquete. - En los ejemplos siguientes de su preámbulo, considero solo la clase de documento y los paquetes
mchem` - MWE con
un código agregado para la segunda tabla es:
\documentclass[ twoside,openright,titlepage,numbers=noenddot,%1headlines,
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\usepackage{lipsum}% For dummy text. Don't use in a real document
% new packages neede for writing of the first table
\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, % load this package too
siunitx, % load this package too
entry = {[Fabrication techniques of sensing materials and their attributes},
caption = {Common sensing materials fabrication techniques with their general benefits and limitations.},
label = {table1-1}
]{cells = {font=\footnotesize},
colspec = {@{} Q[l, wd=7em] X[cmd=\RaggedRight] X[l] X[l] @{}},
stretch = -1,
rowsep = 3pt,
measure = vbox,
rowhead = 1
% table body is the same as in the first solution of your first table
%% Table 2 (added)
\setlength\colwidthA{\widthof{functionalized \ce{ZnO}}} % <--- added
\setlength\colwidthB{\widthof{UV activated}} % <--- added
entry = {Recent studies on room temperature VOC sensors.},
caption = {Comparison of recent studies of room temperature VOC sensors.},
label = {table2-1},
note{} = {\begin{enumerate*}[label=\textbf{\alph*:}, itemjoin={{;\quad }}, itemjoin*={{,\quad and\quad }}]
\item $I_{\mathrm{ethanol}}/I_{\mathrm{air}} \cdot 100$
\item $1-I_{\mathrm{ethanol}}/I_{\mathrm{air}} \cdot 100$
\item $I_{\mathrm{ethanol}}/I_{\mathrm{air}}$
\item $1-I_{\mathrm{air}}/I_{\mathrm{ethanol}} \cdot 100$
\item Therm.: Thermal.
]{cells = {font=\linespread{0.84}\selectfont},
colsep = 2pt,
colspec = {@{} Q[l, m, wd=\colwidthA]
Q[c, wd=\colwidthB]
& {Temp.\\(\unit{\celsius})}
& External Catalyst
& EtOH concentration (ppm)
& Responsivity ($I_{\mathrm{EtOH}}/\allowbreak I_{\mathrm{air}}{-}1$) (sec)
& Limit of Detection
& Response\slash Recovery times
& Ref. \\
Thick porous \ce{ZnO} fractals
& RT
& Solar light
& 0.05, 1
& 2.22, 10.41
& 0.01
& 448/505, 300/360
& {This\\ work} \\
\ce{ZnO-NiO} nanoheterjunctions
& RT
& Solar light
& 0.1
& 0.77
& 0.01
& N/A
& [9b] \\
\ce{ZnO} nanorods
& RT
& UV light
& 200
& 4.24\TblrNote{a}
& N/A
& 52/192
& [18] \\
\ce{Cr2O3} functionalized \ce{ZnO}
& RT
& UV light
& 200
& 10.95\TblrNote{a}
& N/A
& 26/110
& [18] \\
\ce{$\alpha$-Fe2O3}/\ce{ZnO} nanowires
& RT
& N/A
& 100
& 9.1\%
& 100
& N/A
& [30a] \\
Au-modified \ce{ZnO} nanowire
& RT
& N/A
& 20
& ~10\TblrNote{b}
& N/A
& $-$/5
& [30b] \\
\ce{ZnO} nano disks
& RT
& Therm.\TblrNote{e} and UV activated
& 100
& 0.17
& 20
& 11/15
& [39] \\
Au-\ce{ZnO} nanofibers
& RT
& UV
& 100
& 1.18\TblrNote{c}
& N/A
& N/A
& [40] \\
\ce{ZnO} nanotubes
& RT
& N/A
& 10
& 30.91\TblrNote{d}
& N/A
& 263/80
& [41] \\
Aquí hay un conjunto de soluciones para las cuatro tablas. Observa que no hacen uso del adjustbox
mazo. En su lugar, emplean entornos tabularx
(para tablas de una sola página) y xltabular
(para tablas de varias páginas), con saltos de línea habilitados para todas las columnas.
En total, se necesita un mínimo de seis páginas para componer las cuatro tablas; La Tabla 4 requiere tres páginas por sí sola.
\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=1in]{geometry} % set page parameters appropriately
% new
\usepackage{siunitx} % for \qty, \unit, and \celsius macros
\usepackage{newpxtext,newpxmath} % optional (Palatino clone)
% provide a list of hypenation exceptions (mainly for chemical terms)
\hyphenation{aceto-nitrile acetyl-acetonate array arrays
ethyl-hexa-noate eth-oxide europ-ium
hexa-hydrate hexa-methyl hexa-methyl-disiloxane
penta-hydrate photo-activation poly-vinyl poly-vinyl-pyro-olidone
tetra-iso-prop-oxide tri-butyl tri-hydrate}
%% Table 1
\begin{xltabular}{\textwidth}{@{} L{0.55} *{3}{L{1.15}} @{}}
\caption[Fabrication techniques of sensing materials and their attributes]{Common sensing materials fabrication techniques with their general benefits and limitations.}
\label{table1-1} \\
Method & Description & Benefits & Limitations \\
\multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{Table \thetable, cont'd}\\
Method & Description & Benefits & Limitations \\
\multicolumn{4}{r@{}}{\itshape continued on next page}
\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{\textbf{Wet synthesis methods}}\\
& A chemical process that involves the transition of a solution to a gel for material preparation under mild condition.
\item Controlled composition
\item Good homogeneity
\item Low processing temperature
\item Versatility
\item Long processing time
\item Size reduction upon drying
\item Requires careful control of parameters
item Often require post-synthesis treatments
Hydrothermal\slash solvo-thermal
& Uses high temperature and pressure in aqueous (hydrothermal) or non-aqueous solutions (solvothermal).
\item High purity
\item Crystallinity control
\item low to moderate temperatures
\item Scalable
\item High pressure equipment
\item Limited range of particle size
\item Energy-intensive
\item Time-consuming
& Electrochemical process for depositing a layer\slash coating of material by means of electric current.
\item Cost-effective
\item Good control over thickness
\item Can coat complex shapes
\item Uniform deposition
\item Limited to conductive substrates
\item May require post-treatment
\item Thickness limitations
\item Environmental concerns
& Precipitation of a solid from a solution containing multiple ions under controlled aqueous solutions and environments.
\item Simple process
\item Scalable
\item Low cost
\item Good control over composition
\item Requires washing and filtration
\item Agglomeration issues
\item Poor impurity control
\item Poor particle size control
\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{\textbf{Dry synthesis methods}}\\
Atomic layer deposition
& Thin film deposition technique based on the sequential use of a gas phase.
\item Excellent control over thickness
\item High uniformity
\item Good conformality
\item High-quality films
\item Slow deposition rate
\item Limited to certain materials
\item Expensive equipment
\item Temperature sensitivity
& Physical vapor deposition technique for thin film creation using suitable energy of a plasma.
\item Versatile materials
\item Good adhesion
\item Scalable
\item Uniform thickness
\item Good control of film thickness
\item Costly equipment
\item May require high vacuum
\item Limited substrate size
\item Limit of precursor penetration depth
Chemical vapor deposition
& Depositing solid material from a vapor by a chemical reaction under controlled atmospheres.
\item High purity and quality
\item Direct electrode assembly
\item Scalable
\item Wide material choice
\item High temperatures
\item Complex equipment
\item Safety concerns with gases
\item Uniformity challenges
\item Low production rate
Spray pyrolysis
& Atomization of a precursor solution into droplets, followed by the evaporation of solvents and decomposition of the metal source in a heated reactor to generate particles.
\item Simple setup
\item Cost-effective
\item Versatile materials
\item Large area deposition
\item Poor particle size control
\item Requires heat/high-temperature management
\item May produce rough surfaces
\item Limited film thickness
Flame spray pyrolysis
& Atomization of a precursor solution into droplets, followed by the combustion of solvents and decomposition of a precursor(s) to create nuclei then form nanoparticles.
\item High production rate
\item Good control of particle composition
\item Scalable
\item Versatile
\item High temperatures
\item Health \& safety concerns
\item Equipment cost
\item Particle agglomeration
%% Table 2
\caption[Recent studies on room temperature VOC sensors.]{Comparison of recent studies of room temperature VOC sensors.}
P{\widthof{Thick porous \ce{ZnO} fractals}}
P{\widthof{work}} @{}}
Material & \makecell[t]{Temp.\\(\unit{\celsius})} & External Catalyst & EtOH concentration (ppm) & Responsivity ($I_{\mathrm{EtOH}}/\allowbreak I_{\mathrm{air}}{-}1$) (sec) & Limit of Detection & Response\slash Recovery times & Ref. \\
Thick porous \ce{ZnO} fractals & RT & Solar light & 0.05, 1 & 2.22, 10.41 & 0.01 & 448/505, 300/360 & This work \\
\ce{ZnO-NiO} nanoheterjunctions & RT & Solar light & 0.1 & 0.77 & 0.01 & N/A & [9b] \\
\ce{ZnO} nanorods & RT & UV light & 200 & 4.24\tnote{a} & N/A & 52/192 & [18] \\
\ce{Cr2O3} functionalized \ce{ZnO} & RT & UV light & 200 & 10.95\tnote{a} & N/A & 26/110 & [18] \\
\ce{$\alpha$-Fe2O3}/\ce{ZnO} nanowires & RT & N/A & 100 & 9.1\% & 100 & N/A & [30a] \\
Au-modified \ce{ZnO} nanowire & RT & N/A & 20 & ~10\tnote{b} & N/A & $-$/5 & [30b] \\
\ce{ZnO} nano disks & RT & Thermally and UV activated & 100 & 0.17 & 20 & 11/15 & [39] \\
Au-\ce{ZnO} nanofibers & RT & UV & 100 & 1.18\tnote{c} & N/A & N/A & [40] \\
\ce{ZnO} nanotubes & RT & N/A & 10 & 30.91\tnote{d} & N/A & 263/80 & [41] \\
\item[a] $I_{\mathrm{ethanol}}/I_{\mathrm{air}} \cdot 100$
\item[b] $1-I_{\mathrm{ethanol}}/I_{\mathrm{air}} \cdot 100$
\item[c] $I_{\mathrm{ethanol}}/I_{\mathrm{air}}$
\item[d] $1-I_{\mathrm{air}}/I_{\mathrm{ethanol}} \cdot 100$
%% Table 3
\caption[Recent ethanol sensors with oxygen defects.]{Comparison of recently developed ethanol sensors with oxygen defects.}
P{\widthof{Thick Porous \ce{ZnO}}}
Material & \makecell[t]{Sensing\\Temp.\\(\unit{\celsius})} & Oxygen Vacancy Introduction & EtOH Concentration (ppm) & Responsivity ($I_{\mathrm{EtOH}}/\allowbreak I_{\mathrm{air}}{-}1$) & Limit of Detection (ppm) & Response\slash Recovery Times (sec) & Ref. \\
Thick porous \ce{ZnO} fractals & RT & DUV Photoactivation at \qty{200}{\celsius} & 0.05, 1 & 2.22, 10.41 & 0.01 & 448/505, 300/360 & This work \\
Thick porous \ce{ZnO} fractals & 150 & DUV Photoactivation at \qty{200}{\celsius} & 0.05, 1 & 0.97, 15.9 & 0.005 & 371/486, 260/312 & This work \\
\ce{ZnO} nanorod arrays & 400 & \ce{H2O2} thermal treatment at \qty{400}{\celsius} & 3 & ~70\tnote{a} & 1 & N/A & [35a] \\
Rutile \ce{SnO2} nanostructures & 190 & Reduction by \ce{NaBH4} & 20 & 37.2\tnote{a} & N/A & 42/17 & [43] \\
\ce{SnO2} nano-columns & RT & Reducing environment (Argon) & 400 & 1.27 & N/A & N/A & [42] \\
\ce{In2O3} octahedral particles & 200 & Phase transformation process from \ce{In(OH)3} at \qty{300}{\celsius} & 1000 & 610\tnote{a} & N/A & 1-2/15-20 & [15] \\
\ce{ZnO} nanosheets & 330 & Preferential [0001] growth direction at \qty{500}{\celsius} & 50 & 80\tnote{a} & N/A & N/A & [44] \\
Co-doped \ce{ZnO} microspheres & 220 & Co-doping at \qty{400}{\celsius} & 5 & 3.3\tnote{a} & N/A & N/A & [45] \\
Ce-doped \ce{ZnO} nanostructures & 300 & Ce-doping at \qty{450}{\celsius} & 100 & 72.6\tnote{a} & N/A & 9/3 & [46] \\
\ce{ZnO}/\ce{SnO2} composite hollow spheres & 225 & Hydrothermal process, calcination at \qty{400}{\celsius} & 30 & 34.8\tnote{a} & 0.5 & 1/-- & [47] \\
\item[a] $I_{\mathrm{ethanol}}/I_{\mathrm{air}}$
%% Table 4
L{0.9} % 0.9+1.31+3*0.93 = 5 = # of X-type columns
%% no linebreak allowed in '\ce{(NH4)6H2OW12.xH2O}'
P{\widthof{work}} @{}}
\caption{Summary of materials, precursors, solvents, and morphologies for various sensing applications.} \label{table:materials}\\
Material & Precursor & Solvent & Nanostructure Morphology & Sensing Application & Ref. \\
Table \thetable, cont'd\\
Material & Precursor & Solvent & Nanostructure Morphology & Sensing Application & Ref. \\
\multicolumn{6}{r@{}}{\itshape continued on next page}
La-doped \ce{WO3} & \ce{La(NO3)3.6H2O} & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Zhang_2022} \\
\ce{WO3} & \ce{(NH4)6H2OW12.xH2O} & ethanol & nano particles (crystals) & gas sensing & \cite{Wu_2022} \\
\ce{Zn2SnO4} & ZTO & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Karthick_2023} \\
ZnO & zinc naphthenate & m-xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Nasiri2015} \\
\ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoate & xylene & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Keskinen_2009} \\
\ce{SnO2} & ethylhexanoate & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Sahm_2004} \\
Pt-loaded \ce{WO3} & tungsten ethoxide & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Samerjai2011} \\
Nb-ZnO & zinc naphthenate & toluene\slash methanol (70/30) vol.\% & & gas sensing & \cite{Kruefu_2011} \\
Nb-doped \ce{TiO2} & titanium isopropoxide & xylene\slash acetonitrile & nano powders & gas sensing & \cite{Phanichphant_2011} \\
\ce{TiO2} & titanium tetra isopropoxide & Xylene\slash acetonitrile & nano particles and films & gas sensing & \cite{Teleki_2006} \\
\ce{WO3} & ammonium tungsten hydrate & glycol\slash ethanol & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Wang_2008} \\
\ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoate & xylene & nano powder & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran_2012} \\
Ru-\ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoate & xylene & Nano powders\slash thick films & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran_2009} \\
Pt/ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & Nano powder\slash thick films & gas sensing & \cite{Tamaekong2009} \\
Pt-loaded ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & Nano particles\slash thick films & gas sensing & \cite{Tamaekong_2011} \\
Pd-ZnO & zinc naphthenate & toluene\slash acetonitrile (80/20) vol.\% & nano particles\slash thick films & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran_2008} \\
Nb- and Cu-doped \ce{TiO2} & titanium tetra isopropoxide & xylene & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{TELEKI_2008} \\
\ce{Bi2WO6} & bismuth nitrate pentahydrate, tungsten ethoxide & ethanol, acetic acid & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Punginsang_2019} \\
\ce{PdO_x}-doped \ce{In2O3} & indium nitrate hydrate, palladium acetylacetonate & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Inyawilert_2019} \\
Pt-doped \ce{In2O3} & indium nitrate & ethanol & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Inyawilert_2016} \\
Pd-doped \ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoate & xylene\slash acetonitrile (80/20) vol.\% & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran_2013} \\
rGO-doped \ce{ZnO} & Au and Pd & de-ionized water & nano fibers & gas sensing & \cite{Abideen2018} \\
ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Nasiri2016} \\
\ce{SnO2} & tin chloride & ammonia solution & nano powder & gas sensing & \cite{Xu1991} \\
Pd-ZnO & zinc nephthanate and palladium acetylacetonate & toluene and acetonitrile & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Liewhiran2007} \\
\ce{SnO2} and \ce{ZnO} & tin oxide & nitric acid & nano powder & gas sensing & \cite{Yamazoe1983} \\
\ce{WO3} & ammonium metatungstate hydrate, polyvinylpyroolidone & dimethylformamide & nano fibers & gas sensing & \cite{Yang2021a} \\
\ce{TiO2} & titanium isopropoxide & ethanolamine & nano wires & gas sensing & \cite{Shooshtari2021} \\
Zn-doped \ce{Fe2O3} & zinc nitrate hexahydrate, iron nitrate nanohydrate & de-ionized water & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Kim2011} \\
graphene loaded \ce{SnO2} & graphene, tin chloride dihydrate, polyvinyl acetate & ethanol, dimethylformamide & nano fibers & gas sensing & \cite{Abideen2017} \\
\ce{Au}-\ce{ZnO} & \ce{HAuCl4} & Aqueous ammonia solution & nano wires & gas sensing & \cite{Wang2013} \\
\ce{SnO2} & tin chloride dihydrate & ethanol, dimethylformamide & nano fibers & gas sensing & \cite{Kim2016} \\
Ti-doped ZnO & zinc ethylhexanoate, titanium tetraisopropoxide & xylene & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Guntner2016} \\
Pt/\ce{SnO2} & tin ethylhexanoic acid, platinum acetylacetonate & toluene, & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Maedler2006} \\
NiO-ZnO & zinc nephthanate & xylene & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Chen2018} \\
Ag-doped \ce{TiO2} & titanium isopropoxide, silver nitrate & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Yildirim2021} \\
Au & \ce{HAuCl4} & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Thimsen2011} \\
\ce{MoO3} & Mo Solid rod & de-ionized water & nano particles & gas sensing & \cite{Shafieyan2019} \\
Au & \ce{HAuCl4} & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Fusco2019} \\
Au-\ce{TiO2} & \ce{HAuCl4}, titanium isopropoxide & ethanol, xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Fusco2018a} \\
AgO-\ce{TiO2} & titanium isopropoxide, silver acetate & acetonitrile, ethyl hexanoic acid & nanohybrids & bio sensing & \cite{Guntner2023} \\
graphene Cu & copper naphthenate & xylene & nano particles\slash films & bio sensing & \cite{DiBernardo2020} \\
Au & gold chloride trihydrate & ethanol & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Dastidar2022} \\
Ag-\ce{SiO2} & silver nitrate, hexamethyldisiloxane & ethanol & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Sotiriou2013} \\
CuO & copper nitrate & -- & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Yang2021} \\
Au & \ce{HAuCl4} & ethanol & nano islands & bio sensing & \cite{Mondal2023} \\
\ce{CaP}:\ce{Eu} & calcium acetate hydrate, europium nitrate, tributyl phosphate & propionic acid & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Merkl2021} \\
\ce{SiO2}-coated \ce{Y2O3}:\ce{Tb^{3+}} & yttrium nitrate, hexamethyl disiloxane & ethyl hexanoic acid, ethanol & nano particles & bio sensing and photo detection & \cite{Sotiriou2012} \\
enzyme minetic luminescent & cerium 2\nobreakdash-\hspace{0pt}ethylhexanoate, Eu-nitrate & methanol & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Pratsinis2017} \\
CuO-\ce{Cu2O} & copper nitrate trihydrate & ethanol & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Zhu2017} \\
nano silver \ce{SiO2} coating & Ag-benzoate, hexamethyl disiloxane & ethylhexanoic acid, benzonitrile & nano particles & bio sensing & \cite{Sotiriou2010} \\
ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Fang2017} \\
ZnO, \ce{SiO2}, \ce{TiO2} & zinc naphthenate, hexamethyldisiloxane, titanium isopropoxide & xylene & nano particles & photo detection & \cite{Nasiri2016a} \\
ZnO & zinc naphthenate & xylene & nano particle film & photo detection & \cite{Nasiri2017} \\