biblatex-apa: 동일한 첫 번째 저자의 동일한 괄호 안에 여러 인용이 있지만 다른 공동 저자가 압축됩니다.

biblatex-apa: 동일한 첫 번째 저자의 동일한 괄호 안에 여러 인용이 있지만 다른 공동 저자가 압축됩니다.
  author = {John, Oliver P. and Donahue, E. M. and Kentle, R. L.},
  title = {The Big Five Inventory--Versions 4a and 54},
  date = {1991},
  langid = {american},
  publisher = {Berkeley, {CA:} University of California, Berkeley, Institute of
    Personality and Social Research}

  author = {John, Oliver P. and Naumann, Laura P. and Soto, Christopher J.},
  editor = {John, Oliver P. and Robins, Richard W. and Pervin, Lawrence A.},
  title = {Paradigm Shift to the Integrative Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History,
    Measurement, and Conceptual Issues},
  booktitle = {Handbook of personality: theory and research},
  date = {2008},
  edition = {3},
  publisher = {Guilford Press},
  location = {New York},
  isbn = {9781593858360},
  pages = {114-158},
  langid = {american}

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\parencite{john_big_1991, john_paradigm_2008}

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(존, 도나휴 & 켄틀, 1991, 2008)

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\parencite{john_paradigm_2008, john_big_1991}

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(존, 나우만 & 소토, 2008, 1991)

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(존, 도나휴 & 켄틀, 1991; 존, 나우만 & 소토, 2008)

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% Single cite
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% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite

% Compact cite - more than one thing for same author
% New cite
  % No author/editor or patent
    % Cite using title
    % Cite using shorthand
  % Normal cite with author/editor
  % Normal full cite
    % Normal full cite
    % Cite using short author
  % Year
  % Put the shortauthor inside the year brackets if necessary
  % Actual year printing
  % Save name hash for checks later




\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\DeclareLanguageMapping{ngerman}{ngerman-apa} % for language switching
  author = {John, Oliver P. and Donahue, E. M. and Kentle, R. L.},
  title = {The Big Five Inventory--Versions 4a and 54},
  date = {1991},
  langid = {american},
  publisher = {Berkeley, {CA:} University of California, Berkeley, Institute of
    Personality and Social Research}
  author = {John, Oliver P. and Donahue, E. M. and Kentle, R. L.},
  title = {The Big Five Inventory--Versions 4b and 5},
  date = {1992},
  langid = {american},
  publisher = {Berkeley, {CA:} University of California, Berkeley, Institute of
    Personality and Social Research}

  author = {John, Oliver P. and Naumann, Laura P. and Soto, Christopher J.},
  editor = {John, Oliver P. and Robins, Richard W. and Pervin, Lawrence A.},
  title = {Paradigm Shift to the Integrative Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History,
    Measurement, and Conceptual Issues},
  booktitle = {Handbook of personality: theory and research},
  date = {2008},
  edition = {3},
  publisher = {Guilford Press},
  location = {New York},
  isbn = {9781593858360},
  pages = {114-158},
  langid = {american}



% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite

% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite

% Compact cite - more than one thing for same author
% New cite
  % No author/editor or patent
    % Cite using title
    % Cite using shorthand
  % Normal cite with author/editor
  % Normal full cite
    % Normal full cite
    % Cite using short author
  % Year
  % Put the shortauthor inside the year brackets if necessary
  % Actual year printing
  % Save name hash for checks later









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