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library.lib예를 들어, 다음과 같은 로컬 PDF URL을 사용하는 biblatex 항목이 있습니다 .

author = {Stonedahl, Forrest J.},
file = {:home/srey/TRAVAUX/THESE/REPOSITORY\_PDF/RANGE/Stonedahl\_2011\_Genetic Algorithms for the Exploration of Parameter Spaces in Agent-Based Models.pdf:pdf},
number = {December},
pages = {394},
school = {Evanston, Illinois},
title = {{Genetic Algorithms for the Exploration of Parameter Spaces in Agent-Based Models}},
year = {2011}

라텍스 파일:

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt,twoside, openright]{memoir}

\usepackage[backend=biber,backref=true, natbib=true, isbn=false, doi=false, url=false, style=authoryear,maxcitenames=1, maxbibnames=999, sorting=nyt, refsection=chapter, hyperref]{biblatex}




My blabla text with citation. \autocite{Stonedahl2011a}



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home/srey/TRAVAUX/THESE/REPOSITORY\_PDF/RANGE/Stonedahl\_2011\_Genetic Algorithms for the Exploration of Parameter Spaces in Agent-Based Models.pdf transform

~ 안으로

http://mycustomserver.com/Stonedahl_2011_Genetic Algorithms for the Exploration of Parameter Spaces in Agent-Based Models.pdf


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