내 후속 조치로이전 질문각 하위 섹션의 목차 생성 주제에 대해 다음과 같은 과제를 제기하고 싶습니다.
문서 조직 단위(섹션, 하위 섹션, 하위 섹션)를 표시하는 줄에 해당 항목의 총 단락 수가 표시되도록 로컬 및 글로벌 목차를 생성합니다.
감사드리며 버그수정을 요청합니다
많은 감사jfbu그의 상세하고 기발한 대답에. 그의 대답에 있는 수수께끼 같은 이름 문제는 많은 시간이 걸렸지만 프레임을 하위 문단으로 내릴 수 있었습니다(문서에 프레임이 아닌 문단이 포함될 수 있으므로 그렇게 하는 데는 그럴 만한 이유가 있습니다). 그러나 제가 원하는 대로 전체 TOC를 제작할 수는 없었습니다.
TOC 중 일부가 비어 있는 경우로 사용 시 문제를 좁혔습니다.
다음은 jfbu를 모델로 한 MWE입니다.jfbu일하다.
% Override action when frame title is encountered:
% Similar to \hrule but above the base line
\def\Hrulefill{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 0.8ex depth -0.6ex\hfill\kern0pt}
\footnotesize \mdseries
\typeout{after defs}\relax
\typeout{after hrule}\relax
\typeout{after title}\relax
\typeout{after hrulefill}\relax
\typeout{after par no indent}\relax
\makeatletter % cf etoc manual "another compatibility mode"
{\typeout{prefix in section}}
{\typeout{item is section}\orig@lsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
{\typeout{begin of SUBSECTION}}
{\typeout{prefix in subsection}}
{\typeout{item in susection}\orig@lsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
\typeout{before frames count}(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
{\typeout{end of SUBSECTION}}
{\typeout{Begin SUBSUBSECTION}}
{\typeout{prefix sub sub section}}
\typeout{item in sub sub section}\relax
{\etocname{} (\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}
{\typeout{End SUBSUBSECTION}}
\etocsetstyle {subparagraph}
{\typeout{END SUBPARAGRAPH}\xdef\yossic{\yossic{\arabic{parinsubsubsection}}}}
\newcommand\yossia {}
\newcommand\yossib {}
\newcommand\yossic {}
\newcommand\Yossi {\expandafter\Yossi@ \yossia\@nil}
\def\Yossi@ #1#2\@nil {\gdef\yossia{#2}#1 }
\begingroup % first pass
\etocsetstyle {section}
\etocsetstyle {subsection}
\etocsetstyle {subsubsection}
\etocsettocstyle {}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subparagraph}%
\typeout{before counting}\relax
\typeout{after counting}\relax
\typeout{after set next toc depth}\relax
\typeout{after toc}\relax
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsetlevel {subparagraph}{2}%
\etocsetlevel {subsubsection}{1}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {section}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{6}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent\emph{Frames:}}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subparagraph}%
\etocsetlevel {subparagraph}{3}%
\etocsetlevel {subsubsection}{2}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{1}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {section}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{6}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent\emph{Frames:}\par}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subparagraph}%
\etocsettocdepth {subparagraph}
\section{My First Section}\SectionTOC
\begin{frame}{My First Frame} has a bit of contents \end{frame}
\subsection{Subsection [A] in My First Section}
\begin{frame}{My 2nd Frame} has another bit of contents \end{frame}
\subsection{Sububsection [I] in subsection [A] in My First Section}
\begin{frame}{My THIRD Frame} has one bit and another bit of contents in it \end{frame}
하위 섹션에는 프레임이 없을 수 있고, 하위 섹션에는 하위 섹션이 없을 수 있으며, 섹션에는 하위 섹션이 없을 수 있다는 것이 명확해졌으므로 이러한 사항을 처리할 수 있는 재검토된 코드(하단 참조)를 제공합니다. 하지만 우리는 하위 섹션을 개입시키지 않고 섹션에 하위 섹션을 원하지 않는다는 점에 유의하세요.
다음은연결된 질문에 대한 답변, 단락 수를 추가합니다. 이것은 단품으로 이루어집니다에톡즉, 보이지 않는 목차를 사용하여 작업을 수행합니다.
의도한 내용을 더 정확하게 설명하는 의견에 따라 업데이트합니다. 섹션과 하위 섹션 사이에는 항상 하위 섹션이 있거나 하위 섹션과 단락 사이에는 하위 하위 섹션이 있다고 가정합니다. 여기서 프레임 환경은 단락을 생성하며, 다른 단락은 없습니다.
초기 답변은 하단에 남아 있습니다. 업데이트용 코드 샘플은 4개의 페이지를 제공하며 여기에는 처음 2개만 표시됩니다.
% Override action when frame title is encountered: (Code by Yossi Gil)
\makeatletter % cf etoc manual "another compatibility mode"
{\orig@lsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
{\orig@lsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
{\orig@lsubsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
\etocsetstyle {paragraph}
\newcommand\yossia {}
\newcommand\yossib {}
\newcommand\yossic {}
\newcommand\Yossi {\expandafter\Yossi@ \yossia\@nil}
\def\Yossi@ #1#2\@nil {\gdef\yossia{#2}#1 }
\begingroup % first pass
\etocsetstyle {section}
\etocsetstyle {subsection}
\etocsetstyle {subsubsection}
\etocsettocstyle {}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
% to suppress subsubsections:
% \etocsetstyle{subsubsection}{}{}{\setbox0\hbox{\Yossi}}{}%
% to also suppress subsections
% \etocsetstyle{subsection}{}{}{\setbox0\hbox{\Yossi}}{}%
% to suppress subsubsections:
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{2}%
\etocsetlevel {subsubsection}{1}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {section}{6}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent List of frames in this subsubsection\par}{}%
%\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
\etocsettocdepth {paragraph}
\section{Some frames}
\subsection {first subsection}
\subsubsection{first subsubsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
\subsubsection{second subsubsection}
Oh Oh
\subsection {second subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\section{More frames}
\subsection {third subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\subsection {fourth subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
초기 답변:
% section=1, subsection=2, subsubsection=3
\etocsettocdepth {all}
%Override action when frame title is encountered: (Code by Yossi Gil)
\newcounter {mycountofframes}
\newcommand {\listofsubsectionswithframecount}{\begingroup
%%%%% count frames by executing an invisible table of contents
\setcounter {mycountofframes}{0}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
\etocsetstyle {subsection}{}{}{}{}%
\etocsetstyle {paragraph}{}{\stepcounter{mycountofframes}}{}{}%
\etocsettocstyle {}{}%
\localtableofcontents % invisible, just to count paragraphs (=frames)
%%%%% now list subsections
{\noindent Dear reader, there are in total \arabic{mycountofframes}
frames in this section.\par\medskip }
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subsection}%
\etocstandardlines % undoes the \etocsetstyle above,
% switches to class default for TOC lines
\localtableofcontents % Print the table of contents
\newcommand {\listofframesinthissubsection}{\begingroup
%%%%% count frames by executing an invisible table of contents
\setcounter {mycountofframes}{0}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
\etocsetstyle {paragraph}{}{\stepcounter{mycountofframes}}{}{}%
\etocnopar % says not to do \par, but doesn't matter here
\etocsettocstyle {}{}%
\localtableofcontents % just to count paragraphs (=frames)
%%%%% now list the paragraphs
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{1}% artificially pretending subsections are
% sections one up the level
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{2}% pretending paragraphs are subsections
\etocdefaultlines % undoes the \etocsetstyle above, switches to package
% default for the TOC lines
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent The \arabic{mycountofframes}
frames in this subsection:\par\smallskip}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
\endgroup % undo all our mess
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subsection}
\section{Some frames}
\subsection {first subsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
\subsection {second subsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\section{More frames}
\subsection {third subsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
\subsection {fourth subsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
누락된 프레임을 처리하도록 코드가 업데이트되었습니다.
% % Override action when frame title is encountered: (Code by Yossi Gil)
{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 0.8ex depth -0.6ex\hfill\kern0pt }
\footnotesize \mdseries
% Similar to \hrule but above the base line
\makeatletter % cf etoc manual "another compatibility mode"
{\orig@lsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
{\orig@lsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
{\orig@lsubsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
\etocsetstyle {paragraph}
\newcommand\yossia {}
\newcommand\yossib {}
\newcommand\yossic {}
\newcommand\Yossi {\expandafter\Yossi@ \yossia\@nil}
\def\Yossi@ #1#2\@nil {\gdef\yossia{#2}\begingroup\color{blue}%
\ifcase #1
no frame%
1 frame%
\else #1 frames%
\begingroup % first pass
\etocsetstyle {section}
{\edef\yossia{\yossia% earlier sec, sub and subsub
\arabic{parinsection}% add previous
% section
\yossib % and all sub and subsub therein
{\edef\yossia{\yossia% earlier sec, sub and subsub
\arabic{parinsection}% add last
% section
\yossib % and all sub and subsub therein
\etocsetstyle {subsection}
{\edef\yossib{\yossib% previous sub and subsub
\arabic{parinsubsection}% add previous
% subsection
\yossic % and all subsub therein
{\edef\yossib{\yossib% previous sub and subsub
\arabic{parinsubsection}% add last
% subsection
\yossic % and all subsub therein
\etocsetstyle {subsubsection}
\etocsettocstyle {}{\global\let\yossia\yossia
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
% to suppress subsubsections:
% \etocsetstyle{subsubsection}{}{}{\setbox0\hbox{\Yossi}}{}%
% to also suppress subsections
% \etocsetstyle{subsection}{}{}{\setbox0\hbox{\Yossi}}{}%
% this is to suppress listing subsubsections in the Section TOC:
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{2}%
\etocsetlevel {subsubsection}{1}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {section}{6}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent List of frames in this subsubsection\par}{}%
\etocsettocdepth {paragraph}
\section{Section A}
\subsection {subsection}
% \Listofframes % don't use \listofframes in a subsubsection
No frames here.
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\subsection {subsection with no subsubsection}
There are no subsubsections here.
\section{Section B}
\subsection {subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
No frames here.
\subsection {subsection with no subsubsection}
Nothing here.
\subsection {subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
No frames here.
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
\subsection {subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection }
No frame.
\subsubsection {subsubsection }
No frame.