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\usepackage[hang, flushmargin]{footmisc}
This report\ldots
\part{Introduction and opening remarks}
MySQL\footnote{\url{http://mysql.com/}.} is a popular RDBMS supported by Oracle\footnote{\url{http://www.oracle.com/}\label{OracleURL}.}.
NetBeans\footnote{\url{https://netbeans.org/}.} is an integrated development environment (IDE) principally for Java, but which supports several other programming languages. and other languages. NetBeans is sponsored by Oracle\footref{OracleURL}.
Treemaps are defined by Wikipedia \footnote{\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemapping}.}.
\part{Case study one}
\part{Case study two}
이것은 올바르게 작동합니다. 하지만 이 보고서의 내용을 다른 보고서에 추가하려고 하면 usepackage
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LaTeX Warning: Command \@footnotetext has changed.
Check if current package is valid.
! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package hyperref.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
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l.31 \usepackage
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그리고 진술을 다음과 같이 재설정하더라도
두 번째 보고서의 각주는 모두 보고서의 첫 페이지로 연결됩니다.
현재 두 번째 보고서는 전체 내용을 표시할 수 없지만 다음과 매우 유사합니다.
\documentclass[oneside,11pt]{report} % Use twoside for alternate page headings.
% \usepackage{algcompatible}
% \usepackage{algorithmicx}
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% Tables.
% ALGORITHMS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\newcommand\fs@algorithmunruled{\def\@fs@cfont{}\let\@fs@capt\floatc@plain% Caption style.
% \def\@fs@pre{\hrule height.8pt depth0pt \kern2pt}% Line at top of algorithm and 2pt gap.
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\def\@fs@mid{\kern8pt}% Line at bottom of algorithm.
% \def\@fs@mid{}
\let\@fs@iftopcapt\iffalse}% Place caption under algorithm.
\renewcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{for each}}
% GLOSSARY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\usepackage[acronym,footnote,nonumberlist]{glossaries} % Makes a list of abbreviations.
% \makeglossaries % This must be run from the command-line: e.g. 'makeglossaries file'
% where `file` is the name of the main LaTeX file.
\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{Some text\ldots.}
% ADD TEXT TO PART PAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\cleardoublepage% (For clearing content before.)
% Title page.
\title{\textcolor{red}{** WORKING DRAFT **}}
This report\ldots
% Print glossary.
\printglossary[type=acronym,title={List of Abbreviations}]
%\printglossaries%[title={List of abbreviations}]
% Print algorithms.
\part{Introduction and opening remarks}
MySQL\footnote{\url{http://mysql.com/}.} is a popular RDBMS supported by Oracle\footnote{\url{http://www.oracle.com/}\label{OracleURL}.}.
NetBeans\footnote{\url{https://netbeans.org/}.} is an integrated development environment (IDE) principally for Java, but which supports several other programming languages. and other languages. NetBeans is sponsored by Oracle\footref{OracleURL}.
Treemaps are defined by Wikipedia \footnote{\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemapping}.}.
\part{Case study one}
\part{Case study two}
옵션 충돌 경고의 경우 패키지는 기본 hyperref 패키지 옵션 세트가 없는 경우 해당 패키지를 bookmark
로드합니다 . 더 큰 각주 문제는 setspace가 작업을 완료한 후의 hyperref
정의를 변경한 결과입니다 . setspace 뒤에 놓고 앞에 넣으면 :\footnote
\usepackage[hang, flushmargin]{footmisc}
% Tables.
% ALGORITHMS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\newcommand\fs@algorithmunruled{\def\@fs@cfont{}\let\@fs@capt\floatc@plain% Caption style.
% \def\@fs@pre{\hrule height.8pt depth0pt \kern2pt}% Line at top of algorithm and 2pt gap.
% \def\@fs@post{\kern2pt\hrule\relax}% Remove line below `\caption`.
\def\@fs@mid{\kern8pt}% Line at bottom of algorithm.
% \def\@fs@mid{}
\let\@fs@iftopcapt\iffalse}% Place caption under algorithm.
\renewcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{for each}}
% GLOSSARY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\usepackage[acronym,footnote,nonumberlist]{glossaries} % Makes a list of abbreviations.
% \makeglossaries % This must be run from the command-line: e.g. 'makeglossaries file'
% where `file` is the name of the main LaTeX file.
\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{Some text\ldots.}
% ADD TEXT TO PART PAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
\cleardoublepage% (For clearing content before.)
This report\ldots
\part{Introduction and opening remarks}
MySQL\footnote{\url{http://mysql.com/}.} is a popular RDBMS supported by Oracle\footnote{\url{http://www.oracle.com/}\label{OracleURL}.}.
NetBeans\footnote{\url{https://netbeans.org/}.} is an integrated development environment (IDE) principally for Java, but which supports several other programming languages. and other languages. NetBeans is sponsored by Oracle\footref{OracleURL}.
Treemaps are defined by Wikipedia.\footnote{\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemapping}.}
당신의 보고서는 제게는 잘 정리된 것 같습니다.
일찍 로드해야 하는 데는 그럴만한 이유가 있을 수 있습니다 hyperref
. 다음 코딩은 저에게 효과적입니다.
먼저 로드된 \@footnotetext
경우 발생하는 확장을 다시 생성하여 작동합니다 .footmisc