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When considering the EoL phase, it's desirable to initially consider the shortest possible cycles of energy, namely reuse, and in closing consider the largest possible cycle, which would be recycling. Case studies in the UK have mapped the waste problem to comprise as much as 15 million discarded mobile phones each year\citep{website:fonebak}. Large scale reuse brings problems, however. A variety of problems arise when considering reuse of mobile phones, such as their low residual value, their small size or the complexity of channels through which they are distributed\citep{ends1997}. Furthermore, a case study reveals most private customers prefer to give mobile phones away\citep{ends2000}, making the previously mentioned legislation of EPR a considerably hard task to achieve. Currently, manufacturers, retails and mobile phone operators. Figures from Foneback\citep{website:fonebak} suggest this to be inadequate. One suggestion would be to promote horizontal collaboration between competitors\citep{canning2006}. Coercion among competitors puts forward a problem in the same fashion as that of renewable energy in the industry sector, namely the problem of managing and putting constraints on collective goods: to promote a change, everybody has to invest into renewable energy. So even though competitors would want to make a change, that change hits a threshhold. A consequence of such constraints is a hit to the economy as we know it now, which inherently forces a gradual change. One recommendation would be to develop a mathematical model, determining how steep this gradual change would have to be to compensate for the need for change currently. Removing a such barrier would be vital to success of reuse practices as we know them now.


일부 턱받이 항목을 사용하면 실제로 참고문헌을 조판합니다.

  title = {Fonebak - Facts},
  url = {http://www.fonebak.com/},
  note = {(accessed 28-9-2014)},
  year = {2014}

    author = {Environmental Data Services (ENDS)},
    title = {Take back schemes launched for mobile phones},
    issue = {264},
    year = {1997},
    month = {January}

    author = {Environmental Data Services (ENDS)},
    title = {Compliance scheme envisaged for mobile phone recycling},
    issue = {304},
    year = {2000},
    month = {May}

    author = {Louise Canning},
    title = {Rethinking market connections: mobile phone recovery, reuse and recycling in the {UK}},
    journal = {Journal of Business \& Industrial Marketing},
    volume = {21},
    issue = {5},
    year = {2006},
    pages = {320--329}

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