나는 Donald Arseneau의 패키지를 꽤 좋아하게 되었습니다 framed
. 그러나 추가하고 싶은 몇 가지 조정 사항이 있지만 방법을 잘 모르겠습니다.
와 두 환경을 병합할지 shaded
, 하나를 수정하고 다른 하나는 그대로 둘지, 아니면 모두라는 세 번째 환경을 만들지는 불분명 box
하지만 boxed
저는 후자 쪽으로 기울고 있습니다.
저는 shaded
있는 그대로를 좋아합니다. 여백에 번지거나 별표를 추가하여 여백에 맞게 환경을 밀어 넣는 옵션이 있습니다. 있는 그대로 훌륭합니다. 하지만 액자에 넣을 수 있는 옵션은 없습니다. 그리고 framed
환경에는 음영 처리 옵션도 없고 마진을 초과하는 옵션도 없습니다 shaded
주요 아이디어는 아마도 여백으로 흘러들어가는 환경과 주변에 테두리를 만드는 옵션이 있는 완전히 새로운 환경을 만드는 것 boxed
입니다 shaded
. 그런 boxed*
다음 shaded*
그 외에도 이러한 테두리를 어느 정도 제어할 수 있으면 매우 유용할 것입니다. topframe
, leftframe
, rightframe
, 및 , (and ) bottomframe
와 같은 옵션을 사용하면 패키지 자체 환경과 대조적으로 훨씬 더 흥미로운 프레임을 만들 수 있습니다. 그리고 패키지 매개변수는 기본적으로 해당 값을 테이블의 선 두께와 일치하도록 설정합니다. 따라서 해당 환경을 사용할 때마다 이를 직접 정의할 필요가 없습니다.framecolor
그리고 단지 그것을 만들기 위해서정말topleft
흥미롭게도 , topright
, bottomleft
및 모서리 의 반경을 bottomright
개별적으로 설정하고 아래에 멋진 그림자를 추가하면 이 환경의 모양과 제어 가능성을 완성할 수 있습니다.
(편집: 상자의 너비를 수동으로 재정의하는 옵션이 있을 수도 있습니다. 기본적으로 여백에 물을 넣거나 에 맞춰 정렬합니다 . 그런 다음 상자가 아닌 항목에 *
a를 제공하면 상자는 해당 너비에 추가 너비를 더한 값을 사용합니다. ed 환경 에서 동일한 작업을 수행하는 경우 상자는 너비를 사용 하지만 패딩의 추가 너비는 계산하지 않습니다.)textwidth
그렇지 않은 측면: Donald Arseneau처럼 저작권이 포함된 사용자 정의 헤더를 작성하기로 선택한 경우, 코드를 작성하고 제가 아이디어를 생각해 냈기 때문에 저뿐만 아니라 여러분 자신도 추가하는 것을 고려해 보십시오. 기초.
다른 참고 사항: 만약이 모든 옵션은 이미 다른 패키지에서 사용할 수 있습니다., 패키지 이름과 박스형 환경의 예를 제공해 주세요.사용중인 모든 옵션, 언급 할 필요없는책탭 테이블의 테두리 두께와 일치하도록 설정된 기본 테두리 두께에 대한 솔루션입니다.
Framed.sty, Donald Arseneau 작성
% framed.sty v 0.96 2011/10/22
% Copyright (C) 1992-2011 by Donald Arseneau ([email protected])
% These macros may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified
% for any purpose provided that this notice is left intact.
%====================== Begin Instructions =======================
% framed.sty
% ~~~~~~~~~~
% Create framed, shaded, or differently highlighted regions that can
% break across pages. The environments defined are
% framed - ordinary frame box (\fbox) with edge at margin
% oframed - framed with open top/bottom at page breaks
% shaded - shaded background (\colorbox) bleeding into margin
% shaded* - shaded background (\colorbox) with edge at margin
% snugshade - shaded with tight fit around text (esp. in lists)
% snugshade* - like snugshade with shading edge at margin
% leftbar - thick vertical line in left margin
% to be used like
% \begin{framed}
% copious text
% \end{framed}
% But the more general purpose of this package is to facilitate the
% definition of new environments that take multi-line material,
% wrap it with some non-breakable formatting (some kind of box or
% decoration) and allow page breaks in the material. Such environments
% are defined to declare (or use) \FrameCommand for applying the boxy
% decoration, and \MakeFramed{settings} ... \endMakeFramed wrapped
% around the main text argument (environment body).
% The "framed" environment uses "\fbox", by default, as its "\FrameCommand"
% with the additional settings "\fboxrule=\FrameRule" and "\fboxsep=\FrameSep".
% You can change these lengths (using "\setlength") and you can change
% the definition of "\FrameCommand" to use much fancier boxes.
% In fact, the "shaded" environment just redefines \FrameCommand to be
% "\colorbox{shadecolor}" (and you have to define the color `"shadecolor"':
% "\definecolor{shadecolor}...").
% Although the intention is for other packages to define the varieties
% of decoration, a command "\OpenFbox" is defined for frames with open
% tops or bottoms, and used for the "oframed" environment. This facility
% is based on a more complex and capable command "\CustomFBox" which can
% be used for a wider range of frame styles. One such style of a title-bar
% frame with continuation marks is provided as an example. It is used by
% the "titled-frame" environment. To make use of "titled-frame" in your
% document, or the "\TitleBarFrame" command in your own environment
% definitions, you must define the colors TFFrameColor (for the frame)
% and a contrasting TFTitleColor (for the title text).
% A page break is allowed, and even encouraged, before the framed
% environment. If you want to attach some text (a box title) to the
% frame, then the text should be inserted by \FrameCommand so it cannot
% be separated from the body.
% The contents of the framed regions are restricted:
% Floats, footnotes, marginpars and head-line entries will be lost.
% (Some of these may be handled in a later version.)
% This package will not work with the page breaking of multicol.sty,
% or other systems that perform column-balancing.
% The MakeFramed environment does the work. Its `settings' argument
% should contain any adjustments to the text width (via a setting of
% "\hsize"). Here, the parameter "\width" gives the measured extra width
% added by the frame, so a common setting is "\advance\hsize-\width"
% which reduces the width of the text just enough that the outer edge
% of the frame aligns with the margins. The `settings' should also
% include a `restore' command -- "\@parboxrestore" or "\FrameRestore"
% or something similar; for instance, the snugshade environment uses
% settings to eliminate list indents and vertical space, but uses
% "\hspace" in "\FrameCommand" to reproduce the list margin ouside the
% shading.
% There are actually four variants of "\FrameCommand" to allow different
% formatting for each part of an environment broken over pages. Unbroken
% text is adorned by "\FrameCommand", whereas split text first uses
% "\FirstFrameCommand", possibly followed by "\MidFrameCommand", and
% finishing with "\LastFrameCommand". The default definitions for
% these three just invokes "\FrameCommand", so that all portions are
% framed the same way. See the oframe environment for use of distinct
% First/Mid/Last frames.
% Expert commands:
% \MakeFramed, \endMakeFramed: the "MakeFramed" environment
% \FrameCommand: command to draw the frame around its argument
% \FirstFrameCommand: the frame for the first part of a split environment
% \LastFrameCommand: for the last portion
% \MidFrameCommand: for any intermediate segments
% \FrameRestore: restore some text settings, but fewer than \@parboxrestore
% \FrameRule: length register; \fboxrule for default "framed".
% \FrameSep: length register; \fboxsep for default "framed".
% \FrameHeightAdjust: macro; height of frame above baseline at top of page
% \OuterFrameSep: vertical space before and after the framed env. Defaults to "\topsep"
% This is still a `pre-production' version because I can think of many
% features/improvements that should be made. Also, a detailed manual needs
% to be written. Nevertheless, starting with version 0.5 it should be bug-free.
% ToDo:
% Test more varieties of list
% Improve and correct documentation
% Propagation of \marks
% Handle footnotes (how??) floats (?) and marginpars.
% Stretchability modification.
% Make inner contents height/depth influence placement.
%======================== End Instructions ========================
\ProvidesPackage{framed}[2011/10/22 v 0.96:
framed or shaded text with page breaks]
\newenvironment{framed}% using default \FrameCommand
{\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
\def\FrameCommand{\fboxsep=\FrameSep \colorbox{shadecolor}}%
\MakeFramed {\FrameRestore}}%
\def\FrameCommand{\fboxsep=\FrameSep \colorbox{shadecolor}}%
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
\def\FrameCommand{\vrule width 3pt \hspace{10pt}}%
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
% snugshde: Shaded environment that
% -- uses the default \fboxsep instead of \FrameSep
% -- leaves the text indent unchanged (shading bleeds out)
% -- eliminates possible internal \topsep glue (\@setminipage)
% -- shrinks inside the margins for lists
% An \item label will tend to hang outside the shading, thanks to
% the small \fboxsep.
\def\FrameCommand##1{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \hskip-\fboxsep
% There is no \@totalrightmargin, so:
\hskip-\linewidth \hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\columnwidth}%
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width
\@totalleftmargin\z@ \linewidth\hsize
% There is no \@totalrightmargin, so:
\hskip-\linewidth \hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\columnwidth}%
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width
\@totalleftmargin\z@ \linewidth\hsize
\newenvironment{oframed}{% open (top or bottom) framed
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}%
% A simplified entry to \CustomFBox with two customized parameters:
% the thicknesses of the top and bottom rules. Perhaps we want to
% use less \fboxsep on the open edges?
% \CustomFBox is like an amalgamation of \fbox and \@frameb@x,
% so it can be used by an alternate to \fbox or \fcolorbox, but
% it has more parameters for various customizations.
% Parameter #1 is inserted (in vmode) right after the top rule
% (useful for a title or assignments), and #2 is similar, but
% inserted right above the bottom rule.
% The thicknesses of the top, bottom, left, and right rules are
% given as parameters #3,#4,#5,#6 respectively. They should be
% \fboxrule or \z@ (or some other thickness).
% The text argument is #7.
% An instance of this can be used for the frame of \fcolorbox by
% locally defining \fbox before \fcolorbox; e.g.,
% \def\fbox{\CustomFBox{}{}\z@\z@\fboxrule\fboxrule}\fcolorbox
% Do we need to use different \fboxsep on different sides too?
% Here we calculate and shift for the depth. Done in
% a group because one of the arguments might be \@tempdima
% (we could use \dimexpr instead without grouping).
\vskip\fboxsep % maybe these should be parameters too
% A particular type of titled frame with continuation marks.
% Parameter #1 is the title, repeated on each page.
\TitleBarFrame[$\blacktriangleright$]{\textbf{#1\ (cont)}}}%
\TitleBarFrame{\textbf{#1\ (cont)}}}%
\MakeFramed{\advance\hsize-20pt \FrameRestore}}%
% note: 8 + 2 + 8 + 2 = 20. Don't use \width because the frame title
% could interfere with the width measurement.
% \TitleBarFrame[marker]{title}{contents}
% Frame with a label at top, optional continuation marker at bottom right.
% Frame color is TFFrameColor and title color is a contrasting TFTitleColor;
% both need to be defined before use. The frame itself use \fboxrule and
% \fboxsep. If the title is omitted entirely, the title bar is omitted
% (use a blank space to force a blank title bar).
\def\TF@conlab{% continuation label
\smash{\rlap{\kern\wd\@tempboxa\kern\fboxrule\kern\fboxsep #1}}}%
{\let\current@color\TF@savecolor\set@color #3}%
% The title bar for \TitleBarFrame
\chardef\FrameRestore=\catcode`\| % for debug
\catcode`\|=\catcode`\% % (debug: insert space after backslash)
\newlength\OuterFrameSep \OuterFrameSep=\maxdimen \relax
% apply default \OuterFrameSep = \topsep
\ifdim\OuterFrameSep=\maxdimen \OuterFrameSep\topsep \fi
% measure added width and height; call result \width and \height
\let\width\fb@frw \let\height\fb@frh
% insert pre-penalties and skips
\penalty9999 % updates \page parameters
\ifdim\pagefilstretch=\z@ \ifdim\pagefillstretch=\z@
% not infinitely stretchable, so encourage a page break here
\ifx\@tempa\zero@glue \penalty-30
\else \vskip-\skip@ \penalty-30 \vskip\skip@
% Give a stretchy breakpoint that will always be taken in preference
% to the \penalty 9999 used to update page parameters. The cube root
% of 10000/100 indicates a multiplier of 0.21545, but the maximum
% calculated badness is really 8192, not 10000, so the multiplier
% is 0.2301.
\advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.5\baselineskip
\advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\height
\advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\skip@
\advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\OuterFrameSep
\vskip-\skip@ \penalty 1800 \vskip\skip@
% clear out pending page break
\penalty\@M \vskip 2\baselineskip \vskip\height
\penalty9999 \vskip -2\baselineskip \vskip-\height
\penalty9999 % updates \pagetotal
|\message{After clearout, \pagetotal=\the\pagetotal, \pagegoal=\the\pagegoal. }%
#1% Modifications to \hsize (can use \width and \height)
\textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize
\hrule\@width\hsize\@height\z@ % possibly bad
\penalty-100 % (\hrule moves depth into height)
%%% {\showoutput\showbox\@tempboxa}%
\@minipagefalse % In case it was set and not cleared
% \fb@put@frame takes the contents of \@tempboxa and puts all, or a piece,
% of it on the page with a frame (\FrameCommand, \FirstFrameCommand,
% \MidFrameCommand, or \LastFrameCommand). It recurses until all of
% \@tempboxa has been used up. (\@tempboxa must have zero depth.)
% #1 = attempted framing command, if no split
% #2 = framing command if split
% First iteration: Try to fit with \FrameCommand. If it does not fit,
% split for \FirstFrameCommand.
% Later iteration: Try to fit with \LastFrameCommand. If it does not
% fit, split for \MidFrameCommand.
\ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen \pagegoal\vsize \fi
| \message{=============== Entering putframe ====================^^J
| \pagegoal=\the\pagegoal, \pagetotal=\the\pagetotal. }%
\dimen@\pagegoal \advance\dimen@-\pagetotal % natural space left on page
\ifdim\dimen@<2\baselineskip % Too little room on page
| \message{Page has only \the\dimen@\space room left; eject. }%
\eject \fb@adjheight \fb@put@frame#1#2%
\else % there's appreciable room left on the page
| \message{\string\pagetotal=\the\pagetotal,
| \string\pagegoal=\the\pagegoal,
| \string\pagestretch=\the\pagestretch,
| \string\pageshrink=\the\pageshrink,
| \string\fb@frh=\the\fb@frh. \space}
| \message{^^JBox of size \the\ht\@tempboxa\space}%
\begingroup % temporarily set \dimen@ to be...
\advance\[email protected]\pageshrink % maximum space available on page
\advance\dimen@-\fb@frh\relax % max space available for frame's contents
% expand \ifdim, then restore \dimen@ to real room left on page
\ifdim\dimen@>\ht\@tempboxa % whole box does fit
| \message{fits in \the\dimen@. }%
% ToDo: Change this to use vsplit anyway to capture the marks
\else % box must be split
| \message{must be split to fit in \the\dimen@. }%
% update frame measurement to use \FirstFrameCommand or \MidFrameCommand
\setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% simulate frame and flexiblity of the page:
\vskip \fb@frh \@plus\pagestretch \@minus.8\pageshrink
\boxmaxdepth\z@ \splittopskip\z@
| \message{^^JPadded box of size \the\ht\@tempboxa\space split to \the\dimen@}%
% Split box here
\setbox\tw@\vsplit\@tempboxa to\dimen@
| \toks99\expandafter{\splitfirstmark}%
| \toks98\expandafter{\splitbotmark}%
| \message{Marks are: \the\toks99, \the\toks98. }%
\setbox\tw@\vbox{\unvbox\tw@}% natural-sized
| \message{Natural height of split box is \the\ht\tw@, leaving
| \the\ht\@tempboxa\space remainder. }%
% If the split-to size > (\vsize-\topskip), then set box to full size.
| \message{Frame is big -- Use up the full column. }%
\advance\dimen@ii -\topskip
\advance\dimen@ii \FrameHeightAdjust\relax
\else % suspect this is implemented incorrectly:
% If the split-to size > feasible room_on_page, rebox it smaller.
\advance\[email protected]\pageshrink
| \message{Box too tall; rebox it to \the\dimen@. }%
\else % use natural size
% Re-box contents to desired size \dimen@ii
\advance\dimen@ii -\fb@frh
\setbox\tw@\vbox to\dimen@ii \bgroup
% remove simulated frame and page flexibility:
\vskip -\fb@frh \@plus-\pagestretch \@minus-.8\pageshrink
\unvbox\tw@ \unpenalty\unpenalty
\ifdim\lastkern=-137sp % whole box went to next page
| \message{box split at beginning! }%
% need work here???
\egroup \fb@resto@set \eject % (\vskip for frame size was discarded)
\fb@put@frame#1#2% INSERTED ???
\else % Got material split off at the head
\egroup \fb@resto@set
\ifvoid\@tempboxa % it all fit after all
| \message{box split at end! }%
\else % it really did split
| \message{box split as expected. Its reboxed height is \the\ht\tw@. }%
\centerline{#2{\box\tw@}}% ??? \centerline bad idea
| \message{Zero width means likely blank. Don't frame it (guess)}%
\hrule \@height\z@ \@width\hsize
\PackageWarning{framed}{Boxa is void -- discard it. }%
| \message{Frame and place boxa. }%
| %{\showoutput\showbox\@tempboxa}%
\nointerlineskip \null %{\showoutput \showlists}
\penalty-30 \vskip\OuterFrameSep \relax
% measure width and height added by frame (#1 = frame command)
% call results \fb@frw and \fb@frh
% todo: a mechanism to handle wide frame titles
\setbox\z@\vbox{\vskip-5in \hbox{\hskip-5in
#1{\hbox{\vrule \@height 4.7in \@depth.3in \@width 5in}}}%
| \message{Measuring frame addition for \string#1 in \@currenvir\space
| gives ht \the\ht\z@\space and wd \the\wd\z@. }%
| %{\showoutput\showbox\z@}%
\global\fb@frw\wd\z@ \global\fb@frh\ht\z@
\vbox to\FrameHeightAdjust{}% get proper baseline skip from above.
\penalty\@M \nointerlineskip
\penalty\@M} % useful for tops of pages
% Provide configuration commands:
\@ifundefined{FrameRule}{\newdimen\FrameRule \FrameRule=\fboxrule}{}
\@ifundefined{FrameSep} {\newdimen\FrameSep \FrameSep =3\fboxsep}{}
% Height of frame above first baseline when frame starts a page:
% \FrameRestore has parts of \@parboxrestore, performing a similar but
% less complete restoration of the default layout. See how it is used in
% the "settings" argument of \MakeFrame. Though not a parameter, \hsize
% should be set to the desired total line width available inside the
% frame before invoking \FrameRestore.
% \message{FrameRestore:
% \@totalleftmargin=\the \@totalleftmargin,
% \rightmargin=\the\rightmargin,
% \@listdepth=\the\@listdepth. }%
% Test if we are in a list (or list-like paragraph)
\ifnum \ifdim\@totalleftmargin>\z@ 1\fi
\ifdim\rightmargin>\z@ 1\fi
\ifnum\@listdepth>\z@ 1\fi 0>\z@
% \message{In a list: \linewidth=\the\linewidth, \@totalleftmargin=\the\@totalleftmargin,
% \parshape=\the\parshape, \columnwidth=\the\columnwidth, \hsize=\the\hsize,
% \labelwidth=\the\labelwidth. }%
\@setminipage % snug fit around the item. I would like this to be non-global.
% Now try to propageate changes of width from \hsize to list parameters.
% This is deficient, but a more advanced way to indicate modification to text
% dimensions is not (yet) provided; in particular, no separate left/right
% adjustment.
\advance\linewidth-\columnwidth \advance\linewidth\hsize
\parshape\@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth
\else % Not in list
%\message{No list, set \string\linewidth=\the\hsize. }%