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이것은 내 문서에 대한 몇 가지 기본 코드입니다.

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,titlepage]{article} % give the document type
\input{01_layout} %the command 'include' loads the corresponding file, alternatively, this file can be inserted here.

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\graphicspath{{graphics/}} % this is the path for graphics (insert your graphics in this folder)
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\begin{document} % start of the document
\include{appendix} % include the appendix file

그리고 부록 파일은 다음과 같습니다:

% Appendix

\subsection{Empirical Results}
\subsubsection{In-Sample Correlations}

마지막으로 내 테이블의 코드는 다음과 같습니다.

\caption{Cross-Sectional Correlations} \label{corr_table} 
\toprule \toprule 
{} & $Earn$ & $d^{+}$ & $d^{-}$ & $BkEq$ & $TACC$ & $OCF$ & $SPI$ & $LEV$ & $PAYOUT$ & $PAYER$   \\ \midrule $Earn$ & 1.0*** & 0.55*** & -0.55*** & 0.61*** & -0.08*** & 0.72*** & -0.1*** & 0.04*** & 0.47*** & 0.38*** \\
 $d^{+}$ & 0.55*** & 1.0*** & -1.0*** & 0.33*** & 0.01* & 0.37*** & -0.02*** & 0.02*** & 0.25*** & 0.35*** \\
 $d^{-}$ & -0.55*** & -1.0*** & 1.0*** & -0.33*** & -0.01* & -0.37*** & 0.02*** & -0.02*** & -0.25*** & -0.35*** \\
 $BkEq$ & 0.61*** & 0.33*** & -0.33*** & 1.0*** & -0.38*** & 0.67*** & -0.1*** & 0.03*** & 0.44*** & 0.39*** \\
 $TACC$ & -0.08*** & 0.01* & -0.01* & -0.38*** & 1.0*** & -0.72*** & 0.06*** & -0.09*** & -0.25*** & -0.18*** \\
 $OCF$ & 0.72*** & 0.37*** & -0.37*** & 0.67*** & -0.72*** & 1.0*** & -0.11*** & 0.09*** & 0.49*** & 0.39*** \\
 $SPI$ & -0.1*** & -0.02*** & 0.02*** & -0.1*** & 0.06*** & -0.11*** & 1.0*** & -0.05*** & -0.06*** & -0.04*** \\
 $LEV$ & 0.04*** & 0.02*** & -0.02*** & 0.03*** & -0.09*** & 0.09*** & -0.05*** & 1.0*** & 0.07*** & 0.06*** \\
 $PAYOUT$ & 0.47*** & 0.25*** & -0.25*** & 0.44*** & -0.25*** & 0.49*** & -0.06*** & 0.07*** & 1.0*** & 0.64*** \\
 $PAYER$ & 0.38*** & 0.35*** & -0.35*** & 0.39*** & -0.18*** & 0.39*** & -0.04*** & 0.06*** & 0.64*** & 1.0*** \\
\begin{tablenotes} \small \item \textbf{Table \ref{corr_table}} displays Pearson correlations for the entire sample, i.e. the pooled cross-section of firms from 1988 to 2021 including all variables of the forecast models for the conditional first and second moment of future earnings. However, in order to conserve space, all interacted variables as well as the industry dummies are omitted in this table.\end{tablenotes} 


환경은 sidewaystable부동 환경입니다. 이러한 부동 소수점은 일반적으로 LaTeX에 의해 페이지 상단이나 하단에 자동으로 배치됩니다. 둘 다 맞지 않으면 새 페이지에 배치됩니다.

threepartstable플로트 내부에 배치하지 않으면 일부 문제가 발생할 수 있는 캡션과 같은 항목을 이미 훌륭하게 처리하는 를 사용합니다 . 간단히 말해서, 사물이 플로트처럼 동작하는 것을 원하지 않으면 플로팅 환경 안에 배치하지 마세요.

따라서 90도 회전된 상자에 테이블을 배치하는 것이 좋습니다.

\usepackage[margin=25mm]{geometry} % with the default margins, the table would not fit


\subsection{Empirical Results}
\subsubsection{In-Sample Correlations}
\caption{Cross-Sectional Correlations} \label{corr_table} 
\toprule \toprule 
{} & $Earn$ & $d^{+}$ & $d^{-}$ & $BkEq$ & $TACC$ & $OCF$ & $SPI$ & $LEV$ & $PAYOUT$ & $PAYER$   \\ \midrule $Earn$ & 1.0*** & 0.55*** & -0.55*** & 0.61*** & -0.08*** & 0.72*** & -0.1*** & 0.04*** & 0.47*** & 0.38*** \\
 $d^{+}$ & 0.55*** & 1.0*** & -1.0*** & 0.33*** & 0.01* & 0.37*** & -0.02*** & 0.02*** & 0.25*** & 0.35*** \\
 $d^{-}$ & -0.55*** & -1.0*** & 1.0*** & -0.33*** & -0.01* & -0.37*** & 0.02*** & -0.02*** & -0.25*** & -0.35*** \\
 $BkEq$ & 0.61*** & 0.33*** & -0.33*** & 1.0*** & -0.38*** & 0.67*** & -0.1*** & 0.03*** & 0.44*** & 0.39*** \\
 $TACC$ & -0.08*** & 0.01* & -0.01* & -0.38*** & 1.0*** & -0.72*** & 0.06*** & -0.09*** & -0.25*** & -0.18*** \\
 $OCF$ & 0.72*** & 0.37*** & -0.37*** & 0.67*** & -0.72*** & 1.0*** & -0.11*** & 0.09*** & 0.49*** & 0.39*** \\
 $SPI$ & -0.1*** & -0.02*** & 0.02*** & -0.1*** & 0.06*** & -0.11*** & 1.0*** & -0.05*** & -0.06*** & -0.04*** \\
 $LEV$ & 0.04*** & 0.02*** & -0.02*** & 0.03*** & -0.09*** & 0.09*** & -0.05*** & 1.0*** & 0.07*** & 0.06*** \\
 $PAYOUT$ & 0.47*** & 0.25*** & -0.25*** & 0.44*** & -0.25*** & 0.49*** & -0.06*** & 0.07*** & 1.0*** & 0.64*** \\
 $PAYER$ & 0.38*** & 0.35*** & -0.35*** & 0.39*** & -0.18*** & 0.39*** & -0.04*** & 0.06*** & 0.64*** & 1.0*** \\
\begin{tablenotes} \small \item \textbf{Table \ref{corr_table}} displays Pearson correlations for the entire sample, i.e. the pooled cross-section of firms from 1988 to 2021 including all variables of the forecast models for the conditional first and second moment of future earnings. However, in order to conserve space, all interacted variables as well as the industry dummies are omitted in this table.\end{tablenotes} 

Bla bla


여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

(패키지를 로드하는 경우 위의 작업을 위해 패키지를 graphicx로드할 필요는 없습니다 . 단지 이 패키지가 환경을 제공하므로 패키지를 로드한다고 가정하여 코드에 보관했습니다. )rotatingrotatingsidewaystable

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