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\documentclass{article} % Compile with pdflatex
\newcommand\FVR{\pdftooltip{\hyperref[acronym:FVR]{FVR}\xspace}{Focal Value Rounding (See page \pageref{acronym:FVR})}}
Here's where we define
``\textbf{focal value rounding}'' (\textbf{FVR}\label{acronym:FVR}) behavior.
This sentence with \FVR and \FVR, has extra spaces before punctuation \FVR.
패키지 문서\xspace
매크로 끝에 사용되어야 한다고 말합니다 . 간단히 \xspace
정의의 끝으로 이동하면 트릭이 수행되는 것 같습니다.
\newcommand{\FVR}{\pdftooltip{\hyperref[acronym:FVR]{FVR}}{Focal Value Rounding (See page \pageref{acronym:FVR})}\xspace}