긴 도이장을 우아하게 나누는 방법

긴 도이장을 우아하게 나누는 방법

이것은 내 논문의 코드 조각입니다.


  author = {Baumert, Leonard and Golomb, Solomon W. and Hall, Jr, Marshall},
  doi = {10.1090/S0002-9904-1962-10761-7},
  journal = {Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society},
  number = 3,
  pages = {237--238},
  title = {Discovery of an Hadamard Matrix of Order 92},
  volume = 68,
  year = 1962



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The first missing order of 92 was resolved in 1962 by Baumert, Golomb,
and Hall Jr. \cite{baumert62} who ran computer experiment on Williamson's method.

%%% bibliography

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  author = {Baumert, Leonard and Golomb, Solomon W. and Hall, Jr, Marshall},
  doi = {10.1090/S0002-9904-1962-10761-7},
  journal = {Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society},
  number = 3,
  pages = {237--238},
  title = {Discovery of an Hadamard Matrix of Order 92},
  volume = 68,
  year = 1962



% for back reference in bibliography

% for biblatex with biber

% for DOI field


The first missing order of 92 was resolved in 1962 by Baumert, Golomb,
and Hall Jr. \cite{baumert62} who ran computer experiment on Williamson's method.

%%% bibliography


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  author = {Baumert, Leonard and Golomb, Solomon W. and Hall, Jr, Marshall},
  doi = {10.1090/S0002-9904-1962-10761-7},
  journal = {Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society},
  number = 3,
  pages = {237--238},
  title = {Discovery of an Hadamard Matrix of Order 92},
  volume = 68,
  year = 1962



% for back reference in bibliography

% for biblatex with biber

% for DOI field


The first missing order of 92 was resolved in 1962 by Baumert, Golomb,
and Hall Jr. \cite{baumert62} who ran computer experiment on Williamson's method.

%%% bibliography


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