

Gostaria de animar setas vermelhas, alguém poderia me ajudar? obrigado.






\node[draw,very thick](1) at (0,0){A};
\node[draw,very thick](2) at (5,2){B};
\node[draw,very thick](3) at (3,-2){C};
\node[draw,very thick](6) at (7,-2){D};
\node[draw,very thick](7) at (10,0){E };
\node[draw,very thick](8) at (0,-4){F};
\node[draw,very thick](9) at (3,-4){G};
\node[draw,very thick](10) at (7,-4){H};
\node[draw,very thick](11) at (10,-4){I};
\draw[->] [>=stealth,red,very thick](1) to (2);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,red,very thick](1) to (3);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,red,very thick](2) to (7);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](6) to (7);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](3) to (6);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](3) to (6);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](8) to (9);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](9) to (3);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](9) to (10);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](10) to (11);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](11) to (7);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,red,very thick](2) to (6);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](10) to (6);
\draw[->] [>=stealth,very thick](3) to (11);


Você pode revelar os caminhos vermelhos mais tarde do que os outros, usando

\draw<2->[->,red] ... ;

que revela o caminho no segundo clique.


    \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,very thick,every node/.style={draw}]
        \node(1) at (0,0){A};
        \node(2) at (5,2){B};
        \node(3) at (3,-2){C};
        \node(6) at (7,-2){D};
        \node(7) at (10,0){E };
        \node(8) at (0,-4){F};
        \node(9) at (3,-4){G};
        \node(10) at (7,-4){H};
        \node(11) at (10,-4){I};
        \draw<2->[->,red](1) to (2);
        \draw<3->[->,red](1) to (3);
        \draw<4->[->,red](2) to (7);
        \draw[->](6) to (7);
        \draw[->](3) to (6);
        \draw[->](3) to (6);
        \draw[->](8) to (9);
        \draw[->](9) to (3);
        \draw[->](9) to (10);
        \draw[->](10) to (11);
        \draw[->](11) to (7);
        \draw<5->[->,red](2) to (6);
        \draw[->](10) to (6);
        \draw[->](3) to (11);

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

informação relacionada