Isso é o que estou tentando fazer
We discuss here SW coding with the help of a toy example. In this example, we assume that
X and Y are each of 3 bits. Moreover, X and Y differs at most in one bit.
Following is the sequence how the SW coding works:
1.Make cosets of X's with Hamming distance 3:(000,111),(001,110),(010,101),(011,100)
2. Send index of set (requires 2 bits)
3. Send Y (requires 3 bits)
4. Decode X by using the element in the set which is closest
to Y
5. Declare error if no element with d_H \leq 1
A saída que vejo é assim
Gostaria que a nova linha criada fosse alinhada conforme marcado com a linha vermelha no exemplo acima.
Não enumere o conteúdo manualmente. Em vez disso, use uma lista que enumere o conteúdo automaticamente:
Hello, my name is John Doe. I study applied mathematics and I enjoy the following subjects:
calculus, differential equations, number theory, set theory, computer science, etc.
Hello, my name is Jane Doe. I really enjoy writing poetry, even though I don't know anything
about rhymes.
Manipulações para a formatação da lista estão disponíveis através doenumitem
pacote. Por exemplo, as seguintes alterações de valores-chave podem ser usadas:
\begin{enumerate}[label={\arabic*)}, labelsep=2em]
Hello, my name is John Doe. I study applied mathematics and I enjoy the following subjects:
calculus, differential equations, number theory, set theory, computer science, etc.
Hello, my name is Jane Doe. I really enjoy writing poetry, even though I don't know anything
about rhymes.