Tendo problemas para remover números de página da classe de estilo ewic

Tendo problemas para remover números de página da classe de estilo ewic

Estou usando a classe eWIC para o tex studio. Formato de Oficinas Eletrônicas em Computação (eWiC). Como remover os números das páginas da classe ewic fornecida?


O ewic.texarquivo é considerado o arquivo de amostra dehttp://ewic.bcs.org/content/conMediaFile/3029, a classe pode ser encontrada na mesma página.

Os números das páginas geralmente entram no documento por meio do estilo de página. Existem dois deles:

  • mytitlepara a página de título
  • myewicpara o resto do documento.

Copiei as definições dos estilos de página e modifiquei a macro ewic.texrelevante , removendo as instruções de formatação. Como é from , isso também mudará .\@oddfoot\thepage\@evenfoot\let\@oddfoot\@evenfoot

Observe as questões de direitos autorais aqui!

Existem muitos comandos obsoletos como \itno .clsarquivo. O(s) autor(es) deverá(ão) revisar a aula!

% ewic.tex for classfile V2.04, 6 July 2011


% http://ewic.bcs.org/category/15364

\copyright\ The Authors.\ Published by BISL.}\phantom{\small\itshape \copyright\ The Authors.\ Published by BISL.}\\
% Original line
%\copyright\ The Authors.\ Published by BISL.}\hfill\thepage\hfill\phantom{\small\itshape \copyright\ The Authors.\ Published by BISL.}\\

% Original code
\def\@evenhead{\parbox[c]{\textwidth}{\centering\small\itshape \rightmark \\\leftmark}}%
\def\@oddhead{\parbox[c]{\textwidth}{\centering\small\itshape \rightmark \\\leftmark}}%


\runningheads{Smith $\bullet$ Doe}{A Demonstration of the \LaTeXe\
Class File for {eWiC}}

\conference{Proceedings of \dots}

\title{A Demonstration of the \LaTeXe\\
Class File for \emph{Electronic Workshops in~Computing}}

\authorone{Alistair Smith\\
Sunrise Setting Ltd\\
Torbay Innovation Center\\
Vantage Point, Long Road\\
Paignton, Devon, TQ4 7EJ\\
\email{[email protected]}}

\authortwo{John Doe\\
Sunrise Setting Ltd\\
Torbay Innovation Center\\
Vantage Point, Long Road\\
Paignton, Devon, TQ4 7EJ\\
\email{[email protected]}}

This paper describes the use of the \LaTeXe\ ewic.cls class file
for setting papers for \emph{Electronic Workshops in Computing}.

\keywords{eWiC, \LaTeXe, Class file}


This paper describes the ewic.cls class file which can be used to
convert articles produced with other \LaTeXe\ class files into the
correct form for publication by \emph{Electronic Workshops in

The ewic.cls class file preserves much of the standard \LaTeXe\
interface so that any document which has been produced using the
standard \LaTeXe\ article style can easily be converted to work
with the ewic style. However, the width of text and typesize may
vary from that of \emph{article}; therefore \emph{line breaks will
change} and it is possible that computer listings and displayed
mathematics may need resetting.

In the following sections we describe how to lay out your code to
use ewic.cls to reproduce the typographical look required for
online publication. However, this short paper is not a guide to
using \LaTeXe\ and we would refer you to any of the many books
available (see, for example, \cite{Companion,KopkaDaly,Lamport}).

\subsection{eWiC: Information for Authors}
You should also consult \emph{eWiC: Information for Authors} (available
from the BCS website) for important instructions about submission,
style and preparation of your paper.

\section{Getting started}
Simply place ewic.cls and ewic.tex in your systems usual
directories and typeset using your \LaTeXe\ or pdf\LaTeX\ command.
The ewic class file should run on any standard \LaTeXe\
installation. If any of the fonts, style files or packages it
requires are missing from your installation, they can be found on
CTAN or the \emph{\TeX\ Live} CD-ROMs.

eWiC is published using sans serif fonts for the text, hence the
default setting of the class file is to use Helvetica which should
be easily accessible with most standard \LaTeXe\ installations.
However, should this cause problems with your system there is an
option to use Computer Modern sans serif fonts instead: see the
example header in the next section.

\section{The article header information}
The heading for any file using ewic.cls is like this:



\runningheads{<1st Author's surname
$\bullet$ 2nd Author's surname
$\bullet$ etc>}{<Your paper title>}

\conference{<Proceedings of \dots>}

\title{<Your Paper title>}

\authorone{<A. N. Author>\\
<A full postal address>\\
\email{<Your email address>}}

\authortwo{<A. N. Authortwo>\\
<A full postal address>\\
\email{<Your email address>}}
<Abstract text>

\keywords{<list keywords>}



\item Please separate multiple author surnames by a `\verb+$\bullet$+' within the
\verb+\runningheads{}{}+ command.


\item The class file is set up to handle up to six authors, i.e., \verb+\authorone{}...\authorsix{}+.

\item Note that the required reference style is Harvard. ewic.cls
uses `natbib.sty' to achieve the desired output so you will need
to choose a natbib compatible .bst that gives Harvard style
output. `chicago.bst' would be a good choice.

\item Try to balance the columns on the final page when your paper is submitted.

That really is all you should need to know to prepare your paper
using ewic.cls.

You do, of course, have the option to call in any of your
favourite packages for setting maths, graphics, computer listings,


\bibitem[Kopka and Daly(2004)]{KopkaDaly}
Kopka, H. and Daly, P.W.  (2004) \textit{A Guide to \LaTeXe:
Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users} (4th~edn).

Lamport L. (1994) \textit{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}
(2nd~edn). Addison-Wesley.

\bibitem[Mittelbach and Goossens(2004)]{Companion}
Mittelbach, F. and Goossens, M., (2004) \textit{The \LaTeX\
Companion} (2nd~edn). Addison-Wesley.


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