![Figuras 3D em LaTeX](https://rvso.com/image/328801/Figuras%203D%20em%20LaTeX.png)
% \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (14,14);
\draw (4,4) circle (2cm);
\draw (2,4) arc (180:360:2cm and 1cm);
\draw [dashed] (2,4) arc (180:0:2cm and 1cm);
\draw [-latex,thick] (4,4) -- + (2,0) node [right] {$S_{0}$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (4,4) -- + (0,2) node [above] {$S^{i}$};
\draw [dashed] (4,4) -- + (-2,0);
\node at (2,2.5) {$D^{-}$};
\node at (2,5.5) {$D^{+}$};
\node at (3,2.8) {$S^{i-1}$};
\node at (4.9,5.2) {$x^{1}$};
\node at (4.3,5.5) {$x_{0}$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (7,4) -- + (1.5,0) node [above,midway] {$\Psi$};
\draw (10,4.8) circle (0.8);
\draw (10,3.2) circle (0.8);
\node at (9,4) {$S_{0}$};
\node at (11,5.5) {$S_{1}^{i}$};
\node at (11,2.5) {$S_{2}^{i}$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (11.3,2.8) -- + (30:1.5) node [midway,below] {$\beta$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (11.3,5) -- + (-30:1.5) node [midway,above] {$\alpha$};
\node at (13.5,3.8) {$(M,x_{0})$};
Editar: Aqui adicionei o vetor dentro da esfera. Para isso, usei\usetikzlibrary{intersections}
% \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (14,14);
\draw (4,4) circle (2cm);
\draw [name path=continuo] (2,4) arc (180:360:2cm and 1cm);
\draw [dashed,name path=tratteggio] (2,4) arc (180:0:2cm and 1cm);
\path [name path=lineA] (4,4) -- + (45:1.5);
\draw [name intersections={of=tratteggio and lineA},-latex] (4,4) -- (intersection-1);
\path [name path=lineB] (4,4) -- + (225:1.5);
\draw [name intersections={of=continuo and lineB},-latex] (4,4) -- (intersection-1);
\node at (4.2,3.8) {$x^{2}$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (4,4) -- + (2,0) node [right] {$S_{0}$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (4,4) -- + (0,2) node [above] {$S^{i}$};
\draw [dashed] (4,4) -- + (-2,0);
\node at (2,2.5) {$D^{-}$};
\node at (2,5.5) {$D^{+}$};
\node at (3,2.8) {$S^{i-1}$};
\node at (4.9,5.2) {$x^{1}$};
\node at (4.3,5.5) {$x_{0}$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (7,4) -- + (1.5,0) node [above,midway] {$\Psi$};
\draw (10,4.8) circle (0.8);
\draw (10,3.2) circle (0.8);
\node at (9,4) {$S_{0}$};
\node at (11,5.5) {$S_{1}^{i}$};
\node at (11,2.5) {$S_{2}^{i}$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (11.3,2.8) -- + (30:1.5) node [midway,below] {$\beta$};
\draw [-latex,thick] (11.3,5) -- + (-30:1.5) node [midway,above] {$\alpha$};
\node at (13.5,3.8) {$(M,x_{0})$};