Erro matemático do pacote PGF: função desconhecida `de'

Erro matemático do pacote PGF: função desconhecida `de'

Se eu tiver um único bloco de imagens tikz, o documento será compilado. Veja o código:






\begin{mdframed} [everyline=true, splitbottomskip = 10mm, splittopskip = 10mm, innertopmargin = 10mm, innerbottommargin = 10mm] 

\noindent \textit{\textbf{Example(s) 3.3 and 3.4:}} Consider two games modeled by the following figures. \vspace{3mm}

\usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=6, yscale=8,>=stealth] 
\tikzstyle{v}=[circle, minimum size=1mm,draw,thick] \node[v] 
(a) {$a$}; \node[] (x)
 [right=of a]{}; \node[v] (c) [below=of x]{$c$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(c);
\node[] (y)
 [left=of a]{};  \node[v] (b) [below=of y]{$b$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(b);
\draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(c);
\node[v] (e) [below=of c]{$e$};
\node[v] (d) [below=of b]{$d$};
 \draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (c) to node {}(e);
 \draw[thick,->] (c) to node {}(d);
\end{tikzpicture} \vspace{3mm}

\textit{Figure 3.5} \vspace{3mm}

\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=6, yscale=8,>=stealth] 
\tikzstyle{v}=[circle, minimum size=1mm,draw,thick] \node[v] 
(a) {$a$}; \node[] (x)
 [right=of a]{}; \node[v] (c) [below=of x]{$c$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(c);
\node[] (y)
 [left=of a]{};  \node[v] (b) [below=of y]{$b$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(b);
\draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(c);
\node[v] (e) [below=of c]{$e$};
\node[v] (d) [below=of b]{$d$};
\node[v] (f) [right=of c]{$f$};
\node[v] (i) [left=of d]{$i$};
\node[v] (h) [below=of e]{$h$};
 \draw[thick,->] (d) to node {}(f);
\draw[thick,->] (e) to node {}(h);
\draw[thick,->] (h) to node {}(f);
 \draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(i);
\draw[thick,->] (i) to node {}(c);
\draw[thick,->] (d) to node {}(h);
 \draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(e);
 \draw[thick,->] (c) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (e) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (i) to node {}(d);
\end{tikzpicture} \vspace{3mm}

\textit{Figure 3.6}

\end{mdframed} \vspace{5mm}


Se eu adicionar texto após o bloco de tikzpictures e adicionar um novo ambiente tikzpicture, o documento não será compilado. Veja o código:






\begin{mdframed} [everyline=true, splitbottomskip = 10mm, splittopskip = 10mm, innertopmargin = 10mm, innerbottommargin = 10mm] 

\noindent \textit{\textbf{Example(s) 3.3 and 3.4:}} Consider two games modeled by the following figures. \vspace{3mm}

\usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=6, yscale=8,>=stealth] 
\tikzstyle{v}=[circle, minimum size=1mm,draw,thick] \node[v] 
(a) {$a$}; \node[] (x)
 [right=of a]{}; \node[v] (c) [below=of x]{$c$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(c);
\node[] (y)
 [left=of a]{};  \node[v] (b) [below=of y]{$b$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(b);
\draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(c);
\node[v] (e) [below=of c]{$e$};
\node[v] (d) [below=of b]{$d$};
 \draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (c) to node {}(e);
 \draw[thick,->] (c) to node {}(d);
\end{tikzpicture} \vspace{3mm}

\textit{Figure 3.5} \vspace{3mm}

\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=6, yscale=8,>=stealth] 
\tikzstyle{v}=[circle, minimum size=1mm,draw,thick] \node[v] 
(a) {$a$}; \node[] (x)
 [right=of a]{}; \node[v] (c) [below=of x]{$c$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(c);
\node[] (y)
 [left=of a]{};  \node[v] (b) [below=of y]{$b$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(b);
\draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(c);
\node[v] (e) [below=of c]{$e$};
\node[v] (d) [below=of b]{$d$};
\node[v] (f) [right=of c]{$f$};
\node[v] (i) [left=of d]{$i$};
\node[v] (h) [below=of e]{$h$};
 \draw[thick,->] (d) to node {}(f);
\draw[thick,->] (e) to node {}(h);
\draw[thick,->] (h) to node {}(f);
 \draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(i);
\draw[thick,->] (i) to node {}(c);
\draw[thick,->] (d) to node {}(h);
 \draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(e);
 \draw[thick,->] (c) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (e) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (i) to node {}(d);
\end{tikzpicture} \vspace{3mm}

\textit{Figure 3.6}

\end{mdframed} \vspace{5mm}

text stuff

\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=6, yscale=8,>=stealth] 
\tikzstyle{v}=[circle, minimum size=1mm,draw,thick] \node[v] 
(a) {$a$}; \node[] (x)
 [right=of a]{}; \node[v] (c) [below=of x]{$c$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(c);
\node[] (y)
 [left=of a]{};  \node[v] (b) [below=of y]{$b$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(b);
\draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(c);
\node[v] (e) [below=of c]{$e$};
\node[v] (d) [below=of b]{$d$};
\node[v] (f) [right=of c]{$f$};
\node[v] (i) [left=of d]{$i$};
\node[v] (h) [below=of e]{$h$};
 \draw[thick,->] (d) to node {}(f);
\draw[thick,->] (e) to node {}(h);
\draw[thick,->] (h) to node {}(f);
 \draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(i);
\draw[thick,->] (i) to node {}(c);
\draw[thick,->] (d) to node {}(h);
 \draw[thick,->] (b) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (a) to node {}(e);
 \draw[thick,->] (c) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (e) to node {}(d);
 \draw[thick,->] (i) to node {}(d);
\end{tikzpicture} \vspace{3mm}


Dei uma olhada no Manual TikZ/PGF, mas a resposta não está saltando para mim. Alguma sugestão sobre o que estou fazendo de errado?


Estou tendo o erro a seguir:

! Package PGF Math Error: Unknown function `of' (in 'of a').

See the PGF Math package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.76  [right=of a]
                  {}; \node[v] (c) [below=of x]{$c$}; \draw[thick,->] (a) to...


A sintaxe right=of aé uma extensão/recurso de biblioteca positioning. Portanto, o erro é corrigido ao carregar a biblioteca. Adicione a seguinte linha ao preâmbulo:


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