função contínua incluindo função hipergeométrica

função contínua incluindo função hipergeométrica

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eu fiz isso

\documentclass[a4 , 12pt]{article}


    samples at={-20,...,20},


\addplot [mark=*, cyan] {{(x^2)^0.5}*hypergeompmf(2,1.5,3,1-x^2)}; 





Com uma aproximação numérica obtida de Wolframalpha,

%numerical approximation of your function from WolframAlpha
\[\frac{(x^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}}{8}~_{2}F_{1}(2,\frac{3}{2};3;1-x^2), ~ x\in R\approx-\frac{x(-x^2+2x-1)}{(2x*(x^2-1)^2)}
declare function={ myfun(\x)  =-x*(-x^2+2*(x)-1)/(2*((x))*(x^2-1)^2)));
% I made a strong assumption that the real-values here includes the 0. But that is only during plotting and not while approximating this function.
\addplot {myfun(x)};


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