%3A.png)
Tenho melhorado meu código graças a vocês, mas isso ainda parece melhorável, pois parece um copiar/colar feio:
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FInfAUn(#1,#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FEgaAUn(#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FSupAUn(#1,#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
As únicas diferenças entre os 3 comandos definidos aqui estão em qual função será chamada para calcular a coordenada y da extremidade da seta.
Já removi muita coisa para o MWE mas ainda é grande:
\usetikzlibrary{math} % Pour evaluate
\usetikzlibrary{calc} % Pour postionnement relatif
\def\FInfAUn(#1,#2){( 1 - ( (exp(-W*#1*#2)/sqrt(1-#1*#1)) *cos((W*#2*sqrt(1-#1*#1)
- (atan(#1/sqrt(1-#1*#1))*pi/180) ) *180/pi) ) ) *\Kg }
\def\FTUn(#1){( 1/( W*(#1-sqrt((#1*#1) -1))) )}
\def\FTDeux(#1){( 1/(W *(#1+sqrt((#1*#1) -1))) )}
\def\FInterSupAUn(#1,#2,#3){( \Kg * (1 - ( 1/( #1 - #2 ) )*( #1 *exp(-#3/ #1 ) - #2 *exp(-#3/ #2 ) )) )}
\def\FSupAUn(#1,#2){ \FInterSupAUn({\FTUn(#1)},{\FTDeux(#1)},#2) }
\def\FEgaAUn(#1){ \Kg * (1 - ( 1+ #1/(1/W) )*exp(-#1/(1/W)) ) }
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FInfAUn(#1,#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FEgaAUn(#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FSupAUn(#1,#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
\tikzset{ fleche/.style={<-,>=latex,line width=0.2mm,shorten <=-0.02cm} }
declare function={
\addplot[blue,loosely dashed,thick=3pt,ultra thick,domain=0:3] { \FEgaAUn(x) }; \label{d}
%\LegendFleche{z}{t}{Anchor of new node}{New node name}{previous node anchor coinsiding with this anchor}
\LegendFlecheInf{0.2}{0.6}{west}{C3}{($(C2)+(axis cs:0.5,0.05)$)}
\LegendFlecheSup{4}{0.6}{west}{C3}{($(C2)+(axis cs:1,-0.5)$)}
Você poderia substituir
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FInfAUn(#1,#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FEgaAUn(#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { \FSupAUn(#1,#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, { #6(#1,#2) }) ;
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
e depois substitua por exemplo
Com o ifthen
pacote você pode substituir os três comandos por um novo comando:
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{inf}}{\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, {\FInfAUn(#1,#2)});}{}
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{sup}}{\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, {\FSupAUn(#1,#2)});}{}
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{ega}}{\coordinate (C2) at (axis cs:#2, {\FEgaAUn(#2)});}{}
\draw node[anchor=#3] (#4) at #5 {$z =#1$};
\draw[fleche] (C2) -- (#4.west) ;
Você deve fornecer um novo parâmetro (sup, inf ou ega) especificando qual função você deseja chamar.