Erro de omissão mal colocado na tabela

Erro de omissão mal colocado na tabela

Estou procurando uma resposta (neste site e em outros) há cerca de três horas, comentei a grande maioria do meu código e ainda não tenho resposta para o meu problema. Eu tenho uma tabela que retorna vários erros \omit e \span extraviados. Por que isso está acontecendo? Deve ser algo muito bobo, eu acho. Este é o meu código:

\caption{Heterogeneous effect - The role of confidence} \label%
& Placement & Placement & Placement & Placement \\ 
& {\small {Model E}} & {\small {Model F}} & {\small {Model G}} & {\small {%
Model H }} \\ \hline
Treatment 1 & -10.61\sym{**} &  & -2.811 & 0 \\ 
& (0.048) &  & (0.677) & ($\cdot $) \\[1em] 
Sample Score &  & 4.332\sym{***} & 3.813\sym{*} & 4.332\sym{***} \\ 
&  & (0.007) & (0.061) & (0.007) \\[1em] 
Treat.1 $X$ Sample Score & 7.005\sym{***} & 2.064\sym{**} & 3.245 & 
2.064\sym{**} \\ 
& (0.002) & (0.046) & (0.283) & (0.046) \\[1em] 
Male & 5.031\sym{**} & 4.526\sym{*} & 4.524\sym{*} & 4.526\sym{*} \\ 
& (0.032) & (0.054) & (0.054) & (0.054) \\ 
Constant & 54.57\sym{***} & 46.17\sym{***} & 47.40\sym{***} & 46.17\sym{***} \\ %
& (0.000) & (0.000) & (0.000) & (0.000) \\ \hline\hline
N & 282 & 282 & 282 & 282 \\ 
$R^{2}$ & 0.0648 & 0.0761 & 0.0767 & 0.0761 \\ \hline\hline

\multicolumn{4}{p{0.85\linewidth}}{\footnotesize NOTES: The dependent variable is placement (the reported belief that own performance in the quiz is above the median). Models E-G are OLS regressions. Model H is a semi-structural estimation imposing the model's restriction that Treatment $1>0$. \textit{P}-values in parentheses. \sym{*} \(p<0.10\), \sym{**} \(p<0.10\), \sym{***} \(p<0.10\).} \\

Eu sei que o espaçamento é ruim, mas deve funcionar. Observe que um colega meu usa o Scientific Workplace, que tem sérios problemas de compatibilidade. É por isso que uso a multicoluna depois do \end{tabular} e evito usar pacotes como booktabs.

Desde já, obrigado.


Você tem

 \multicolumn{4}{p{0.85\linewidth}}{\footnotesize NOTES: The dependent variable is placement (the reported belief that own performance in the quiz is above the median). Models E-G are OLS regressions. Model H is a semi-structural estimation imposing the model's restriction that Treatment $1>0$. \textit{P}-values in parentheses. \sym{*} \(p<0.10\), \sym{**} \(p<0.10\), \sym{***} \(p<0.10\).} \\

fora do tabular, daí o erro. simplesmente use

 \footnotesize NOTES: The dependent variable is placement (the reported belief that own performance in the quiz is above the median). Models E-G are OLS regressions. Model H is a semi-structural estimation imposing the model's restriction that Treatment $1>0$. \textit{P}-values in parentheses. \sym{*} \(p<0.10\), \sym{**} \(p<0.10\), \sym{***} \(p<0.10\).


Outra solução é (é claro) colocar múltiplas colunas dentro do tabular e adicionar um espaço vertical por uma nova linha vazia mais um espaço negativo []after \\:

\caption{Heterogeneous effect - The role of confidence} \label%
& Placement & Placement & Placement & Placement \\ 
& {\small {Model E}} & {\small {Model F}} & {\small {Model G}} & {\small {%
Model H }} \\ \hline
Treatment 1 & -10.61\sym{**} &  & -2.811 & 0 \\ 
& (0.048) &  & (0.677) & ($\cdot $) \\[1em] 
Sample Score &  & 4.332\sym{***} & 3.813\sym{*} & 4.332\sym{***} \\ 
&  & (0.007) & (0.061) & (0.007) \\[1em] 
Treat.1 $X$ Sample Score & 7.005\sym{***} & 2.064\sym{**} & 3.245 & 
2.064\sym{**} \\ 
& (0.002) & (0.046) & (0.283) & (0.046) \\[1em] 
Male & 5.031\sym{**} & 4.526\sym{*} & 4.524\sym{*} & 4.526\sym{*} \\ 
& (0.032) & (0.054) & (0.054) & (0.054) \\ 
Constant & 54.57\sym{***} & 46.17\sym{***} & 47.40\sym{***} & 46.17\sym{***} \\ %
& (0.000) & (0.000) & (0.000) & (0.000) \\ \hline\hline
N & 282 & 282 & 282 & 282 \\ 
$R^{2}$ & 0.0648 & 0.0761 & 0.0767 & 0.0761 \\ \hline\hline\\[-0.5em]
\multicolumn{4}{p{0.85\linewidth}}{\footnotesize NOTES: The dependent variable is placement (the reported belief that own performance in the quiz is above the median). Models E-G are OLS regressions. Model H is a semi-structural estimation imposing the model's restriction that Treatment $1>0$. \textit{P}-values in parentheses. \sym{*} \(p<0.10\), \sym{**} \(p<0.10\), \sym{***} \(p<0.10\).} \\

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Eu usaria threepartablexpara anotações da tabela e siunitxpara escrever números na tabela:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

(linhas vermelhas indicam bordas do texto)



\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}

\caption{Heterogeneous effect - The role of confidence} 
            l *{4}{S[input-symbols = {()},
    &   {\thead{Placement\\ Model E}} 
        &   {\thead{Placement\\ Model F}}
            &   {\thead{Placement\\ Model G}}
                &      {\thead{Placement\\ Model H}}                                \\ 
Treatment 1     
    & -10.61\tnote{**}  &                   & -2.811            & 0                 \\
    & (0.048)           &                   & (0.677)           & {$(\cdot)$}       \\
Sample Score    
    &                   & 4.332\tnote{***}  & 3.813\tnote{*}    & 4.332\tnote{***}  \\
    &                   & (0.007)           & (0.061)           & (0.007)           \\
Treat.1 $X$ Sample Score 
    & 7.005\tnote{***}  & 2.064\tnote{**}   & 3.245             & 2.064\tnote{**}   \\
    & (0.002)           & (0.046)           & (0.283)           & (0.046)           \\ 
    & 5.031\tnote{**}   & 4.526\tnote{*}    & 4.524\tnote{*}    & 4.526\tnote{*}    \\
    & (0.032)           & (0.054)           & (0.054)           & (0.054)           \\
    & 54.57\tnote{***}  & 46.17\tnote{***}  & 47.40\tnote{***}  & 46.17\tnote{***}  \\
    & (0.000)           & (0.000)           & (0.000)           & (0.000)           \\
N   & {282}             & {282}             & {282}             & {282}             \\
    & 0.0648            & 0.0761            & 0.0767            & 0.0761            \\ 
\begin{tablenotes}[flushleft, para]\footnotesize
The dependent variable is placement (the reported belief that own performance in the quiz is above the median). Models E-G are OLS regressions. Model H is a semi-structural estimation imposing the model's restriction that Treatment $1>0$. 

\textit{P}-values are in parentheses: 
\item[*] \(p<0.10\), 
\item[**] \(p<0.10\), 
\item[***] \(p<0.10\).

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