\centralizar mesa não funciona

\centralizar mesa não funciona

Não sei onde está o problema, mas estou com problemas para centralizar tabelas. Eu tentei \centering e \begin{center} mas eles ainda estão alinhados à esquerda. Alguém de vocês sabe onde está o problema?

  \documentclass[paper=a4, pagesize, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl} 

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  % Eingabekodierung
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}       % Fontkodierung
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}    % deutsche Sprachenunterstützung; Doku: "gerdoc"
\usepackage{tabularx, siunitx,booktabs, float}

\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\small\sffamily\bfseries} % kleinere Beschriftungen


    \caption{Ergebnisse des Martin-Loef-Tests}
        @{\extracolsep{\fill}}% fill the space between columns
    l % one left aligned column
    *{3}{c} }
        {Dimension}&{\emph{LR}} & {\emph{df}} & {$p$}\\ \midrule
        UEBE & {331.48} & {255} & {.001}\\
        SOUE & {161.92} & {143} & {\phantom{0}.13}\\
        ERDR & {211.74} & {319} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
        UNZU & {167.18} & {255} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\ 
        UEFO & {\phantom{1}95.37} & {143} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
        MANG &{\phantom{1}99.40}& {63}& {.002} \\
        SOZS &{103.71}&{143}& {\phantom{0}.99}\\
        SOZI &{115.44} &{143}& {\phantom{0}.96}\\
        SORG &{\phantom{1}68.28}& {63}& {\phantom{0}.30} \\
            \item UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; 
            \item UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis


        \caption{Schätzung der Itemparameter für UEBE -- MANG}
                @{\extracolsep{\fill}}% fill the space between columns
                l % one left aligned column
            Items & {Lokalisation} &{$\tau_{i1}$}& {$\tau_{i2}$} &{$\tau_{i3}$}& {$\tau_{i4}$}\\ 

            \textbf{\emph{UEBE}} &&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 1   &1.08 &-0.82 & 0.04 & 1.89 & 3.20\\
            TICS 4  &0.96 &-1.81 & 0.14 & 2.13 & 3.37\\
            TICS 17  &0.79 &-1.76 & 0.02 & 1.97 & 2.92\\
            TICS 27  &0.91 &-1.09 & 0.78 & 1.19 & 2.75\\
            TICS 38  &0.80 &-1.94 &-0.11 & 1.87 & 3.40 \\
            TICS 44  &0.55 &-1.58 &-0.48 & 1.28 & 2.96\\
            TICS 50  &0.72 &-1.95 &-0.03 & 1.53 & 3.35\\    
            TICS 54  &0.47 &-1.75 &-0.51 & 1.44 & 2.72\\    
            \textbf{\emph{SOUE}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 7  & 0.17 &-1.23 &-0.03 &0.74 & 1.18\\
            TICS 19 & 0.83 &-0.76 &0.83  &0.95 & 2.29 \\
            TICS 28  &0.64  &-1.14 &0.45  &1.38 & 1.85\\
            TICS 39 &-0.05  &-2.03 &-0.55 &0.87 & 1.49\\
            TICS 49 &0.43   &-1.23 &0.18  &1.42 & 1.35 \\ 
            TICS 57 &0.98   &-0.92 &0.54  &1.77 & 2.52\\   
            \textbf{\emph{ERDR}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 8  & 0.54  &-1.67 &-0.05 &1.63 &2.25\\
            TICS 12 & 0.81  &-1.73 & 0.35 &2.09 &2.54\\
            TICS 14 & 0.75  &-1.21 & 0.25 &1.82 &2.16\\  
            TICS 22 & 0.38  &-1.86 & 0.54 &0.61 &2.24\\ 
            TICS 23 & 0.22  &-1.44 & -0.30&0.57 &2.04\\
            TICS 30 & 0.61  &-1.94 & -0.07&1.58 &2.86\\ 
            TICS 32 &1.27   &-0.76 & 0.76 &2.07 &2.99\\ 
            TICS 40 &0.98   &-1.05 & 0.54 &1.54 &2.88\\ 
            TICS 43 &0.41   &-2.15 & 0.08 &1.46 &2.26\\ 
            \textbf{\emph{UNZU}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 5  &0.21 &-1.25 &-0.53 &1.00 &1.61\\
            TICS 10 &0.30 &-1.41 &-0.69 &1.44 &1.85\\
            TICS 13 &-0.13&-3.04 &-0.54 &1.41 &1.63\\
            TICS 21 &0.84 &-0.84 &0.44  &1.89 &1.89\\
            TICS 37 & 1.49&0.24  &1.32  &2.14 &2.26 \\
            TICS 41 &0.79 &-1.24 &0.61  &2.16 &1.64\\
            TICS 48 &0.34 &-1.59 &-0.23 &0.88 &2.30\\   
            TICS 53 &0.45 &-1.27 &0.27  &1.80 &0.99\\   
            \textbf{\emph{UEFO}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 3    & 0.91   & -2.24 & 0.73 & 2.69 & 2.45\\
            TICS 20   & 1.31   &-1.41  & 1.42 & 2.47 & 2.74 \\
            TICS 24  &0.87      &-1.32  & 0.38 & 2.31 & 2.10\\
            TICS 35 & 0.58      &-2.63  & 0.20 & 2.64 & 2.11\\
            TICS 47 & 0.09      &-2.49  &-0.17 & 0.85 & 2.20\\ 
            TICS 55 & 0.63      &-2.12  &0.57  & 1.86 & 2.21\\   
            \textbf{\emph{MANG}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 2   &0.34  & -3.16 &-0.48 & 1.72 & 3.29\\
            TICS 18  &1.37 &-1.64  &0.82  & 2.56 & 3.75\\
            TICS 31  &1.13 &-1.85  &0.53  & 2.59 & 3.27\\    
            TICS 46  &0.84 &-2.00  &0.10  & 2.35 & 2.91\\ 

            \item UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis



Muito obrigado pela sua ajuda.


Tem que dar \centeringantes threeparttable, modificado MWEfica:

\documentclass[paper=a4, pagesize, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl} 

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  % Eingabekodierung
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}       % Fontkodierung
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}    % deutsche Sprachenunterstützung; Doku: "gerdoc"
\usepackage{threeparttable,tabularx, siunitx,booktabs, float}

\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\small\sffamily\bfseries} % kleinere Beschriftungen


    \caption{Ergebnisse des Martin-Loef-Tests}
        @{\extracolsep{\fill}}% fill the space between columns
    l % one left aligned column
    *{3}{c} }
        {Dimension}&{\emph{LR}} & {\emph{df}} & {$p$}\\ \midrule
        UEBE & {331.48} & {255} & {.001}\\
        SOUE & {161.92} & {143} & {\phantom{0}.13}\\
        ERDR & {211.74} & {319} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
        UNZU & {167.18} & {255} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\ 
        UEFO & {\phantom{1}95.37} & {143} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
        MANG &{\phantom{1}99.40}& {63}& {.002} \\
        SOZS &{103.71}&{143}& {\phantom{0}.99}\\
        SOZI &{115.44} &{143}& {\phantom{0}.96}\\
        SORG &{\phantom{1}68.28}& {63}& {\phantom{0}.30} \\
            \item UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; 
            \item UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis

        \caption{Schätzung der Itemparameter für UEBE -- MANG}
                @{\extracolsep{\fill}}% fill the space between columns
                l % one left aligned column
            Items & {Lokalisation} &{$\tau_{i1}$}& {$\tau_{i2}$} &{$\tau_{i3}$}& {$\tau_{i4}$}\\ 

            \textbf{\emph{UEBE}} &&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 1   &1.08 &-0.82 & 0.04 & 1.89 & 3.20\\
            TICS 4  &0.96 &-1.81 & 0.14 & 2.13 & 3.37\\
            TICS 17  &0.79 &-1.76 & 0.02 & 1.97 & 2.92\\
            TICS 27  &0.91 &-1.09 & 0.78 & 1.19 & 2.75\\
            TICS 38  &0.80 &-1.94 &-0.11 & 1.87 & 3.40 \\
            TICS 44  &0.55 &-1.58 &-0.48 & 1.28 & 2.96\\
            TICS 50  &0.72 &-1.95 &-0.03 & 1.53 & 3.35\\    
            TICS 54  &0.47 &-1.75 &-0.51 & 1.44 & 2.72\\    
            \textbf{\emph{SOUE}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 7  & 0.17 &-1.23 &-0.03 &0.74 & 1.18\\
            TICS 19 & 0.83 &-0.76 &0.83  &0.95 & 2.29 \\
            TICS 28  &0.64  &-1.14 &0.45  &1.38 & 1.85\\
            TICS 39 &-0.05  &-2.03 &-0.55 &0.87 & 1.49\\
            TICS 49 &0.43   &-1.23 &0.18  &1.42 & 1.35 \\ 
            TICS 57 &0.98   &-0.92 &0.54  &1.77 & 2.52\\   
            \textbf{\emph{ERDR}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 8  & 0.54  &-1.67 &-0.05 &1.63 &2.25\\
            TICS 12 & 0.81  &-1.73 & 0.35 &2.09 &2.54\\
            TICS 14 & 0.75  &-1.21 & 0.25 &1.82 &2.16\\  
            TICS 22 & 0.38  &-1.86 & 0.54 &0.61 &2.24\\ 
            TICS 23 & 0.22  &-1.44 & -0.30&0.57 &2.04\\
            TICS 30 & 0.61  &-1.94 & -0.07&1.58 &2.86\\ 
            TICS 32 &1.27   &-0.76 & 0.76 &2.07 &2.99\\ 
            TICS 40 &0.98   &-1.05 & 0.54 &1.54 &2.88\\ 
            TICS 43 &0.41   &-2.15 & 0.08 &1.46 &2.26\\ 
            \textbf{\emph{UNZU}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 5  &0.21 &-1.25 &-0.53 &1.00 &1.61\\
            TICS 10 &0.30 &-1.41 &-0.69 &1.44 &1.85\\
            TICS 13 &-0.13&-3.04 &-0.54 &1.41 &1.63\\
            TICS 21 &0.84 &-0.84 &0.44  &1.89 &1.89\\
            TICS 37 & 1.49&0.24  &1.32  &2.14 &2.26 \\
            TICS 41 &0.79 &-1.24 &0.61  &2.16 &1.64\\
            TICS 48 &0.34 &-1.59 &-0.23 &0.88 &2.30\\   
            TICS 53 &0.45 &-1.27 &0.27  &1.80 &0.99\\   
            \textbf{\emph{UEFO}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 3    & 0.91   & -2.24 & 0.73 & 2.69 & 2.45\\
            TICS 20   & 1.31   &-1.41  & 1.42 & 2.47 & 2.74 \\
            TICS 24  &0.87      &-1.32  & 0.38 & 2.31 & 2.10\\
            TICS 35 & 0.58      &-2.63  & 0.20 & 2.64 & 2.11\\
            TICS 47 & 0.09      &-2.49  &-0.17 & 0.85 & 2.20\\ 
            TICS 55 & 0.63      &-2.12  &0.57  & 1.86 & 2.21\\   
            \textbf{\emph{MANG}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
            TICS 2   &0.34  & -3.16 &-0.48 & 1.72 & 3.29\\
            TICS 18  &1.37 &-1.64  &0.82  & 2.56 & 3.75\\
            TICS 31  &1.13 &-1.85  &0.53  & 2.59 & 3.27\\    
            TICS 46  &0.84 &-2.00  &0.10  & 2.35 & 2.91\\ 
            \item UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis



sua segunda mesa é tão alta que cabe em uma página. Portanto, sugiro usar xtabularonde a largura das colunas em suas tabelas com números é determinada pelos cabeçalhos das colunas que contêm Xo tipo de coluna. Em ambas as tabelas sugiro usar Scoluna que os números fiquem alinhados em casas decimais, assim você pode remover todos phantomos comandos da primeira tabela.

Para legenda abaixo das tabelas não é necessária threeparttabletabela, ela pode estar em ambiente de minipágina:

A segunda tabela é dividida manualmente em duas páginas. Com isso você pode (após a primeira compilação) decidir onde é o local mais apropriado para isso.

\documentclass[paper=a4, pagesize, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl}

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}       % Fontkodierung
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}    % deutsche Sprachenunterstützung; Doku: "gerdoc"
\usepackage{booktabs, xltabular}

\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\small\sffamily\bfseries} % kleinere Beschriftungen

    \caption{Ergebnisse des Martin-Loef-Tests}
        l % one left aligned column
    Dimension& \mcx{\emph{LR}}
                        & \mcx{\emph{df}}
                                & \mcx{$p$}\\
        UEBE & 331.48   & 255   & .001  \\
        SOUE & 161.92   & 143   & .13   \\
        ERDR & 211.74   & 319   & .99   \\
        UNZU & 167.18   & 255   & .99   \\
        UEFO &  95.37   & 143   & .99   \\
        MANG &  99.40   &  63   & .002  \\
        SOZS & 103.71   & 143   & .99   \\
        SOZI & 115.44   & 143   & .96   \\
        SORG &  68.28   & 63    & .30   \\

UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis

                               *{2}{S[table-format= 1.2]}
    \caption{Schätzung der Itemparameter für UEBE -- MANG}
    \label{tab:itempar} \\
    Items    & \mcx{Lokal.}
                    & \mcx {$\tau_{i1}$}
                            & \mcx{$\tau_{i2}$}
                                  & \mcx{$\tau_{i3}$}
                                         & \mcx{$\tau_{i4}$}\\
    \caption[]{MSchätzung der Itemparameter für UEBE -- MANG (cont.)} \\
    Items    & \mcx{Lokal.}
                    & \mcx {$\tau_{i1}$}
                            & \mcx{$\tau_{i2}$}
                                  & \mcx{$\tau_{i3}$}
                                         & \mcx{$\tau_{i4}$}\\
\multicolumn{6}{>{\footnotesize\itshape}r}{continue on the next page}\\
% table body
    \textbf{\emph{UEBE}} &&&&&\\
    TICS 1   & 1.08 &-0.82 & 0.04 & 1.89 & 3.20\\
    TICS 4   & 0.96 &-1.81 & 0.14 & 2.13 & 3.37\\
    TICS 17  & 0.79 &-1.76 & 0.02 & 1.97 & 2.92\\
    TICS 27  & 0.91 &-1.09 & 0.78 & 1.19 & 2.75\\
    TICS 38  & 0.80 &-1.94 &-0.11 & 1.87 & 3.40\\
    TICS 44  & 0.55 &-1.58 &-0.48 & 1.28 & 2.96\\
    TICS 50  & 0.72 &-1.95 &-0.03 & 1.53 & 3.35\\
    TICS 54  & 0.47 &-1.75 &-0.51 & 1.44 & 2.72\\
    \textbf{\emph{SOUE}}&&&&&                  \\
    TICS 7   & 0.17 &-1.23 &-0.03 & 0.74 & 1.18\\
    TICS 19  & 0.83 &-0.76 & 0.83 & 0.95 & 2.29\\
    TICS 28  & 0.64 &-1.14 & 0.45 & 1.38 & 1.85\\
    TICS 39  &-0.05 &-2.03 &-0.55 & 0.87 & 1.49\\
    TICS 49  & 0.43 &-1.23 & 0.18 & 1.42 & 1.35\\
    TICS 57  & 0.98 &-0.92 & 0.54 & 1.77 & 2.52\\
    \textbf{\emph{ERDR}}&&&&&                   \\
    TICS 8   & 0.54 &-1.67 &-0.05 & 1.63 & 2.25\\
    TICS 12  & 0.81 &-1.73 & 0.35 & 2.09 & 2.54\\
    TICS 14  & 0.75 &-1.21 & 0.25 & 1.82 & 2.16\\
    TICS 22  & 0.38 &-1.86 & 0.54 & 0.61 & 2.24\\
    TICS 23  & 0.22 &-1.44 &-0.30 & 0.57 & 2.04\\
    TICS 30  & 0.61 &-1.94 &-0.07 & 1.58 & 2.86\\
    TICS 32  & 1.27 &-0.76 & 0.76 & 2.07 & 2.99\\
    TICS 40  & 0.98 &-1.05 & 0.54 & 1.54 & 2.88\\
    TICS 43  & 0.41 &-2.15 & 0.08 & 1.46 & 2.26\\
    \textbf{\emph{UNZU}}&&&&&                  \\
    TICS 5  & 0.21  &-1.25 &-0.53 & 1.00 & 1.61\\
    TICS 10 & 0.30  &-1.41 &-0.69 & 1.44 & 1.85\\
    TICS 13 &-0.13  &-3.04 &-0.54 & 1.41 & 1.63\\
    TICS 21 & 0.84  &-0.84 & 0.44 & 1.89 & 1.89\\
    TICS 37 & 1.49  & 0.24 & 1.32 & 2.14 & 2.26\\
    TICS 41 & 0.79  &-1.24 & 0.61 & 2.16 & 1.64\\
    TICS 48 & 0.34  &-1.59 &-0.23 & 0.88 & 2.30\\
    TICS 53 & 0.45  &-1.27 & 0.27 & 1.80 & 0.99\\
    \textbf{\emph{UEFO}}&&&&&                   \\
    TICS 3  & 0.91  & -2.24 & 0.73 & 2.69 & 2.45\\
    TICS 20 & 1.31  &-1.41  & 1.42 & 2.47 & 2.74\\
    TICS 24 & 0.87  &-1.32  & 0.38 & 2.31 & 2.10\\
    TICS 35 & 0.58  &-2.63  & 0.20 & 2.64 & 2.11\\
    TICS 47 & 0.09  &-2.49  &-0.17 & 0.85 & 2.20\\
    TICS 55 & 0.63  &-2.12  & 0.57 & 1.86 & 2.21\\
    \textbf{\emph{MANG}}&&&&&                   \\
    TICS 2  & 0.34  & -3.16 &-0.48 & 1.72 & 3.29\\
    TICS 18 & 1.37  &-1.64  & 0.82 & 2.56 & 3.75\\
    TICS 31 & 1.13  &-1.85  & 0.53 & 2.59 & 3.27\\
    TICS 46 & 0.84  &-2.00  & 0.10 & 2.35 & 2.91\\
Lokal.: Lokalisation; UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

informação relacionada