Uso adequado de externalização de tikz/autônomo com Overleaf

Uso adequado de externalização de tikz/autônomo com Overleaf

Eu tenho um conjunto básico de arquivos tex onde o arquivo principal test0.textenta carregar as imagens produzidas usando Tikz nos outros três arquivos test1.tex, test2.texe test3.tex. Isto é o que eu escrevi

%%%%%%%% test0.tex %%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Pre-Load Packages Order %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[mode=buildnew,group=true,subpreambles=false]{standalone} % For side loaded Tikz Figures

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{graphicx} % for Figures
\usepackage{pgfplots} % For plotting
\usepackage{tikz} % For the background and plotting

\author{Boaty McBoatface}


        \includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1.pdf}
        \includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test2.pdf}

        \includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test3.pdf}

%%%%%%%% test1.tex %%%%%%%%%




\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
     \addplot coordinates { (1,2) (2,3) (3,0)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81)     node[left]  {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35)   node[left]  {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51)   node[left]  {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left]  {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below]     {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below]   {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below]   {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#1}};

%%%%%%% test2.text %%%%%%%




\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
     \addplot coordinates { (-1,-1) (1,0) (-2,3)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81)     node[left]  {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35)   node[left]  {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51)   node[left]  {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left]  {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below]     {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below]   {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below]   {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#2}};

%%%%%%% test3.tex %%%%%%%




\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
     \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (2,4) (-3,6)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81)     node[left]  {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35)   node[left]  {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51)   node[left]  {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left]  {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below]     {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below]   {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below]   {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#3}};


Quando corro test0.texdo zero, recebo: insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Agora, se eu mudar as linhas de test0.texpara \includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1.pdf}( \includestandalone[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1}o mesmo para as outras duas), as imagens serão carregadas! insira a descrição da imagem aqui

No entanto, eles carregam mais lentamente (pelo menos no projeto que estou usando, que tem números bastante elevados). No entanto, posso voltar às linhas originais que chamam \includegraphicse obtenho o mesmo resultado, só que muito mais rápido. A questão que estou chegando é: pode haver uma maneira de carregar minhas imagens mais rapidamente (pelo menos durante a recompilação) do que usá-las \includestandalonesem que eu precise reeditar o arquivo toda vez que compilar do zero?

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