Matrizes associativas

Matrizes associativas

Eu estava tentando entender o artigo dado em Armazenando uma matriz de strings em um comando mas não consegui encontrar a solução (óbvia) para o seguinte problema:

Tenho informações sobre compositor, título, subtítulo e alguns outros metadados indexados por um ID de string numérica, por exemplo, 00034, 00035, 02354, 12335 (todos têm 5 dígitos com zeros à esquerda) e quero armazenar isso em uma matriz associativa ( ou talvez matriz?) e ser capaz de recuperar essas informações em vários locais de um documento, por exemplo


e também em várias 'manipulações de texto', por exemplo

\data{00034}{composer}: \data{00034}{title}, \emph{\data{00034}{subtitle}}

Isso é possível usando LaTeX? TIA!

Edição 1: esqueci de mencionar que qualquer bloco de comandos "definições" ou "população" é gerado por uma exportação de banco de dados, portanto, blocos grandes de comandos "definir", conforme mostrado nas muitas soluções abaixo, não são um problema.

Edição 2: @Marijn sugeriu outro artigo, mas embora possa ser útil para alguns TeX-Wizard, não foi para mim, é mais de baixo nível. As respostas aqui são excelentes e ajudam muito.


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


\newcommand\savedata[3]{\expandafter\def\csname data-#1-#2\endcsname{#3}}
\newcommand\data[2]{\csname data-#1-#2\endcsname}

\savedata{00034}{title}{Bagatelle No. 25}
\savedata{00034}{subtitle}{Für Elise}


\data{00034}{composer}: \data{00034}{title}, \emph{\data{00034}{subtitle}}



Obviamente, este é um trabalho para listas de propriedades.

Veja o \uselistscomando para ver o porquê: podemos mapear as listas conhecidas; o argumento do meio é um modelo onde #1representa o ID atual.



  \mflxvii_list_define:nn { #1 } { #2 }
  \mflxvii_list_add:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }
  \mflxvii_list_get:nn { #1 } { #2 }
 {% #1 = pre code, #2 = body, #3 = post code
  \mflxvii_list_use:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }

\seq_new:N \g_mflxvii_list_all_seq

% check whether the list already exists
\cs_new_protected:Nn \mflxvii_list_define:nn
  \prop_if_exist:cTF { g_mflxvii_list_#1_prop }
   {% already defined
    \msg_error:nnn { mflxvii } { list-exist } { #1 }
   {% define a new one
    % add to the global list of lists
    \seq_gput_right:Nn \g_mflxvii_list_all_seq { #1 }
    % build the list from the given data
    \prop_new:c { g_mflxvii_list_#1_prop }
    \prop_gset_from_keyval:cn { g_mflxvii_list_#1_prop } { #2 }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \mflxvii_list_add:nnn
  \prop_if_exist:cTF { g_mflxvii_list_#1_prop }
   {% add if existing
    \prop_gput:cnn { g_mflxvii_list_#1_prop } { #2 } { #3 }
   {% list doesn't exist
    \msg_error:nnn { mflxvii } { list-exist } { #1 }

\cs_new:Nn \mflxvii_list_get:nn
  \prop_item:cn { g_mflxvii_list_#1_prop } { #2 }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \mflxvii_list_use:nnn
  \cs_set:Nn \__mflxvii_list_use_body:n { #2 }
  % pre code
  % body
  \seq_map_function:NN \g_mflxvii_list_all_seq \__mflxvii_list_use_body:n
  % post code


  title=Bagatelle No.\@ 25,
  subtitle=Für Elise
  composer=Bob Geldof,
  title=The Great Song of Indifference
\addtolist{00035}{subtitle}{I don't mind}


\getitem{00034}{composer}: \getitem{00034}{title}, \getitem{00034}{subtitle}


  ID & composer & title & subtitle \\
}{ #1 & \getitem{#1}{composer} & \getitem{#1}{title} & \getitem{#1}{subtitle} \\


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Parece que você tem uma matriz de registros, de modo que cada elemento da matriz é um registro que possui campos de dados.

Você pode definir uma sequência de controle para cada item de dados:


\cs_new:Npn \StoreData #1#2#3 {
  \cs_new:cpn {ArrayItem:{#1}_RecordField:{#2}} {#3}
\cs_new:Npn \Data #1#2 {
  \cs_if_exist_use:cF {ArrayItem:{#1}_RecordField:{#2}} {--data~not~available--}

\StoreData {00034}{composer}{Beethoven}
\StoreData {00034}{title}{Bagatelle No.\@ 25}
\StoreData {00034}{subtitle}{Für Elise}
\StoreData {00035}{composer}{Bob Geldof}
\StoreData {00035}{title}{The Great Song of Indifference}
\StoreData {00035}{subtitle}{I don't mind}




Você pode usar o pacote l3prop do expl3 e manter uma lista de propriedades onde os nomes das propriedades são combinados a partir de nomes de elementos de array e nomes de campos de elementos de array:


\prop_new:N \g__MyModule_Array_prop
\cs_new:Npn \AddArrayProperty #1#2#3 {
  \prop_gput:Nnn \g__MyModule_Array_prop {ArrayItem:{#1}_RecordField:{#2}} {#3}
\cs_new:Npn \Data #1#2 {
    { \prop_item:Nn \g__MyModule_Array_prop {ArrayItem:{#1}_RecordField:{#2}} }

\AddArrayProperty {00034}{composer}{Beethoven}
\AddArrayProperty {00034}{title}{Bagatelle No.\@ 25}
\AddArrayProperty {00034}{subtitle}{Für Elise}
\AddArrayProperty {00035}{composer}{Bob Geldof}
\AddArrayProperty {00035}{title}{The Great Song of Indifference}
\AddArrayProperty {00035}{subtitle}{I don't mind}




Você pode tentar aninhar \str_case:nnF:


    {title}{Bagatelle No.\@ 25}%
    {subtitle}{Für Elise}%
    {composer}{Bob Geldof}%
    {title}{The Great Song of Indifference}%
    {subtitle}{I don't mind}%

\cs_new:Nn \__MyStuff_Check_Item:nnn {
    { \str_case:nnF {#3}{#1}{--#3~not~available~in~#2--} }
\cs_new:Npn \Data #1#2 {
      { \exp_args:Nno  \str_case:nnF {#1} { \MyArrayOfRecords } {\exp_not:N \q_no_value} }  




Caso os dados estejam disponíveis como .csv-list, o pacoteferramenta de dadospode ser de interesse:

% Have LaTeX create some dummy .csv-files. 
% In a real life scenario the .csv-files could come from the software you use
% for maintaining and exporting your data.

00034,Beethoven,Bagatelle No.\@ 25,Für Elise
00035,Bob Geldof,The Great Song of Indifference,I don't mind

Der für die Sünde der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus,Brockes-Passion,Georg Friedrich Händel,00047

Jean Sibelius,Finlandia,Opus 26,01769
Monty Python,,Worried,00036


% To create new database from a .csv-file with \DTLloaddb set the
% switch \DTLnewdbonloadtrue ; this is the default on the start:
% \DTLnewdbonloadtrue

              % MyMusic1.csv has a header row, thus noheader=false:
              %   Let's override the field-names given in the .csv-file's header row by new names 
              %   given in keys={...} in the order in which the old names occur in the header-row:

% To apennd  with \DTLloaddb to an existing database data stemming 
% from a .csv-file set the switch \DTLnewdbonloadfalse:


              % With the last call to \DTLloaddb set the column-headings in case of
              % using facilities of the package datatool for creating tables 
              %(tabular/longtable) from data of the database. You can change this
              % setting laterwards via \DTLsetheader.
              Numerical String ID,Composer,Title,Subtitle%

% \GetDataFieldEntryByID{<ID>}%
%                       {<datafield>}%
%                       {<tokens in case only ID does not exist>}%
%                       {<tokens in case only datafield does not exist>}%
%                       {<tokens in case both ID and datafield don't exist>}%
%                       {<tokens in case datafield does exist but does not hold data>}


% Sort the database. This affects the order in which rows of the database are processed when
% iterating the database from the first to the last row, e.g. in the course if crearing a table
% where all database rows are displayed.
% Have datatool create a table with all database-rows, don't display the subtitle-column:


                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00034}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00034 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00034 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``composer''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00034}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00034 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00034 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``title''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00034}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00034 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00034 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00034}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00034 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00034 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``ID''}


                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00035}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00035 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00035 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``composer''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00035}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00035 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00035 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``title''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00035}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00035 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00035 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00035}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00035 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00035 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``ID''}


                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00036}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00036 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00036 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``composer''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00036}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00036 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00036 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``title''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00036}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00036 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00036 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``ID''}


                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00047}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00047 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00047 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``composer''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00047}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00047 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00047 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``title''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00047}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00047 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00047 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00047}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00047 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00047 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``ID''}


                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 01769}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 01769 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``composer''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 01769 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``composer''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 01769}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 01769 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``title''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 01769 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``title''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 01769}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 01769 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 01769 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 01769}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 01769 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``ID''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 01769 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``ID''}



                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00036}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00036 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00036 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00050}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00050 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00050 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``subtitle''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00036}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``year''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00036 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``year''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00036 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``year''}

                      {Error: Database does not have a row with ID 00050}%
                      {Error: Database does not have a key/datafield/column ``year''}%
                      {Error: Database neither does have row with ID 00050 nor does have a key/datafield/column ``year''}%
                      {Error: The row with the ID 00050 does not have data in key/datafield/column ``year''}


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