Как исправить круги в качестве фона, написать текст и вставить фигуры на передний план в a0poster?

Как исправить круги в качестве фона, написать текст и вставить фигуры на передний план в a0poster?

Пожалуйста, найдите MWE ниже и помогите мне решить мои проблемы.

\documentclass[portrait,a0b,posterdraft]{a0poster} %% posterdraft is for printing the poster on a4 size.

\usepackage{MyriadPro} % one has to run Xelatex when pdflatex is creating trouble.
\usepackage{lmodern} % necessary to get the san serif font family.

\def\vhrulefill#1{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule\@height#1\hfill \kern\z@}
\makeatother %% this patch is to change the thickness of the \hrule width.

\definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{116,185,41} %% define the green color according to your need.
\definecolor{myblue}{RGB}{0,110,174}%% define blue color for your need
\definecolor{circleblue}{RGB}{131,173,211} %% define different shades of blue
\definecolor{myorange}{RGB}{226,125,50} %% for circle outline..


%   \begin{center}
        {\fontsize{60pt}{30pt}\selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{Synthesis and XXX}}\\[1cm]
        {\fontsize{40pt}{30pt} \selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{\underline{Author1}\textsuperscript{1} and Author2\textsuperscript{1}}}\\[1cm]
        {\fontsize{36pt}{30pt} \selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{\textsuperscript{1}Affiliation}}\\[0.5cm]
        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [anchor=north east, inner sep=2cm]  at (current page.north east)
\noindent\color{mygreen}{\vhrulefill{20pt}} % \vhrulefill patch is necessary to change thickness of the line here. 

\node at (-25,38) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,fill=circleblue]{}; 
\node at (20,38) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,fill=circleblue]{}; %% second circle
\node at (-25,-1) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=circleblue]{};
\node at (13.15,-1) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=circleblue]{};



Я могу неправильно понять вопрос, но это добавляет текст и графику на передний план.

\documentclass[portrait,a0b,posterdraft]{a0poster} %% posterdraft is for printing the poster on a4 size.

%\usepackage{MyriadPro} % one has to run Xelatex when pdflatex is creating trouble.

\def\vhrulefill#1{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule\@height#1\hfill \kern\z@}
\makeatother %% this patch is to change the thickness of the \hrule width.

\definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{116,185,41} %% define the green color according to your need.
\definecolor{myblue}{RGB}{0,110,174}%% define blue color for your need
\definecolor{circleblue}{RGB}{131,173,211} %% define different shades of blue
\definecolor{myorange}{RGB}{226,125,50} %% for circle outline..


%   \begin{center}
        {\fontsize{60pt}{30pt}\selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{Synthesis and XXX}}\\[1cm]
        {\fontsize{40pt}{30pt} \selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{\underline{Author1}\textsuperscript{1} and Author2\textsuperscript{1}}}\\[1cm]
        {\fontsize{36pt}{30pt} \selectfont \color{mygreen} \textbf{\textsuperscript{1}Affiliation}}\\[0.5cm]
        \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [anchor=north east, inner sep=2cm]  at (current page.north east)
\noindent\color{mygreen}{\vhrulefill{20pt}} % \vhrulefill patch is necessary to change thickness of the line here. 

\node (TL) at (-25,38) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,fill=circleblue]{}; 
\node (TR) at (20,38) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,fill=circleblue]{}; %% second circle
\node (BL) at (-25,-1) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=circleblue]{};
\node (BR) at (13.15,-1) [circle,minimum size=55cm,draw=myorange,line width=10pt,inner sep=0pt,fill=circleblue]{};
\node[text width=20cm,align=center,fill=white,font=\sffamily\Huge,
draw,fill=white,text=black,inner ysep=1cm] at (TL) {Hello world};
\node at (TR) {\includegraphics[width=20cm]{example-image-a}};


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