
Есть ли способ нарисовать что-то подобное?
В тикз, не будучи слишком непредсказуемым, какРисование случайных путей в TikZ?
Поскольку вы, похоже, не требуете, чтобы кривые были гладкими (какКак нарисовать случайные простые замкнутые гладкие кривые, но с одинаковым периметром?делает), вы можете попробовать настроить параметры decoration=penciline
или \freedraw
Использованная литература:
изИмитация нарисованных от руки линий: ударныеfreedraw
изИмитация нарисованных от руки линий: Ален Маттес
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/39296/simulating-hand-drawn-lines: percusse
\state{initial}[width=+\pgfdecoratedinputsegmentremainingdistance,auto corner on length=1mm,]{
{% From
{% Control 1
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/39296/simulating-hand-drawn-lines: Alain Matthes
\pgfdeclaredecoration{free hand}{start}
\state{start}[width = +0pt,
next state=step,
persistent precomputation = \pgfdecoratepathhascornerstrue]{}
\state{step}[auto end on length = 3pt,
auto corner on length = 3pt,
\tikzset{free hand/.style={
decoration={free hand}
\def\freedraw#1;{\draw[free hand] #1;}
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (4,0);
\coordinate (C) at (7,0);
\draw[thick, fill=blue!25, fill opacity=.25, draw=red, decorate] (A) rectangle (2,2);
\draw[thick, fill=green!25, draw=brown, radius=1cm, decorate] (B) circle ;
\draw[thick, fill=red!20, draw=blue, x radius=1cm, y radius=1.5cm, rotate=30, shape=circle, decorate,] (C) circle ;
\textbf{\textbackslash freedraw}
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (4,0);
\coordinate (C) at (7,0);
\freedraw[thick, fill=brown!25, draw=blue] (A) rectangle (2,2);
\freedraw[thick, fill=violet!25, fill opacity=.25, draw=red] (B) circle [radius=1cm];
\freedraw[thick, fill=orange!25, fill opacity=.25, draw=brown, x radius=0.15cm, y radius=1.5cm, rotate=30, shape=circle,] (C) circle {};
Вотфракталрешение сплавные линии.
Пример с двумя кругами и двумя треугольниками:
fractal lineto/.style n args={2}{%
% #1 is a ratio of length to move the middle of each segment
% #2 is the mininum length to apply the recurrence
to path={
\p1=(\tikztostart), % start point
\p2=(\tikztotarget), % end point
\n1={veclen(\x1-\x2,\y1-\y2)}, % distance
\p3=($(\p1)!.5!(\p2)$), % middle point
\p4=(rand*#1*\n1,rand*#1*\n1), % random vector
\p5=(\x3+\x4,\y3+\y4) % random moved middle point
in \pgfextra{
\ifnum\mytest=1 %
\tikzset{fractal lineto/.style n args={2}{line to}}
} to[fractal lineto={#1}{#2}] (\p5) to[fractal lineto={#1}{#2}] (\p2)
fractal curveto/.style n args={4}{
to path={
% % #1 is ratio of length to move the middle of each segment
% % #2 is the mininum length to apply the recurrence
\n1={veclen(\x0-\x0,\y0-\y9)+veclen(\x9-\x3,\y9-\y3)}, % distance
\p{rand}=(rand*#1*\n1,rand*#1*\n1), % random vector
\p{randang}=(rand*#1*\n1,rand*#1*\n1), % random vector
\p{new9}=(\x9+\x{rand},\y9+\y{rand}), % random moved middle point
\p{new7}=(\x7+\x{rand},\y7+\y{rand}), % random moved control point
\p{new8}=(\x8+\x{rand},\y8+\y{rand}) % random moved control point
in \pgfextra{
\ifnum\mytest=1 %
fractal curveto/.style n args={4}{
curve to,controls=(####3) and (####4)
to[fractal curveto={#1}{#2}{\p4}{\p{new7}}] (\p{new9})
to[fractal curveto={#1}{#2}{\p{new8}}{\p{6}}] (\p3)
deformation/.style n args={3}{decorate,decoration={show path construction,
lineto code={
to[fractal lineto={#1}{#2}]
curveto code={
to[fractal curveto=%
closepath code={
to[fractal lineto={#1}{#2}]
\pgfmathsetseed{\pdfuniformdeviate 10000000}
\draw[deformation={\ratio}{\minlen}{draw=red,line width=1mm}] circle(5cm);
\draw[deformation={\ratio}{\minlen}{draw=blue,line width=1mm}] circle(5cm);
\draw[deformation={\ratio}{\minlen}{draw=lime,line width=1mm}]
(0:4) -- (120:4) -- (-120:4) -- cycle;
\draw[deformation={\ratio}{\minlen}{draw=orange,line width=1mm}]
(0:4) -- (120:4) -- (-120:4) -- cycle;
Вот мой вклад:
% create some random points arround 0
% #1 is the number of points
% #2 is the minimal radius
% #3 is the maximal deviation (if =0 no randomness)
evaluate=\x as \r using {#2+#3*rnd},
evaluate=\x as \a using {\la+720*rnd/#1},
remember=\a as \la (initially 0)]
\x in {0,...,#1}
\ifnum\pgfmathresult > 360\relax
\xdef\pts{\pts (\a:\r)}
\foreach \npts/\rmin/\rdelta/\c in {10/1/2/red,20/1/3/green,30/1/4/blue,20/2/3/yellow} {
\draw[\c, ultra thick] plot[smooth cycle,tension=.7] coordinates {\pts};