我有大量藍光收藏,希望將其放入我的 iTunes 資料庫以便在 AppleTV 上播放。
mkvmerge -i german_dd_to_alac__english_truehd_to_alac.mkv
mkvextract tracks german_dd_to_alac__english_truehd_to_alac.mkv 0:video.h264 1:audio1.ac3 2:audio2.truehd 3:audio2_core.ac3 4:sub1.srt
ffmpeg -i german_dd_to_alac__english_truehd_to_alac.mkv -f ffmetadata chapters
ffmpeg -i audio1.ac3 -acodec alac audio1.m4a
[ac3 @ 0000000000502b40] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[alac @ 000000000050cc40] encoding as 24 bits-per-sample
ffmpeg -i audio2.truehd -acodec alac -af "aformat=channel_layouts=7.1(wide)" audio2.m4a
[out_0_0 @ 000000000046bc40] 100 buffers queued in out_0_0, something may be wrong.
-probesize 2147483648 -i video.h264 -i audio1_alac.m4a -i audio2_alac.m4a -i sub1.srt -i chapters^
-map 0:0 -map 1:0 -map 2:0 -map 3:0^
-metadata:s:a:0 language=ger -metadata:s:a:0 handler="Dolby Digital"^
-metadata:s:a:1 language=eng -metadata:s:a:1 handler="Dolby TrueHD"^
-metadata:s:s:0 language=ger -metadata:s:s:0 handler="Deutsch"^
-movflags disable_chpl^
-c:s mov_text -c:v copy -c:a copy^
german_dd_to_alac__english_truehd_to_alac.m4v 2>> ffmpeg.log
[ipod @ 000000000338c040] track 1: codec frame size is not set
[ipod @ 000000000338c040] track 2: codec frame size is not set
[ipod @ 000000000338c040] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
[ipod @ 000000000338c040] pts has no value
mkvmerge -i german_dts_to_alac__english_dtshdma_to_alac.mkv
mkvextract tracks german_dts_to_alac__english_dtshdma_to_alac.mkv 0:video.h264 1:audio1.dts 2:audio2.dtshdma 3:sub1.srt
ffmpeg -i german_dts_to_alac__english_dtshdma_to_alac.mkv -f ffmetadata chapters
ffmpeg -i audio1.dts -acodec alac audio1.m4a
[dts @ 0000000000332a80] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[alac @ 0000000000339d80] encoding as 24 bits-per-sample
ffmpeg -i audio2.dtshdma -acodec alac audio2.m4a
-probesize 2147483648 -i video.h264 -i audio1_alac.m4a -i audio2_alac.m4a -i sub1.srt -i chapters^
-map 0:0 -map 1:0 -map 2:0 -map 3:0^
-metadata:s:a:0 language=ger -metadata:s:a:0 handler="DTS"^
-metadata:s:a:1 language=eng -metadata:s:a:1 handler="DTS-HD Master Audio"^
-metadata:s:s:0 language=ger -metadata:s:s:0 handler="Deutsch"^
-movflags disable_chpl^
-c:s mov_text -c:v copy -c:a copy^
german_dts_to_alac__english_dtshdma_to_alac.m4v 2>> ffmpeg.log
[ipod @ 0000000002afe740] track 1: codec frame size is not set
[ipod @ 0000000002afe740] track 2: codec frame size is not set
[ipod @ 0000000002afe740] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
[ipod @ 0000000002afe740] pts has no value
mkvmerge -i german_dtshr_to_alac__english_dtshdma_to_alac.mkv
mkvextract tracks german_dtshr_to_alac__english_dtshdma_to_alac.mkv 0:video.h264 1:audio1.dtshr 2:audio2.dtshdma
ffmpeg -i german_dtshr_to_alac__english_dtshdma_to_alac.mkv -f ffmetadata chapters
ffmpeg -i audio1.dtshr -acodec alac audio1.m4a
[alac @ 00000000005a4dc0] encoding as 24 bits-per-sample
ffmpeg -i audio2.dtshdma -acodec alac -af "aformat=channel_layouts=7.1(wide)" audio2.m4a
-probesize 2147483648 -i video.h264 -i audio1_alac.m4a -i audio2_alac.m4a -i chapters^
-map 0:0 -map 1:0 -map 2:0^
-metadata:s:a:0 language=ger -metadata:s:a:0 handler="DTS-HD High Resolution"^
-metadata:s:a:1 language=eng -metadata:s:a:1 handler="DTS-HD Master Audio"^
-movflags disable_chpl^
-c:v copy -c:a copy^
german_dtshr_to_alac__english_dtshdma_to_alac.m4v 2>> ffmpeg.log
[ipod @ 00000000004f3780] track 1: codec frame size is not set
[ipod @ 00000000004f3780] track 2: codec frame size is not set
[ipod @ 00000000004f3780] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
[ipod @ 00000000004f3780] pts has no value
[ac3 @ 0000000000502b40] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
只有當我嘗試轉換以下有損格式時才會彈出:ac3、dts 和 eac3。對於有損 dts(如 DTS-HD 高解析度)我沒問題。
[out_0_0 @ 000000000046bc40] 100 buffers queued in out_0_0, something may be wrong.
只有當我嘗試轉換無損 TrueHD 時才會彈出,無損 DTS-HD Master Audio 就可以了。
[ipod @ 000000000338c040] track 1: codec frame size is not set
[ipod @ 000000000338c040] track 2: codec frame size is not set
[ipod @ 000000000338c040] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
[ipod @ 000000000338c040] pts has no value
當我將時間戳記放入容器中的 pts 格式時,它們會消失嗎?我可以從mkv 中提取它們(mkvextract timecodes_v2 input.mkv 0:video.timecodes.txt 1:audio1.timecodes.txt 2:audio2.timecodes.txt 3:sub1.timecodes.txt 4:sub2.timecodes.txt 5:timecodes.txt sub3 .timecodes.txt 6:sub4.timecodes.txt),但僅限 timecodes_v2 格式。我可以將 timecodes_v2 轉換為 pts 並將其放入容器中以避免這些訊息嗎?
ffmpeg -i german_dd_to_alac__english_truehd_to_alac.mkv -map 0:0 -c copy german_dd_to_alac__english_truehd_to_alac.m4v
-i german_dd_to_alac__english_truehd_to_alac.m4v -i audio1.m4a -i audio2.m4a -i sub1.srt^ -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -map 2:0 -map 3:0^
-metadata:s:a:0 language=ger -metadata:s:a:0 handler="Dolby Digital"^
-metadata:s:a:1 language=eng -metadata:s:a:1 handler="Dolby TrueHD"^
-metadata:s:s:0 language=ger -metadata:s:s:0 handler="Deutsch"^ -movflags disable_chpl^ -c:s mov_text -c:v copy -c:a alac^ final.m4v
奇蹟般有效。沒有分數或時間戳錯誤。我透過指定音訊編解碼器 -c:a alac 解決了幀大小未設定錯誤。不知道為什麼,但它有效。
「100 個緩衝區在 out_0_0 中排隊,可能出了問題。」錯誤仍然存在。如果我也能解決這個問題那就太好了。