使用 Metapost 圖形使用精美的頁碼

使用 Metapost 圖形使用精美的頁碼

ConTeXt是一種很棒的 TeX 格式,特別是因為Metapost它緊密整合到其中,可以產生像這樣的頁碼樣式



\setuplayout[topspace=0.5in, backspace=1in, header=24pt, footer=36pt,
  height=middle, width=middle]

     delta  := #4;
     width  := #1-delta;
     height := #2-delta;
     lines  := #3;
     z1 = (0,0);
     z2 = (lines,0);
     z3 = (.5width,height);
     z4 = (width-lines,0);
     z5 = (width,0);
     pickup pencircle
       xscaled delta
       yscaled .5delta
       rotated 30;
     draw z1--z2{dir 135}...z3...{dir -135}z4--z5 withcolor (.5,.5,.5);
     pickup pencircle
       scaled delta;
     draw z1 withcolor red;
     draw z2 withcolor red;
     draw z3 withcolor red;
     draw z4 withcolor red;
     draw z5 withcolor red;



     {\lower.5\dp\strutbox\hbox spread 60pt{\hss#1\hss}}}





雖然我很喜歡用 來處理其他事情ConTeXt,但我擔心我的技能無法與我的 LaTeX 經驗相媲美,無法完成我通常做的一些排版,特別是數學和tikz圖形方面的排版。值得慶幸的是,人們可以Metapost在 LaTeX 中使用gmp包裹。我已經成功地將egreg的範例用於精美的標題,但由於我認為缺乏對如何和工作gmp原理的理解,我無法計算出頁碼的詳細資訊。我正在考慮使用圖形整合來達到效果。這是一個可以玩的。\sbox\mpdimfancyhdrMetapostMWE




      w := #1;  width  := 100;  wfactor := w/width;
      h := #2;  height := 100;  hfactor := h/height;
      color lightred;  lightred  := (.90,.50,.50);
      color lightgray; lightgray := (.95,.95,.95);
      color gray;      gray      := (.50,.50,.50);
      def random_delta (expr d) =
        d-(uniformdeviate 2d)
      z1 = (0,height);
      z2 = (0,0);
      z3 = (width,0);
      z4 = (width,height);
      z5 = (width+random_delta(.2width),height+random_delta(.2height));
      z6 = (.5width+random_delta(.1width),height+random_delta(.1height));
      pickup pencircle
        xscaled (#3/wfactor)
        yscaled (#3/(2*hfactor))
        rotated 30;
      draw z5..z1..z2..z3..z4..z6 withcolor #4;
      pickup pencircle
        xscaled (#3/wfactor)
        yscaled (#3/hfactor);
      draw z1 withcolor #5;
      draw z2 withcolor #5;
      draw z3 withcolor #5;
      draw z4 withcolor #5;
      draw z5 withcolor #5;
      draw z6 withcolor #5;
      newwidth  := (xpart (urcorner currentpicture)) -
                   (xpart (llcorner currentpicture));
      newheight := (ypart (urcorner currentpicture)) -
                   (ypart (llcorner currentpicture));
      currentpicture := currentpicture
       xscaled (w/newwidth) yscaled (h/newheight);

     delta  := #4;
     width  := #1-delta;
     height := #2-delta;
     lines  := #3;
     z1 = (0,0);
     z2 = (lines,0);
     z3 = (.5width,height);
     z4 = (width-lines,0);
     z5 = (width,0);
     pickup pencircle
       xscaled delta
       yscaled .5delta
       rotated 30;
     draw z1--z2{dir 135}...z3...{dir -135}z4--z5 withcolor (.5,.5,.5);
     pickup pencircle
       scaled delta;
     draw z1 withcolor red;
     draw z2 withcolor red;
     draw z3 withcolor red;
     draw z4 withcolor red;
     draw z5 withcolor red;

% I want to combine this with fancyhdr, perhaps, to get the desired result.

\MPclipFive{\mpdim{\wd\tacopage}} % width
{\mpdim{\ht\tacopage}} % height
% thickness of the curve
% color of the curve
% color of the spots

% For the section formatting

\sbox\tacochapterbox{\Large\bfseries #1}%
\MPclipOne{\mpdim{\wd\tacochapterbox+6pc}} % width
{\mpdim{\ht\tacochapterbox+3pc}} % height
% thickness of the curve
% color of the curve
% color of the spots

\newcommand{\secformat}[1]{\tacochapterhead{\thesection\ \raisebox{-4pt}{\textcolor{green}{\rule{1pt}{\baselineskip}}}\ #1}}


\section{A section}

\tacopagenumber{a try}



