



\sisetup{round-mode=places,round-precision=1, add-decimal-zero=true, add-integer-zero=true, round-integer-to-decimal}



\caption{this is my first table's captive caption}
\begin{tabulary}{\textwidth}{@{}*{2}{L}*{6}{S[table-format=3.2]}@{}} \toprule
× & TOTALLY bla percentage of bla & {1000} & {2000} & {3000} & \pbox[t]{1.5cm}{Bonjour monde!} & {5000} & {6000\tnote{1}}\\ \midrule
% × & TOTALLY bla percentage of bla & {1000} & {2000} & {3000} & \multirow{2}*{4000 apples and pears \\ and whatnot} & {5000} & {6000\tnote{1}}\\ \midrule
DDD 1 & 47.6 & 29.1 & 1.0 & 0.2 & 1.9 & 15.2 & 0.0\\
UUU & 24.8 & 10.8 & 6.4 & 0.0 & 3.2 & 4.5 & 0.0\\
× & × & × & × & × & × & × & ×\\
Unweighted average: & × & × & × & × & × & × & ×\\
BBB & 33.8 & 11.3 & 9.1 & 0.4 & 1.8 & 11.0 & 0.2\\
GGG & 32.9904 & 8.60325 & 9.3845 & 0.0495 & 1.43225 & 10.79525 & 0.119\\
DDD & 39.4545 & 9.8695 & 15.3365 & 0.6915 & 2.246 & 10.6705 & 0.5105\\ \bottomrule

\item [1] the first note ...







只是為了提供一個工作範例(為了快速比較,請注意我去掉了\\未註解的「TOTALLY」行中的 ):


\sisetup{round-mode=places,round-precision=1, add-decimal-zero=true, add-integer-zero=true, round-integer-to-decimal}



\caption{this is my first table's captive caption}
\begin{tabulary}{\textwidth}{@{}*{2}{L}*{6}{S[table-format=3.2]}@{}} \toprule
× & TOTALLY bla percentage of bla & {1000} & {2000} & {3000} & {4000 apples and pears and whatnot} & {5000} & {6000\tnote{1}}\\ \midrule
%× & TOTALLY bla percentage of bla & {1000} & {2000} & {3000} & {4000 apples and pears \\ and whatnot} & {5000} & {6000\tnote{1}}\\ \midrule
% × & TOTALLY bla percentage of bla & {1000} & {2000} & {3000} & \pbox[t]{1.5cm}{Bonjour monde!} & {5000} & {6000\tnote{1}}\\ \midrule
% × & TOTALLY bla percentage of bla & {1000} & {2000} & {3000} & {\multirow{2}*{\pbox[t]{1.5cm}{Bonjour monde!}}} & {5000} & {6000\tnote{1}}\\ \midrule
DDD 1 & 47.6 & 29.1 & 1.0 & 0.2 & 1.9 & 15.2 & 0.0\\
UUU & 24.8 & 10.8 & 6.4 & 0.0 & 3.2 & 4.5 & 0.0\\
× & × & × & × & × & × & × & ×\\
Unweighted average: & × & × & × & × & × & × & ×\\
BBB & 33.8 & 11.3 & 9.1 & 0.4 & 1.8 & 11.0 & 0.2\\
GGG & 32.9904 & 8.60325 & 9.3845 & 0.0495 & 1.43225 & 10.79525 & 0.119\\
DDD & 39.4545 & 9.8695 & 15.3365 & 0.6915 & 2.246 & 10.6705 & 0.5105\\ \bottomrule

\item [1] the first note ...






我補充說,您在第一行中有一個 utf08 時間,但沒有聲明任何編碼,因此它被悄悄刪除



\sisetup{round-mode=places,round-precision=1, add-decimal-zero=true, add-integer-zero=true, round-integer-to-decimal}



\caption{this is my first table's captive caption}
\begin{tabulary}{\textwidth}{@{}*{2}{L}*{6}{S[table-format=3.2]}@{}} \toprule
× & TOTALLY bla percentage of bla & {1000} & {2000} & {3000} & 
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}Bonjour\tabularnewline monde!\end{tabular}} &
 {5000} & {6000\tnote{1}}\\ \midrule
% × & TOTALLY bla percentage of bla & {1000} & {2000} & {3000} & \multirow{2}*{4000 apples and pears \\ and whatnot} & {5000} & {6000\tnote{1}}\\ \midrule
DDD 1 & 47.6 & 29.1 & 1.0 & 0.2 & 1.9 & 15.2 & 0.0\\
UUU & 24.8 & 10.8 & 6.4 & 0.0 & 3.2 & 4.5 & 0.0\\
× & × & × & × & × & × & × & ×\\
Unweighted average: & × & × & × & × & × & × & ×\\
BBB & 33.8 & 11.3 & 9.1 & 0.4 & 1.8 & 11.0 & 0.2\\
GGG & 32.9904 & 8.60325 & 9.3845 & 0.0495 & 1.43225 & 10.79525 & 0.119\\
DDD & 39.4545 & 9.8695 & 15.3365 & 0.6915 & 2.246 & 10.6705 & 0.5105\\ \bottomrule

\item [1] the first note ...



