如何在 Tikz 圖中指示層級?

如何在 Tikz 圖中指示層級?

我有一個用 Tikz 製作的網路。該圖具有三層節點。我需要繪製一條連接節點的虛線,並在最右邊的節點旁邊放置一個層標籤($m_1$、$j$ 和 $i$) - 第 1 層、第 2 層和第 3 層。

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, automata, arrows.meta, positioning, calc}


> = stealth, % arrow head style
shorten > = 1pt, % don't touch arrow head to node
node distance = 3cm, % distance between nodes
semithick % line style

\tikzstyle{every state}=[
draw = black,
fill = white,
minimum size = 4mm
\node [dashed, state] (a) {$i$};
\node[state] (b) at ($ (a) + (45:1.5) $) {$j$};
\node[dashed, state] (c) at ($ (a) + (135:1.5) $) {$k$};
\node[state] (d) at ($ (c) + (45:2.1) $) {$m_1$};
\node[dashed, state] (e) at ($ (c) + (90:1.5) $) {$m_2$};
\node[state] (d1) at ($ (c) + (135:2.1) $) {$m_3$};

\path[->] (d) edge node {} (c);
\path[->] (d1) edge node {} (c);
\path[dashed,->] (e) edge node {} (c);
\path[->] (b) edge node {} (a);
\path[dashed, ->] (c) edge node {} (a);



歡迎!像這樣的東西嗎?您可以使用 alocal bounding box來對齊層標籤。另請注意,它\tikzstyle已被棄用。

\usetikzlibrary{automata, arrows.meta, positioning, calc}


> = stealth, % arrow head style
shorten > = 1pt, % don't touch arrow head to node
node distance = 3cm, % distance between nodes
semithick % line style
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=tree,every state/.style={draw = black,thick,
    fill = white,minimum size = 4mm}]
  \node [dashed, state] (a) {$i$};
  \node[state] (b) at ($ (a) + (45:1.5) $) {$j$};
  \node[dashed, state] (c) at ($ (a) + (135:1.5) $) {$k$};
  \node[state] (d) at ($ (c) + (45:2.1) $) {$m_1$};
  \node[dashed, state] (e) at ($ (c) + (90:1.5) $) {$m_2$};
  \node[state] (d1) at ($ (c) + (135:2.1) $) {$m_3$};
  \path ([xshift=1em]tree.east); %<-increase local bounding box
\draw[dotted] (d1) -- (e) -- (d) -- (d-|tree.east) node[right]{1};
\draw[dotted] (c) -- (b) -- (b-|tree.east) node[right]{2};
\draw[dotted] (a) -- (a-|tree.east) node[right]{3};
\path[->] (d) edge node {} (c);
\path[->] (d1) edge node {} (c);
\path[dashed,->] (e) edge node {} (c);
\path[->] (b) edge node {} (a);
\path[dashed, ->] (c) edge node {} (a);


