tcolorbox 或 parcolumns 不會為我的食譜提供正確性

tcolorbox 或 parcolumns 不會為我的食譜提供正確性




這種風格由兩個獨立的列組成,每個列都包含一個類似 iemize 的結構。


  1. 兩列應該是獨立的
  2. 它應該在頁面末尾處斷開(即它應該像偽列在另一頁上一樣斷開)。


上面的範例使用 sidebyside tcolorbor。它工作得很好,tcolorbox 的光柵庫也是如此,但它不會在頁面末尾中斷。


這似乎對於 Lipsum 給出的段落效果很好,但似乎在 itemize 風格的環境中存在一些問題。這是我在有和沒有分頁符號的情況下得到的結果。



問題是: 1. 左邊的 itemize 項目空間太短 2. 右邊的項目空間太大 3. 奇怪的額外空間(在第一個枚舉之上)。



看來我嘗試了不同的解決方案,但沒有一個真正有效。你有好主意嗎 ?



%% With tcolorbox

\tcbuselibrary{breakable, skins}

\tcbset{colback=white,colframe=white, left skip=0pt, right skip=0pt, left=0pt, right=0pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt, rightrule=0pt, leftrule=0pt, toprule=0pt, bottomrule=0pt, sharp corners,  breakable}

      \item Element 1
      \item Element 2
      \item Element 3
      \item Element that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze

      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.

\section{tcolorbox Lipsum}

\begin{tcolorbox}[sidebyside,lefthand width=3cm, sidebyside align=top seam, breakable]


%% With parcolumns

    \section{parcolumns Lipsum}

    \begin{parcolumns}[colwidths={1=3cm}, distance=3em]{2}


% A test

% With tcolorbox

% With parcolumns



你可以用包包試試paracol。它以獨立的方式打破柱子,並且似乎尊重itemize距離。如果您發現調整窄列有問題,您可以將其與blankertcolorbox 結合起來,如圖所示這裡


      \item Element 1
      \item Element 2
      \item Element 3
      \item Element 1
      \item Element 2
      \item Element 3
      \item Element 1
      \item Element 2
      \item Element 3
      \item Element 1
      \item Element 2
      \item Element 3
      \item Element 1
      \item Element 2
      \item Element 3
      \item Element 1
      \item Element 2
      \item Element 3
      \item Element 1
      \item Element 2
      \item Element 3
      \item Element that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze

      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.
      \item Preparation 1
      \item Preparation 2
      \item Preparation 3
      \item Preparation that is quite long
      \item Some nice cheeze at the end.


    \setcolumnwidth{3cm, 7cm}

    \section{paracol Lipsum}


