\printbibliography 文件類別字母中未定義的控制序列錯誤

\printbibliography 文件類別字母中未定義的控制序列錯誤

嘗試使用 PDFLaTeX 或 XeLaTeX 編譯下面的最小工作範例會導致編譯器以退出程式碼 1 結束,並報告undefined control sequence\printbibliography 後面發生的任何情況,這是範例程式碼中的一個空白行:

\documentclass[12pt]{letter} % 12pt font size, 10pt and 11pt are also possible

\usepackage{geometry} % Required for adjusting page dimensions

    paper=letterpaper, % Change to letterpaper for US letter
    top=1.00in, % Top margin
    bottom=1.00in, % Bottom margin
    left=1.00in, % Left margin
    right=1.00in, % Right margin
    %showframe, % Uncomment to show how the type block is set on the page

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters

  title = {The Epic of {{Gilgamesh}}},
  editor = {Sandars, Nancy K.},
  date = {1977},
  series = {Penguin Classics},
  edition = {Rev. ed. inc. new material},
  publisher = {{Penguin Books}},
  location = {{Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Engl}},
  isbn = {978-0-14-044100-0},
  langid = {english},
  language = {eng},
  pagetotal = {127}


\usepackage{ebgaramond} % Use the EBGaramond font by default
\usepackage{microtype} % Improve justification


\signature{James Adams} % Your name for the signature at the bottom

\address{1001 Main Street \\ Anywhere, AZ 99999} % Your address and phone number


\begin{letter}{John Doe \\ 100 Broadway \\ Somewhere, AZ 11111} % Name/title of the addressee


\lipsum [1]

As an anonymous author wrote long ago:


\vspace{2\parskip} % Extra whitespace for aesthetics
\vspace{2\parskip} % Extra whitespace for aesthetics


\printbibliography[title = References]


我相信我第一次在信中這樣做時,我沒有收到錯誤,但在過去的幾周里我一直收到它(我在 ArchLinux 上使用 Kile,所以 TeXLive 在我的系統上經常更新)。奇怪的是,雖然 PDFLaTeX 和 XeLaTeX 都以退出代碼 1 結尾,但它們也會產生一個 PDF,其中包含格式正確的字母和預期的參考書目,因此這與其說是問題,不如說是麻煩。




您可以透過使用來避免該問題\printbibliography[heading=none]。這將確保 biblatex 不會使用 a\section作為標題:





\textbf{\Large References}


