

我想修改這個 LaTeX 程式碼,以便在換行到下一行時創建懸掛縮排效果。我希望它在文字區域的 75% 左右中斷並開始換行到新行,但縮排超過初始縮排?我還希望短行保持一個縮進,但不要單獨使用 \indent 標籤,這樣如果我要向這些行添加更多內容,它們會自動換行,我不需要添加任何其他內容。有沒有辦法做到這一點?



% Begin document

\section*{MY PROJECTS}
\textbf{Engineering QTL's in Legume Species using CRISPR/Cas Technologies} \hfill London, Ontario, Canada\\ % Project name and location
\textit{Summer Research Assistant}
\hfill May 2019 | August 2019 \\
    \indent An example of a long line that's indented and that I want to be hanging on the subsequent lines. I want this to break at around 75\% of the textarea and start wrapping around to the new line but indented past the initial indent? Is there a way to do this?\\
    \indent An example of a short line that's indented.\\

\textbf{Another Project} \hfill London, Ontario, Canada\\ % Project name and location
\hfill May 2019 | August 2019 \\
    \indent An example of a short line that's indented.\\


我在 Word 中做了這個,以展示我希望最終結果在 LaTeX 中的樣子。








% Begin document

\section*{MY PROJECTS}
  \noindent\textbf{Engineering QTL's in Legume Species using CRISPR/Cas
  & London, Ontario, Canada\\ % Project name and location
  \noindent\textit{Summer Research Assistant}
  & May 2019 | August 2019 \\
  An example of a long line that's indented and that I want to be
  hanging on the subsequent lines. I want this to break at around 75\%
  of the textarea and start wrapping around to the new line but
  indented past the initial indent? Is there a way to do this?\\ 
  An example of a short line that's indented.\\[1ex]
  \noindent\textbf{Another Project}
  & London, Ontario, Canada\\ % Project name and location 
  & May 2019 | August 2019 \\
  An example of a short line that's indented.






\section*{MY PROJECTS}
\paragraph{Engineering QTL's in Legume Species using CRISPR/Cas Technologies}\hfill London, Ontario, Canada\par 
\noindent\textit{Summer Research Assistant} \hfill May 2019 | August 2019\par
An example of a long line that's indented and that I want to be hanging on the subsequent lines. I want this to break at around 75\% of the textarea and start wrapping around to the new line but indented past the initial indent? Is there a way to do this?\par
An example of a short line that's indented.\par}
\paragraph{Another Project} \hfill London, Ontario, Canada\par
\noindent\textit{yadayada} \hfill May 2019 | August 2019\par
An example of a short line that's indented.



這裡是paracol 方法。請注意,\hangindent每個使用它的段落都必須重複。

%\setlist{noitemsep}% ???
\usepackage{showframe}% alignment tool
% Begin document

\section*{MY PROJECTS}
\sloppy% sop for narrow columns
\textbf{Engineering QTL's in Legume Species using\linebreak[3] CRISPR/Cas Technologies}
London, Ontario, Canada % Project name and location
\textit{Summer Research Assistant}
May 2019 | August 2019
An example of a long line that's indented and that I want to be hanging on the subsequent lines. I want this to break at around 75\% of the textarea and start wrapping around to the new line but indented past the initial indent? Is there a way to do this?

An example of a short line that's indented.
\switchcolumn[0]*[\medskip]% align both columns, but stay here (column 0)
\textbf{Another Project}
London, Ontario, Canada% Project name and location
May 2019 | August 2019
An example of a short line that's indented.
