我試圖將所有元件值放在電路的右側。我已經看到在 Circuitikz 中使用標籤節點的解決方案,但更喜歡將兩者分開。
\draw (0,0)
node[tlground]{} % The ground
to[V, v^<=$U_0$] (0,2) % The voltage source
to[C, l=$C_1$] (2,2) % The capacitor
to[R=$R_B$] (2,5); % The resistor
(4,2) node[npn, tr circle] (Q1) {} % The transistor
(Q1.base) to[short] (2,2) % The short
(Q1.collector) to[R=$R_C$] (4,5) % The resistor
(4,3) to[short] (5,3) % The short
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$V_{out}$}] {}
(Q1.emitter) to[short] (4,0) % The short
\draw (0,5)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]left:$+V_{cc}$}] {}
to[short] (5,5);
% Add labels for component values on the right side
$R_1 = 1\text{k}\Omega$\\
$C_1 = 10\mu\text{F}$\\
$L_1 = 100\text{mH}$
啊,我明白了。我通常做的是在電路圖中選擇一個元素,為其命名(命名節點或元素),然後將表格與該元素的基線對齊。例如,在下面,表格與 +V_CC 節點對齊:
\begin{circuitikz}[european, baseline=(REF.base)]
\draw (0,0)
node[tlground]{} % The ground
to[V, v^<=$U_0$] (0,2) % The voltage source
to[C, l=$C_1$] (2,2) % The capacitor
to[R=$R_B$] (2,5); % The resistor
(4,2) node[npn, tr circle] (Q1) {} % The transistor
(Q1.base) to[short] (2,2) % The short
(Q1.collector) to[R=$R_C$] (4,5) % The resistor
(4,3) to[short] (5,3) % The short
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$V_{out}$}] {}
(Q1.emitter) to[short] (4,0) % The short
\draw (0,5)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]left:$+V_{cc}$}](REF) {}
to[short] (5,5);
% Add labels for component values on the right side
$R_1 = 1\text{k}\Omega$\\
$C_1 = 10\mu\text{F}$\\
$L_1 = 100\text{mH}$
或者,例如,使用 R_C 標籤:
\begin{circuitikz}[european, baseline=(REFlabel.base)]
\draw (0,0)
node[tlground]{} % The ground
to[V, v^<=$U_0$] (0,2) % The voltage source
to[C, l=$C_1$] (2,2) % The capacitor
to[R=$R_B$] (2,5); % The resistor
(4,2) node[npn, tr circle] (Q1) {} % The transistor
(Q1.base) to[short] (2,2) % The short
(Q1.collector) to[R=$R_C$, name=REF] (4,5) % The resistor
(4,3) to[short] (5,3) % The short
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$V_{out}$}] {}
(Q1.emitter) to[short] (4,0) % The short
\draw (0,5)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]left:$+V_{cc}$}] {}
to[short] (5,5);
% Add labels for component values on the right side
$R_1 = 1\text{k}\Omega$\\
$C_1 = 10\mu\text{F}$\\
$L_1 = 100\text{mH}$
套件作為測量單位。 µ 微法拉應該不是處於數學模式...