LaTeX Googe AI 顯然對包 {emboss} 產生了幻覺

LaTeX Googe AI 顯然對包 {emboss} 產生了幻覺

我們向 Google 提出了一個簡單的問題:

latex how to produce embossed text

對此,Gogle 的回應是:

Generative AI is experimental. Learn more
There are a few ways to produce embossed text in LaTeX. One way is to use the \emboss package. This package provides a number of commands for creating embossed text, including \embosstext, \embossbox, and \embossrule.

To use the \emboss package, you first need to add it to your preamble. You can do this by adding the following line to your preamble:


Once you have added the emboss package to your preamble, you can start using its commands to create embossed text. For example, to create embossed text, you can use the \embosstext command. The \embosstext command takes two arguments: the text to be embossed and the depth of the embossing.

For example, the following code would create the text "Hello, world!" embossed to a depth of 2pt:

\embosstext{Hello, world!}{2pt} 

You can also use the \embossbox command to create a box around embossed text. The \embossbox command takes two arguments: the text to be embossed and the size of the box.
For example, the following code would create the text "Hello, world!" embossed to a depth of 2pt and placed in a box that is 10pt wide and 5pt high:

\embossbox{Hello, world!}{10pt}{5pt} 

Finally, you can use the \embossrule command to create a rule that is embossed. The \embossrule command takes two arguments: the length of the rule and the depth of the embossing.

For example, the following code would create a rule that is 10pt long and embossed to a depth of 2pt:


The emboss package is a powerful tool for creating embossed text in LaTeX. By using the \embosstext, \embossbox, and \embossrule commands, you can create a variety of embossed effects in your documents.





編寫一個名為 emboss.sty 的 Latex 包來使用浮雕字體樣式生成文本


建立 LaTeX 套件以使用浮雕字體樣式產生文字涉及定義新的字體形狀,然後提供用於切換到該字體形狀和從該字體形狀切換的命令。以下是如何實現此類包的基本範例:

% emboss.sty

% Define the embossed font shape
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{emboss}{m}{n}{<-> emboss}{}

% Define the command to switch to embossed font

% Define the command to switch back to normal font

% Command to emboss text
\newcommand{\emboss}[1]{{\embossfont #1}}


下面介紹如何在 LaTeX 文件中使用此套件:



This is normal text.

\emboss{This text is embossed.}

Back to normal text.


當您使用 LaTeX 編譯文件並包含 emboss.sty 套件時,其中包含的任何文字\emboss{}都會使用浮雕字體樣式顯示。




在 ChatGPT 級別,這些人工智慧工具是語言模型,而不是知識模型。也就是說,它以某種方式粉碎所有輸入參考資料(詞袋等)。所以它可以在某種程度上模仿語言。儘管與人類術語的任何比較都是不恰當的,但它在某種程度上「得到了乳膠包裝圖案」。這或多或少就是幻覺進入輸出的方式:後天無能。



出於簡單的原因,你在這項技術中找不到精神、人類智慧、啟蒙等。具有輸入和閾值的神經元只是一個具有(非線性)壓縮的類比混合器。神經網路只是由「幾個」這樣的混合器組成的網路。 「訓練」是以某種方式以極大的靈活性調整所有這些旋鈕。您認為「智力」或「意識」是從哪裡溜進後門的?是的,它沒有也不會這樣做。



目前還沒有 Knowbot。



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