我有一組基本的 tex 文件,其中主文件test0.tex
嘗試加載其他三個文件 、 和 中使用 Tikz 生成test1.tex
%%%%%%%% test0.tex %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Pre-Load Packages Order %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[mode=buildnew,group=true,subpreambles=false]{standalone} % For side loaded Tikz Figures
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{graphicx} % for Figures
\usepackage{pgfplots} % For plotting
\usepackage{tikz} % For the background and plotting
\author{Boaty McBoatface}
\includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1.pdf}
\includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test2.pdf}
\includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test3.pdf}
%%%%%%%% test1.tex %%%%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
\addplot coordinates { (1,2) (2,3) (3,0)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81) node[left] {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35) node[left] {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51) node[left] {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left] {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#1}};
%%%%%%% test2.text %%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
\addplot coordinates { (-1,-1) (1,0) (-2,3)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81) node[left] {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35) node[left] {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51) node[left] {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left] {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#2}};
%%%%%%% test3.tex %%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every axis/.append style={width=0.5\linewidth,title style={align=center}}]
\addplot coordinates { (1,1) (2,4) (-3,6)};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (21.25,-13.4);
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-1,-13.4) -- (-1,3.7);
\node[below, yshift=-5mm] at (10.375,-13.4) {{\huge $Y$}};
\node[left, xshift=-1cm, rotate=90] at (-1,-3.9) {{\huge $X$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,1.81) -- (-1,1.81) node[left] {{\LARGE$5$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-2.35) -- (-1,-2.35) node[left] {{\LARGE $3.4$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-6.51) -- (-1,-6.51) node[left] {{\LARGE $1.7$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (-0.75,-10.67) -- (-1,-10.67) node[left] {{\LARGE $0.1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (2.19, -13.15) -- (2.19,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $0$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (7.79, -13.15) -- (7.79,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $1$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (13.34,-13.15) -- (13.34,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $2$}};
\draw[-,line width=0.25mm] (18.89,-13.15) -- (18.89,-13.4) node[below] {{\LARGE $3$}};
\node[] at (10.375,4.5) {{\Huge Title \#3}};
現在,如果我將行從 更改test0.tex
為\includegraphics[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1.pdf}
(\includestandalone[trim={0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt},clip,width=0.55\textwidth]{test1}