Ubuntu 14.04 無法加入網域以與 Active Directory 整合(winbind 和 samba)

Ubuntu 14.04 無法加入網域以與 Active Directory 整合(winbind 和 samba)


一切似乎都配置正確,net rpc join 有效,並且在輸入命令“realm list”時列出了該領域,但在嘗試 net ads join 時仍然收到錯誤

kinit有效並給了我一張如圖所示的票klistwbinfo -g沒有輸出。wbinfo -a user%pass給出:

plaintext password authentication succeeded
challenge/response password authentication failed
Could not authenticate user jball with challenge response

sudo net ads testjoin -S domain.dc.com -U username -d 3傳回一堆錯誤,例如failed to resolve _ldap._tcp..... (Success)Failed to send DNS query (NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)。它成功聯繫 LDAP 伺服器,但以錯誤訊息結束:

kinit succeeded but ads_sasl_spnego_krb5_bind failed: Invalid credentials
Join to domain is not valid: LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS



您可以嘗試使用 sssd 代替 winbind:https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/sssd-ad.html。正如 samba-technall 新聞群組所暗示的那樣,Winbind 目前正在大力開發,因此未來將會發生根本性的變化,其主要原因是允許域間信任。請仔細閱讀此內容:http://rhelblog.redhat.com/2015/04/02/sssd-vs-winbind/
