無法在伺服器核心安裝 Windows Server 2016 上安裝 NET Framework 4.7.1

無法在伺服器核心安裝 Windows Server 2016 上安裝 NET Framework 4.7.1

或「更新不適用於您的電腦」(對於伺服器核心安裝 Windows Server 2016 上的 NET Framework 4.7.1)

嘗試在伺服器核心安裝上將網路框架更新到4.7.1,但沒有成功。安裝開始提取安裝文件,運行時setup.exe /x86 /x64 /redis閃爍 .NET 標誌並顯示許可條款視窗以繼續。接受並點擊安裝,安裝就消失了,沒有進一步的解釋。

該問題存在於另一台伺服器上 - 相同的來源和安裝。但它可以在相同的來源和安裝上運行,但具有桌面體驗。


[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] === Logging started: 2018/02/25 20:05:03 ===
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] Executable: C:\NDP471-KB4033342-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe v4.7.2558.0
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] --- logging level: standard ---
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] Successfully bound to the ClusApi.dll
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] Error 0x800706d9: Failed to open the current cluster
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] Cluster drive map: ''
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] Considering drive: 'C:\'...
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] Drive 'C:\' has been selected as the largest fixed drive
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] Directory 'C:\b2f695ed043f576c934668\' has been selected for file extraction
[2/25/2018, 20:5:3] Extracting files to: C:\b2f695ed043f576c934668\
[2/25/2018, 20:13:3] Extraction took 33.562 seconds
[2/25/2018, 20:13:3] Executing command line: 'C:\b2f695ed043f576c934668\\Setup.exe   /x86 /x64 /redist'
[2/25/2018, 20:13:36] Exiting with result code: 0x0
[2/25/2018, 20:13:36] === Logging stopped: 2018/02/25 20:13:36 ===


在安裝包尚未停止的情況下將解壓縮的檔案複製到新路徑 - 運行:wusa.exe Windows6.1-KB4019990-x64.msu

最後有一些可以使用的東西,它顯示: The update is not applicable to your computer

查看 Microsoft 的所有要求,並沒有明確聲明 Server Core 不支援 Framework 4.7.1。


Windows 作業系統...

PS C:\> systeminfo.exe
Host Name:                 SERVERNAME
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
OS Version:                10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393


PS C:\> get-windowsfeature -name *framework* | where-object {$_.Installed -match "True"}
Display Name                                            Name                       Install State
------------                                            ----                       -------------
[X] .NET Framework 4.6 Features                         NET-Framework-45-Fea...        Installed
    [X] .NET Framework 4.6                              NET-Framework-45-Core          Installed
    [X] ASP.NET 4.6                                     NET-Framework-45-ASPNET        Installed

Windows 更新...

PS C:\> Get-Hotfix
Source        Description      HotFixID      InstalledBy          InstalledOn
------        -----------      --------      -----------          -----------
SECDC9SRV101  Update           KB3192137     NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM  2016-09-12 00:00:00
SECDC9SRV101  Update           KB4049065     SECDC9SRV101\Admi... 2018-02-25 00:00:00
SECDC9SRV101  Update           KB4077525     NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM  2018-02-25 00:00:00


嘗試安裝 Windows 更新 KB4033393

在 Windows 10 週年更新、Windows 10 創意者更新和 Windows Server 2016 上,您可以在控制台的「已安裝更新」下找到 Microsoft Windows 更新 (KB4033393)。

其中包括 .NET Framework 4.7.1。

另一個來源連結 -https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/deployment/deployment-guide-for-developers您可以在其中下載離線捆綁包並按照此處所述進行安裝 -https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4033342/the-net-framework-4-7-1-offline-installer-for-windows


對於 Core,請確保您正在使用/q,否則安裝對話方塊將會失敗。另外,get-windowsfeature不會顯示已安裝的.Net 4.7。不知道那裡發生了什麼事。

您可以執行此 reg 命令來查看 .net 的版本

reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" /v Release

如果它是 70805(十六進制)或更高,那麼就可以了。
