biblatex-mla8 \autocite*-指令的更改

biblatex-mla8 \autocite*-指令的更改

對於一個項目,我遵循 MLA 第 8 版中的引用規則,但有一個問題我無法解決。我正在使用biblatex-mla-newJames Clawson 的(我認為這仍然是測試版?),除了我遇到的一些小問題之外,它真的很好。

每當我在書面文本中使用作者姓名時,我只需在文本引用中(在括號中)給出頁碼。如果一位作者有多個標題,我必須添加一個標題 - 這是透過使用\autocite*.如果我沒有在文本中提及作者的姓名,則它也必須放入括號中,使用\autocite(不帶星號)。只要條目有標題,一切都可以正常工作 - 但如果沒有標題,例如介紹,就不行了。為了遵循 MLA 規則,我使用了 字段titleaddon = {Introduction},這會在參考書目本身中產生正確的條目,但既不\autocite也不\autocite*使用它,因此,括號內的條目總是缺少這一關鍵信息。我已經達到了預期的結果\autocite(參見 mwe),但我不知道在哪裡尋找\autocite*...




%--changes to lines 173-187 of mla-new.cbx
        {\printfield{titleaddon}}}% -->this line replaces lines 181-185 of mla8.cbx

%--the following changes to my mind improve a couple of things in biblatex-mla-new which I noticed while working with my bibliographic entries

%--title and/or subtitle of collections do not stand in if incollections don't have a title/subtitle of their own; instead, titleaddon is used (in case of, e.g., untitled introductions)

        test {\iffieldundef{title}}
        test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}

%--to put the period at the end of the title within the inverted commas


%--changing the way dates are written (ordinal numbers become cardinal numbers in, e.g., dates of last access for websites)


%--IMPORTANT!!! I also needed to make a change directly to mla-new.bbx, replace \newunit with \newblockpunct in line 398 (within \DeclareBibliographyDriver{book}; cf. entry for Jason Donald, which ends with a comma instead of with a period in the bibliography without the change - so far, I haven't noticed any unwanted behaviour and copying all the relevant lines into my preamble was rather too much). 



    year = {2017},
    title = {New Directions in Law and Literature},
    publisher = {{Oxford UP}},
    editor = {Anker, Elizabeth S. and Meyler, Bernadette},
    location = {New York}
    author = {Anker, Elizabeth S. and Meyler, Bernadette},
    pages = {1--30},
    publisher = {{Oxford UP}},
    editor = {Anker, Elizabeth S. and Meyler, Bernadette},
    booktitle = {New Directions in Law and Literature},
    titleaddon = {Introduction},
    year = {2017},
    location = {New York}
    author = {Donald, Jason},
    year = {2018},
    title = {Dalila},
    publisher = {Vintage},
    isbn = {1784702986},
    location = {London},
    abstract = {}
    author = {Posner, Richard A.},
    year = {1986},
    title = {Law and Literature},
    pages = {1351--1392},
    volume = {72},
    journaltitle = {Virginia Law Review},
    subtitle = {A Relation Reargued},
    number = {8},
    shorttitle = {Relation Reargued}
    author = {Posner, Richard A.},
    year = {2009},
    title = {Law and Literature},
    edition = {3},
    publisher = {{Harvard UP}},
    location = {Cambridge}
    author = {Stern, Simon},
    title = {Legal and Literary Fictions},
    pages = {313--326},
    publisher = {{Oxford UP}},
    editor = {Anker, Elizabeth S. and Meyler, Bernadette},
    booktitle = {New Directions in Law and Literature},
    year = {2017},
    location = {New York}



As Anker and Meyler state, the situation is diverse \autocite*[2]{Anker.2017b}. They go even further and present more diversity \autocite[3]{Anker.2017b}. Posner, on the other hand, is a real pessimist \autocite*[2]{Posner.2009}. He has been that all through his career \autocite[3]{Posner.1986}. Still, the others respect him \autocite[1]{Anker.2017b}.



兩者之間的內容%!!!----!!!與我的問題無關,但在我看來,這些更改改進了 mla-new-style - 我提供了它們,以防有人遇到此線程尋找解決方案。

有沒有人可以幫我更改 \autocite*,因為我似乎無法找到設定此命令的位置...



  author    = {Anker, Elizabeth S. and Meyler, Bernadette},
  pages     = {1--30},
  publisher = {Oxford UP},
  editor    = {Anker, Elizabeth S. and Meyler, Bernadette},
  booktitle = {New Directions in Law and Literature},
  title     = {Introduction},
  year      = {2017},
  location  = {New York},



biblatex文件第 9-10 頁說

[ @suppbook] a 中的補充資料@book。此類型與條目類型密切相關@inbook。雖然@inbook主要用於具有自己標題的書籍的一部分(例如,同一作者的論文集中的一篇論文),但這種類型是為諸如前言、引言、前言、後記等元素提供的。樣式指南可能要求此類項目的格式與其他@inbook項目不同。

[ @suppcollection] a 中的補充資料@collection。該類型與條目類型類似@suppbook但相關@collection


  \printtext[bibhyperref]{% suggested by StackExchange user Audrey

